Transfer Disclosure (1 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium :.

27 Apr 2023, 01:56
Transfer Disclosure (1 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : As previously announced last Friday, WEMIX BURN will integrate all WEMIX burning campaigns into one platform. The following WEMIX will be transferred as gas fees to prepare for the launch of WEMIX BURN. > WEMIX Transfer Details #1 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation Wallet (0x116c…8aAe) WEMIX BURN Contract Owner Wallet (0xe947...0D57) Amount: 1 WEMIX TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer > Summary on WEMIX Transfer Amount: 1 WEMIX Purpose: WEMIX transfer to prepare the launch of WEMIX BURN Impact on Circulation: there is no change in circulating supply as WEMIX was transferred from a foundation-owned wallet (in circulation) to the WEMIX BURN Contract Owner Wallet (in circulation). Thank you.

Same news in other sources

28 Apr 2023, 07:38
위메이드, 세계 1등 블록체인 게임 플랫폼 '위믹스 플레이' 라인업 100종 확보 미디엄 원본 자료 : 안녕하세요 위믹스 팀입니다. 위믹스의 최신 보도자료 소식을 전달드립니다. “위메이드, 세계 1등 블록체인 게임 플랫폼 '위믹스 플레이' 라인업 100종 확보” [요약] - 2023년 RPG, 낚시 게임 다양한 장르의 블록체인 게임 출시 예고 - 국내외 게임사들과 파트너십 통해 위믹스 플레이 영향력 확대 주력 - 올해 3월 UI·UX 전면 개편한 3.0 버전 선보이며 플랫폼 기능 대폭 강화 감사합니다.
위메이드, 세계 1등 블록체인 게임 플랫폼 '위믹스 플레이' 라인업 100종 확보. 미디엄 원본 자료 :. 안녕하세요 위믹스 팀입니다. 위믹스의 최신 보도자료 소식을 전달드립니다.
위메이드, 세계 1등 블록체인 게임 플랫폼 '위믹스 플레이' 라인업 100종 확보 미디엄 원본 자료 : 안녕하세요 위믹스 팀입니다. 위믹스의 최신 보도자료 소식을 전달드립니다. “위메이드, 세계 1등 블록체인 게임 플랫폼 '위믹스 플레이' 라인업 100종 확보” [요약] - 2023년 RPG, 낚시 게임 등 다양한 장르의 블록체인 게임 출시 예고 - 국내외 게임사들과 파트너십 통해 위믹스 플레이 영향력 확대 주력 - 올해 3월 UI·UX 전면 개편한 3.0 버전 선보이며 플랫폼 기능 대폭 강화 감사합니다.
28 Apr 2023, 07:38
WEMIX telegram news 28 April 2023 07:38
28 Apr 2023, 07:38
WEMIX PLAY, the world's no. 1 blockchain game platform, secures 100-game lineup Medium article link : Here we're sharing the Latest Press Release of WEMIX. “WEMIX PLAY, the world's no. 1 blockchain game platform, secures 100-game lineup” [Summary] - Games of diverse genres including RPG and fishing to be launched in 2023 - Stronger platform dominance leveraged by partnering with global game companies - WEMIX PLAY upgraded to WEMIX PLAY3.0, with improved UI·UX and platform usability Thank you.
WEMIX PLAY, the world's no. 1 blockchain game platform, secures 100-game lineup. Medium article link :.
WEMIX PLAY, the world's no. 1 blockchain game platform, secures 100-game lineup Medium article link : Here we're sharing the Latest Press Release of WEMIX. “WEMIX PLAY, the world's no. 1 blockchain game platform, secures 100-game lineup” [Summary] - Games of diverse genres including RPG and fishing to be launched in 2023 - Stronger platform dominance leveraged by partnering with global game companies - WEMIX PLAY upgraded to WEMIX PLAY3.0, with improved UI·UX and platform usability Thank you.
28 Apr 2023, 03:17
WEMIX telegram news 28 April 2023 03:17
28 Apr 2023, 03:16
Move to Earn(M2E)의 시작, SNKRZ 스니커즈 NFT 판매 안내 안녕하세요. NILE에서 SNKRZ Starter Pack NFT (100개 한정) 판매가 시작되었습니다. 구매 링크: 판매 수량 : 100 EA 판매 가격 : 고정가 330 WEMIX$ Starter Pack NFT를 구매한 NILER를 대상으로 1인을 추첨하여 ‘유니크 슈박스’를 에어드랍해 드립니다. 국내에서 출발한 NFT 프로젝트 가장 규모로 성장하고 있을 아니라 사람과 세상이 닿는 연결을 위하여 토크노믹스2.0으로 새로운 모습으로 변화한 M2E 프로젝트 ‘SNKR2’! 건강을 위한 운동으로 수익이 생기는 운동 중심의 리워드 체계에서 랜드 그리고 그것을 잇는 스니커즈 NFT의 상호 작용을 중심으로 설계된 SNKR2 프로젝트의 경험을 NILE에서 시작해 보시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
Move to Earn(M2E)의 시작, SNKRZ 스니커즈 NFT 판매 안내. 안녕하세요. NILE에서 SNKRZ Starter Pack NFT (100개 한정) 판매가 시작되었습니다. ● 구매 링크:.
Move to Earn(M2E)의 시작, SNKRZ 스니커즈 NFT 판매 안내 안녕하세요. NILE에서 SNKRZ Starter Pack NFT (100개 한정) 판매가 시작되었습니다. ● 구매 링크: ● 판매 수량 : 100 EA ● 판매 가격 : 고정가 330 WEMIX$ Starter Pack NFT를 구매한 NILER를 대상으로 1인을 추첨하여 ‘유니크 슈박스’를 에어드랍해 드립니다. 국내에서 출발한 NFT 프로젝트 중 가장 큰 규모로 성장하고 있을 뿐 아니라 사람과 세상이 닿는 연결을 위하여 토크노믹스2.0으로 새로운 모습으로 변화한 M2E 프로젝트 ‘SNKR2’! 건강을 위한 운동으로 수익이 생기는 운동 중심의 리워드 체계에서 랜드 그리고 그것을 잇는 스니커즈 NFT의 상호 작용을 중심으로 설계된 SNKR2 프로젝트의 첫 경험을 NILE에서 시작해 보시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
28 Apr 2023, 03:16
SNKRZ X NILE NFT, the beginning of Move to Earn (M2E), officially begins! We are pleased to announce that the sale of NILE Starter Pack NFT (limited 100 items) has begun! Purchase link: Sales amount: 100 EA Sales price: Fixed at 330 WEMIX$ We will pick 1 user among those who purchased the Starter Pack NFTs to randomly reward with a unique shoebox. SNKR2 is surely one of the most widely expanding NFT projects launched here in Korea and has recently transformed into tokenomics2.0 for the connection of people and the world. Let’s embark on a new journey with NILE’s SNKR2 project, built on the interactive mechanism between LAND and sneaker NFTs where profits can be earned via workouts you’ve completed. Thank you.
SNKRZ X NILE NFT, the beginning of Move to Earn (M2E), officially begins.
SNKRZ X NILE NFT, the beginning of Move to Earn (M2E), officially begins! We are pleased to announce that the sale of NILE Starter Pack NFT (limited 100 items) has begun! ● Purchase link: ● Sales amount: 100 EA ● Sales price: Fixed at 330 WEMIX$ We will pick 1 user among those who purchased the Starter Pack NFTs to randomly reward with a unique shoebox. SNKR2 is surely one of the most widely expanding NFT projects launched here in Korea and has recently transformed into tokenomics2.0 for the connection of people and the world. Let’s embark on a new journey with NILE’s SNKR2 project, built on the interactive mechanism between LAND and sneaker NFTs where profits can be earned via workouts you’ve completed. Thank you.
27 Apr 2023, 09:01
WEMIX telegram news 27 April 2023 09:01
27 Apr 2023, 09:01
Transfer Disclosure (1,200 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : To spice up Anipang Match launched last March 28th, the Anipang Match VS Royale Airdrop event was held from April 4th to April 10th.To reward the winners who met the conditions of the event, the following WEMIX was transferred. > WEMIX Transfer Stages #1 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) PLAY Bridge Contract wallet (0x8443…96b7) Amount: 1,200 WEMIX TX Hash: 0xaa175f8af2a3fb58f228360a2ccc4b117c778e300f0b986e307a3d383a1231b0 > WEMIX Transfer Details Amount: 1,200 WEMIX Purpose: Reward distribution of airdrop event of Anipang Match VS Royale mode Impact on Circulation: No changes in the circulation as the transfer is from the foundation wallet (in circulation) to event winners’ wallets (in circulation) for reward distribution. We thank all the participants who participated in the event. Stay tuned in various games and events of WEMIX PLAY. Thank you.
Transfer Disclosure (1,200 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium :.
Transfer Disclosure (1,200 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : To spice up Anipang Match launched last March 28th, the Anipang Match VS Royale Airdrop event was held from April 4th to April 10th.To reward the winners who met the conditions of the event, the following WEMIX was transferred.  > WEMIX Transfer Stages #1 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷ PLAY Bridge Contract wallet (0x8443…96b7) ● Amount: 1,200 WEMIX ● TX Hash: 0xaa175f8af2a3fb58f228360a2ccc4b117c778e300f0b986e307a3d383a1231b0 > WEMIX Transfer Details ● Amount: 1,200 WEMIX ● Purpose: Reward distribution of airdrop event of Anipang Match VS Royale mode ● Impact on Circulation: No changes in the circulation as the transfer is from the foundation wallet (in circulation) to event winners’ wallets (in circulation) for reward distribution. We thank all the participants who participated in the event. Stay tuned in various games and events of WEMIX PLAY. Thank you.
27 Apr 2023, 07:16
WONDER WEMIX.Fi 상장 안내 WEMIX 미디엄 : 안녕하세요, 위믹스팀입니다. 위믹스 플랫폼의 번째 DAO인 NEITH Protocol 기반의 WONDER DAO가 출범하였습니다. 이에 따라, WONDER DAO를 운영하기 위한 Governance Token(g.WONDER)를 발행할 있는 유틸리티 토큰인 WONDER가 4월 28일(금) WEMIX.Fi에 상장됩니다. [WONDER DAO와 WONDER] WONDER DAO는 탈중앙화된 자율 조직으로 위믹스3.0 메인넷의 NEITH Protocol을 통해 구성되어 중앙화된 조직이나 서비스와는 달리 자율적으로 운영됩니다. 이는 참여 과정에서부터 거버넌스를 통해 의사결정을 내리는 과정까지 DAO 구성원 모두가 참여하고 의견을 제시하며, 결정하여 자체적으로 운영되는 것을 의미합니다. WONDER DAO는 위믹스3.0 메인넷 40개의 NCP(노드 카운슬 파트너) 하나로서 위믹스3.0 Phase 1 기준 블록당 0.01 WEMIX를 할당받게 되고 WONDER DAO의 토크노믹스를 통해 지속적으로 성장하는 커뮤니티의 비전을 추구합니다. WONDER는 위믹스 생태계를 유지하는 NCP 하나인 WONDER DAO의 다오토큰입니다. WONDER 보유자는 DAO의 일원임을 증명하며, WONDER를 스테이킹해 거버넌스토큰 g.WONDER를 획득할 있습니다. WEMIX.Fi에 상장되는 WONDER는 WEMIX와 거래쌍을 이루게 되며, 최초 거래쌍 조성은 200,000 개씩 400,000개의 수량으로 조성됩니다. WONDER가 WEMIX.Fi에 상장함으로써 Station에 직접 참여하지 않은 이용자라도 WEMIX로 WONDER를 스왑하고, 향후 Obelisk에 스테이킹하여 g.WONDER를 획득할 있습니다. 획득한 g.WONDER는 WONDER DAO의 목적과 운영 방식에 대한 동의 의사를 표하는 동시에 DAO의 멤버로 참여할 있는 권한을 가집니다. 또한, 이용자의 선택에 따라 직접 유동성풀을 제공하여 리워드를 획득할 수도 있습니다. 위믹스팀은 WONDER의 상장으로 WONDER DAO의 활성화는 물론 WEMIX.Fi와 함께 새로운 토크노믹스를 만들어가고 더욱 확장해 나갈 것으로 기대합니다. 위믹스 플랫폼의 최초 DAO, WONDER DAO에 참여할 있는 기회를 만들어보세요. WEMIX.Fi : WONDER DAO Official Website : PAPYRUS(WONDER Official) : ●Whitepaper : 감사합니다.
WONDER WEMIX. Fi 상장 안내. WEMIX 미디엄 :. 안녕하세요, 위믹스팀입니다. 위믹스 플랫폼의 첫 번째 DAO인 NEITH Protocol 기반의 WONDER DAO가 출범하였습니다.
WONDER WEMIX.Fi 상장 안내 WEMIX 미디엄 : 안녕하세요, 위믹스팀입니다. 위믹스 플랫폼의 첫 번째 DAO인 NEITH Protocol 기반의 WONDER DAO가 출범하였습니다. 이에 따라, WONDER DAO를 운영하기 위한 Governance Token(g.WONDER)를 발행할 수 있는 유틸리티 토큰인 WONDER가 4월 28일(금) WEMIX.Fi에 상장됩니다. [WONDER DAO와 WONDER] WONDER DAO는 탈중앙화된 자율 조직으로 위믹스3.0 메인넷의 NEITH Protocol을 통해 구성되어 중앙화된 조직이나 서비스와는 달리 자율적으로 운영됩니다. 이는 참여 과정에서부터 거버넌스를 통해 의사결정을 내리는 과정까지 DAO 구성원 모두가 참여하고 의견을 제시하며, 결정하여 자체적으로 운영되는 것을 의미합니다. WONDER DAO는 위믹스3.0 메인넷 40개의 NCP(노드 카운슬 파트너) 중 하나로서 위믹스3.0 Phase 1 기준 블록당 0.01 WEMIX를 할당받게 되고 WONDER DAO의 토크노믹스를 통해 지속적으로 성장하는 커뮤니티의 비전을 추구합니다. WONDER는 위믹스 생태계를 유지하는 NCP 중 하나인 WONDER DAO의 다오토큰입니다. WONDER 보유자는 DAO의 일원임을 증명하며, WONDER를 스테이킹해 거버넌스토큰 g.WONDER를 획득할 수 있습니다. WEMIX.Fi에 상장되는 WONDER는 WEMIX와 거래쌍을 이루게 되며, 최초 거래쌍 조성은 각 200,000 개씩 총 400,000개의 수량으로 조성됩니다. WONDER가 WEMIX.Fi에 상장함으로써 Station에 직접 참여하지 않은 이용자라도 WEMIX로 WONDER를 스왑하고, 향후 Obelisk에 스테이킹하여 g.WONDER를 획득할 수 있습니다. 획득한 g.WONDER는 WONDER DAO의 목적과 운영 방식에 대한 동의 의사를 표하는 동시에 DAO의 멤버로 참여할 수 있는 권한을 가집니다. 또한, 이용자의 선택에 따라 직접 유동성풀을 제공하여 리워드를 획득할 수도 있습니다. 위믹스팀은 WONDER의 상장으로 WONDER DAO의 활성화는 물론 WEMIX.Fi와 함께 새로운 토크노믹스를 만들어가고 더욱 확장해 나갈 것으로 기대합니다. 위믹스 플랫폼의 최초 DAO, WONDER DAO에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 만들어보세요. ● WEMIX.Fi : ● WONDER DAO Official Website : ● PAPYRUS(WONDER Official) : ●Whitepaper : 감사합니다.
27 Apr 2023, 07:15
WEMIX telegram news 27 April 2023 07:15
27 Apr 2023, 07:15
WONDER Listing on WEMIX.Fi WEMIX Medium : We are pleased to announce that WONDER DAO, the WEMIX platform's first NEITH Protocol-based DAO, has officially launched. In line with that, WONDER, a utility token needed for the issuance of the Governance Token (g.WONDER) to operate WONDER DAO will be listed on WEMIX.Fi on April 28th. [WONDER DAO and WONDER] WONDER DAO, formulated through the WEMIX3.0 Mainnet’s NEITH Protocol, is a decentralized organization operated autonomously unlike any other centralized organizations or services. It means that the organization will run autonomously with all DAO participants taking part and pitching in their ideas from the beginning till the end, where decisions will be made through governance. WONDER DAO, one of the 40 NCPs of the WEMIX3.0 Mainnet, will be allocated with 0.01 WEMIX per block, based on the WEMIX3.0 Phase 1 standard, and will carry on the community vision of sustainable growth through WONDER DAO tokenomics. WONDER is a DAO token of WONDER DAO, a NCP that maintains the WEMIX ecosystem. Holding WONDER validates that the user is a member of DAO and g.WONDER, a governance token, can be acquired by staking WONDER. WONDER, which will be listed on WEMIX.Fi, will be paired with WEMIX with its initial trading pair amounting to 200,000 each and the total amount set at 400,000. With WONDER’s listing on WEMIX.Fi, users who haven’t participated in the Station can still swap WEMIX to WONDER and earn g.WONDER by staking at Obelisk in the future. The g.WONDER earned signifies that the user is agreeing with the purpose and operating method of WONDER DAO and holding an authority to participate as a DAO member. Also, users can earn rewards by choosing to provide the liquidity pool by themselves. The WEMIX team hopes that WONDER’s listing will further vitalize WONDER DAO, develop and expand the new tokenics alongside WEMIX. Fi. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take part in WONDER DAO, the WEMIX platforms’ first DAO. WEMIX.Fi : WONDER DAO Official Website : PAPYRUS(WONDER Official) : Whitepaper : Thank you.
WONDER Listing on WEMIX. WEMIX Medium :.
WONDER Listing on WEMIX.Fi  WEMIX Medium : We are pleased to announce that WONDER DAO, the WEMIX platform's first NEITH Protocol-based DAO, has officially launched. In line with that, WONDER, a utility token needed for the issuance of the Governance Token (g.WONDER) to operate WONDER DAO will be listed on WEMIX.Fi on April 28th. [WONDER DAO and WONDER] WONDER DAO, formulated through the WEMIX3.0 Mainnet’s NEITH Protocol, is a decentralized organization operated autonomously unlike any other centralized organizations or services. It means that the organization will run autonomously with all DAO participants taking part and pitching in their ideas from the beginning till the end, where decisions will be made through governance. WONDER DAO, one of the 40 NCPs of the WEMIX3.0 Mainnet, will be allocated with 0.01 WEMIX per block, based on the WEMIX3.0 Phase 1 standard, and will carry on the community vision of sustainable growth through WONDER DAO tokenomics. WONDER is a DAO token of WONDER DAO, a NCP that maintains the WEMIX ecosystem. Holding WONDER validates that the user is a member of DAO and g.WONDER, a governance token, can be acquired by staking WONDER. WONDER, which will be listed on WEMIX.Fi, will be paired with WEMIX with its initial trading pair amounting to 200,000 each and the total amount set at 400,000. With WONDER’s listing on WEMIX.Fi, users who haven’t participated in the Station can still swap WEMIX to WONDER and earn g.WONDER by staking at Obelisk in the future. The g.WONDER earned signifies that the user is agreeing with the purpose and operating method of WONDER DAO and holding an authority to participate as a  DAO member. Also, users can earn rewards by choosing to provide the liquidity pool by themselves. The WEMIX team hopes that WONDER’s listing will further vitalize WONDER DAO, develop and expand the new tokenics alongside WEMIX. Fi. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to  take part in WONDER DAO, the WEMIX platforms’ first DAO. ● WEMIX.Fi : ● WONDER DAO Official Website : ● PAPYRUS(WONDER Official) : ● Whitepaper : Thank you.
SoulsaverSOUL #3237
27 Apr 2023, 06:50
📢 SOUL SAVER: IDLE SAVERS Review Event 🎉 ⏰~ May 3, 2023 6:00 (UTC) 🎁Rewards OG x 10 winners WL (TIER1) x 10 winners 5 wSOUL x 100 winners More detail :
SOUL SAVER: IDLE SAVERS Review Event. ~ May 3, 2023 6:00 (UTC). Rewards. OG x 10 winners. WL (TIER1) x 10 winners.
📢 SOUL SAVER: IDLE SAVERS Review Event 🎉 ⏰~ May 3, 2023 6:00 (UTC) 🎁Rewards OG x 10 winners WL (TIER1) x 10 winners 5 wSOUL x 100 winners ✅ More detail :
ArixARIX #1004
27 Apr 2023, 06:50
Who will be the winner of Huobi PrimeVote? ❤️ $ARIX @arixdexofficial 👍 $AD @a_dreward ⏳Only 6 hrs left! Vote and share $100,000 Follow us on HuobiAnnouncementChannel | HuobiCommunity for more updates.
Who will be the winner of Huobi PrimeVote. $ARIX @arixdexofficial. $AD @a_dreward. Only 6 hrs left. Vote and share $100,000.
Who will be the winner of Huobi PrimeVote? ❤️ $ARIX @arixdexofficial 👍 $AD @a_dreward ⏳Only 6 hrs left! Vote and share $100,000 Follow us on HuobiAnnouncementChannel | HuobiCommunity for more updates.
27 Apr 2023, 06:39
World Fishing Championship 사전예약이 시작 되었습니다. WEMIX PLAY 미디엄: 안녕하세요, 위믹스 팀입니다. 드넓은 바다로 낚시 여행을 떠나요! World Fishing Championship의 사전 예약을 안내해 드립니다. 세계를 여행하며 다양한 매력을 가진 앵글러들과 함께 하는 짜릿한 손맛! 플로리다 부터 양쯔강, 아마존을 넘나들며 심해 까지 World Fishing Championship 에서 확인 하실 있습니다. 정식 런칭 다양한 선물을 드릴 예정이며, 사전 예약에 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다. [사전예약 일정] 2023년 04월 27일 ~ 정식 런칭 까지 [위믹스플레이 공식 페이지] - [사전예약 참여] - 구글 사전예약: [사전예약 보상] - 낚시장비 상자 (Fishing Equipment Chest) - 플래티넘 럭키박스 10회 티켓 (Platinum Lucky Box 10 Draw Ticket) 이벤트 보상 지급은 정식 런칭 지급 되며, 이벤트 사정에 따라 보상이 변경 있습니다. 사전예약은 플레이스토어 단독으로 진행 됩니다. 압도적인 몰입감을 주는 리얼 3D 낚시 게임 World Fishing Championship의 정식 런칭까지 많은 기대 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다.
World Fishing Championship 사전예약이 시작 되었습니다. WEMIX PLAY 미디엄:. 안녕하세요, 위믹스 팀입니다. 드넓은 바다로 낚시 여행을 떠나요.
World Fishing Championship 사전예약이 시작 되었습니다. WEMIX PLAY 미디엄: 안녕하세요, 위믹스 팀입니다. 드넓은 바다로 낚시 여행을 떠나요! World Fishing Championship의 사전 예약을 안내해 드립니다. 전 세계를 여행하며 다양한 매력을 가진 앵글러들과 함께 하는 짜릿한 손맛! 플로리다 부터 양쯔강, 아마존을 넘나들며 심해 까지 World Fishing Championship 에서 확인 하실 수 있습니다. 정식 런칭 후 다양한 선물을 드릴 예정이며, 사전 예약에  많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다. [사전예약 일정] 2023년 04월 27일 ~ 정식 런칭 시 까지 [위믹스플레이 공식 페이지] - [사전예약 참여] - 구글 사전예약: [사전예약 보상] - 낚시장비 상자 (Fishing Equipment Chest) - 플래티넘 럭키박스 10회 티켓 (Platinum Lucky Box 10 Draw Ticket)   ※ 이벤트 보상 지급은 정식 런칭 후 지급 되며, 이벤트 사정에 따라 보상이 변경 될 수 있습니다. ※ 사전예약은 플레이스토어 단독으로 진행 됩니다. 압도적인 몰입감을 주는 리얼 3D 낚시 게임 World Fishing Championship의 정식 런칭까지 많은 기대 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다.
27 Apr 2023, 06:39
WEMIX telegram news 27 April 2023 06:39
27 Apr 2023, 06:39
Pre-Registration for World Fishing Championship Opens! WEMIX PLAY Medium: Set sail and embark on a voyage to the world of fishing! We are excited to announce the pre-registration of the World Fishing Championship! Travel the world alongside fascinating anglers to experience the thrill of catching fish! The World Fishing Championship will take you from Florida to the Yangtze River, Amazon and to the Deep Sea! Pre-register now and win various gifts prepared in celebration of the official launch. [Pre-registration Schedule] April 27th, 2023 ~ Official launch [WEMIX PLAY Page] - [Participation Link] - Google: [Pre-registration Reward] - Fishing Equipment Chest - 10 Platinum Lucky Box Draw Tickets Event reward will be distributed after the official launch and rewards may subject to change according to the event circumstances. Pre-registration is exclusive at Google Play Store. We look forward to your interest in the official launch of the World Fishing Championship, a deeply immersive 3D fishing game! Thank you.
Pre-Registration for World Fishing Championship Opens. WEMIX PLAY Medium:.
Pre-Registration for World Fishing Championship Opens! WEMIX PLAY Medium: Set sail and embark on a voyage to the world of fishing! We are excited to announce the pre-registration of the World Fishing Championship! Travel the world alongside fascinating anglers to experience the thrill of catching fish! The World Fishing Championship will take you from Florida to the Yangtze River, Amazon and to the Deep Sea! Pre-register now and win various gifts prepared in celebration of the official launch. [Pre-registration Schedule] April 27th, 2023 ~ Official launch [WEMIX PLAY Page] - [Participation Link] - Google: [Pre-registration Reward] - Fishing Equipment Chest - 10 Platinum Lucky Box Draw Tickets   ※ Event reward will be distributed after the official launch and rewards may subject to change according to the event circumstances. ※ Pre-registration is exclusive at Google Play Store. We look forward to your interest in the official launch of the World Fishing Championship, a deeply immersive 3D fishing game!  Thank you.
27 Apr 2023, 02:38
Transfer Disclosure (93,031.22 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : BAGC, a global NFT project, is intrigued by features and plans to sell 300 BAGC NFTs to NILE through NEITH Station. To support and ensure a smooth launch of BAGC NFTs, pre-purchase of the NFT will be made twice(April 27th and May 2nd). Accordingly, WEMIX will be transferred as follows. > WEMIX Transfer Stages #1 [Test Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) Altavagroup PTE. LTD wallet (0x5B5b…b198) Amount: 1 WEMIX TX Hash: To be updated after transfer #2 [1st WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) Altavagroup PTE. LTD wallet (0x5B5b…b198) Amount: 46,514.61 WEMIX TX Hash: To be updated after transfer #3 [2nd WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) Altavagroup PTE. LTD wallet (0x5B5b…b198) Amount: 46,515.61 WEMIX (amount change may occur due to the price change of WEMIX on transfer date) TX Hash: To be updated after transfer > WEMIX Transfer Details Amount: 93,031.22 WEMIX Purpose: WEMIX transfer for the purchase of BAGC NFT to be sold on NILE. Impact on Circulation: The circulating supply is not affected as the transfer is from the foundation-owned wallet(in circulation) to an external wallet(in circulation). Thank you.
Transfer Disclosure (93,031. 22 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium :.
Transfer Disclosure (93,031.22 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : BAGC, a global NFT project, is intrigued by features and plans to sell 300 BAGC NFTs to NILE through NEITH Station. To support and ensure a smooth launch of BAGC NFTs, pre-purchase of the NFT will be made twice(April 27th and May 2nd). Accordingly, WEMIX will be transferred as follows. > WEMIX Transfer Stages #1 [Test Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷ Altavagroup PTE. LTD wallet (0x5B5b…b198) ● Amount: 1 WEMIX ● TX Hash: To be updated after transfer #2 [1st WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷ Altavagroup PTE. LTD wallet (0x5B5b…b198) ● Amount: 46,514.61 WEMIX  ● TX Hash: To be updated after transfer #3 [2nd WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷ Altavagroup PTE. LTD wallet (0x5B5b…b198) ● Amount: 46,515.61 WEMIX (amount change may occur due to the price change of WEMIX on transfer date)  ● TX Hash: To be updated after transfer > WEMIX Transfer Details ● Amount: 93,031.22 WEMIX ● Purpose: WEMIX transfer for the purchase of BAGC NFT to be sold on NILE. ● Impact on Circulation:  The circulating supply is not affected as the transfer is from the foundation-owned wallet(in circulation) to an external wallet(in circulation). Thank you.
27 Apr 2023, 02:16
Transfer Disclosure (4,000 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : WEMIX Play Bridge connects WEMIX PLAY and the WEMIX3.0 mainnet by supporting token transfers between the Play chain and the WEMIX3.0 chain. The following 4,000 WEMIX will be transferred as gas fees to ensure users execute smooth bridge transactions. > WEMIX Transfer Details #1 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 1 (0x7D94…070b) Amount: 1,000 WEMIX TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer #2 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 2 (0xAf6e…D7fc) Amount: 1,000 WEMIX TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer #3 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 3 (0x379A…7f53) Amount: 1,000 WEMIX TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer #4 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 4 (0x6D25…E85e) Amount: 1,000 WEMIX TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer > Summary on WEMIX Transfer Amount: 4,000 WEMIX Purpose: WEMIX transfer for WEMIX PLAY Bridge service Impact on Circulation: there is no change in circulating supply as the transfer occurred between foundation-owned wallets (in circulation). Thank you.
Transfer Disclosure (4,000 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium :. WEMIX Play Bridge connects WEMIX PLAY and the WEMIX3.
Transfer Disclosure (4,000 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : WEMIX Play Bridge connects WEMIX PLAY and the WEMIX3.0 mainnet by supporting token transfers between the Play chain and the WEMIX3.0 chain. The following 4,000 WEMIX will be transferred as gas fees to ensure users execute smooth bridge transactions. > WEMIX Transfer Details #1 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 1 (0x7D94…070b) ● Amount: 1,000 WEMIX ● TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer #2 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 2 (0xAf6e…D7fc) ● Amount: 1,000 WEMIX ● TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer #3 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 3 (0x379A…7f53) ● Amount: 1,000 WEMIX ● TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer #4 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷Validator wallet 4 (0x6D25…E85e) ● Amount: 1,000 WEMIX ● TX Hash: To be updated after the transfer > Summary on WEMIX Transfer ● Amount: 4,000 WEMIX ● Purpose:  WEMIX transfer for WEMIX PLAY Bridge service ● Impact on Circulation: there is no change in circulating supply as the transfer occurred between foundation-owned wallets (in circulation). Thank you.
27 Apr 2023, 02:12
Transfer Disclosure (197,429.4 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : The Foundation participated in the WONDER DAO Station on April 21st to contribute to the launch of WONDER DAO, WONDER1 of the 40 WONDERS, a community that participates in the governance of the WEMIX3.0 mainnet. Following the successful recruitment of WONDER DAO, the Foundation’s participation will retrieve the available WEMIX for reimbursement. The ratio of the minimum recruiting goal to the total participation is 0.868325, which is equal to the recruitment target of 1,700,010 WEMIX divided by the total participation of 1,957,803 WEMIX. From the Foundation’s contribution of 1,499,373 WEMIX, 1,301,943.60 WEMIX will be acquired as WONDER, and 197,429.40 WEMIX will be reimbursed. The retrieved WONDER and WEMIX will be stored in the WONDER DAO Participation Wallet. > WEMIX Transfer Stages #1 [Obtain WONDER] WONDER DAO Station Contract (0x53BD…14BD) WONDER DAO Participation Wallet (0xC08d...d2c5) Amount: 1,301,943.60 WONDER TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer #2 [Reimburse WEMIX] WONDER DAO Station Contract (0x53BD…14BD) WONDER DAO Participation Wallet (0xC08d...d2c5) Amount: 197,429.40 WEMIX TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer > WEMIX Transfer Details Amount: 197,429.40 WEMIX Purpose of Transfer: Retrieve Foundation’s WEMIX contribution for the WONDER DAO launch Impact on Circulation: there is no change in circulating supply as WEMIX was transferred from the WONDER DAO Station (in circulation) to a foundation-owned wallet (in circulation). Thank you.
Transfer Disclosure (197,429. 4 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium :.
Transfer Disclosure (197,429.4 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : The Foundation participated in the WONDER DAO Station on April 21st to contribute to the launch of WONDER DAO, WONDER1 of the 40 WONDERS, a community that participates in the governance of the WEMIX3.0 mainnet. Following the successful recruitment of WONDER DAO, the Foundation’s participation will retrieve the available WEMIX for reimbursement.  The ratio of the minimum recruiting goal to the total participation is 0.868325, which is equal to the recruitment target of 1,700,010 WEMIX divided by the total participation of 1,957,803 WEMIX. From the Foundation’s contribution of 1,499,373 WEMIX, 1,301,943.60 WEMIX will be acquired as WONDER, and 197,429.40 WEMIX will be reimbursed. The retrieved WONDER and WEMIX will be stored in the WONDER DAO Participation Wallet.  > WEMIX Transfer Stages #1 [Obtain WONDER] WONDER DAO Station Contract (0x53BD…14BD) ▷ WONDER DAO Participation Wallet (0xC08d...d2c5) ● Amount: 1,301,943.60 WONDER ● TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer #2 [Reimburse WEMIX] WONDER DAO Station Contract (0x53BD…14BD) ▷ WONDER DAO Participation Wallet (0xC08d...d2c5) ● Amount: 197,429.40 WEMIX ● TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer > WEMIX Transfer Details ● Amount: 197,429.40 WEMIX ● Purpose of Transfer: Retrieve Foundation’s WEMIX contribution for the WONDER DAO launch ● Impact on Circulation: there is no change in circulating supply as WEMIX was transferred from the WONDER DAO Station (in circulation) to a foundation-owned wallet (in circulation). Thank you.
27 Apr 2023, 02:01
Transfer Disclosure (1,475,670 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : In efforts to expand the WEMIX3.0 ecosystem, regular swaps and burns have taken place to support a stable supply of WEMIX at WEMIX-listed exchanges. Accordingly, the following WEMIX will be transferred to the Coinone Exchange for the WEMIX3.0 migration to support active trading at the exchange. The burning of WEMIX Classic will follow previous migrations that took place on the Coinone Exchange by transferring WEMIX Classic held by the exchange to the Klaytn Dead Wallet. The following are details regarding the transfer for the WEMIX3.0 migration. > WEMIX Transfer Details #1 [Test Transfer] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) Dead wallet (0x0000…dead) Amount: 1 WEMIX Classic TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer #2 [WEMIX Classic Burn] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) Dead wallet (0x0000…dead) Amount: 1,475,669 WEMIX Classic TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer #3 [WEMIX Transfer] Bridge wallet (0xb572…b5A9) Coinone WEMIX3.0 wallet (0xD2Aa…a2d5) Amount: 1,475,670 WEMIX TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer > Summary on WEMIX Transfer Amount: 1,475,670 WEMIX Purpose: WEMIX3.0 migration to support WEMIX activities on the Coinone Exchange Impact on Circulation: there is no change in circulating supply as WEMIX Classic burning took place before WEMIX was transferred from a foundation-owned wallet (in circulation) to an external wallet (in circulation). Thank you.
Transfer Disclosure (1,475,670 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium :. In efforts to expand the WEMIX3.
Transfer Disclosure (1,475,670 WEMIX) WEMIX Medium : In efforts to expand the WEMIX3.0 ecosystem, regular swaps and burns have taken place to support a stable supply of WEMIX at WEMIX-listed exchanges. Accordingly, the following WEMIX will be transferred to the Coinone Exchange for the WEMIX3.0 migration to support active trading at the exchange. The burning of WEMIX Classic will follow previous migrations that took place on the Coinone Exchange by transferring WEMIX Classic held by the exchange to the Klaytn Dead Wallet. The following are details regarding the transfer for the WEMIX3.0 migration. > WEMIX Transfer Details #1 [Test Transfer] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) ▷ Dead wallet (0x0000…dead) ● Amount: 1 WEMIX Classic ● TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer #2 [WEMIX Classic Burn] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) ▷ Dead wallet (0x0000…dead) ● Amount: 1,475,669 WEMIX Classic ● TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer #3 [WEMIX Transfer] Bridge wallet (0xb572…b5A9) ▷ Coinone WEMIX3.0 wallet (0xD2Aa…a2d5) ● Amount: 1,475,670 WEMIX ● TX Hash: to be updated after the transfer > Summary on WEMIX Transfer ● Amount: 1,475,670 WEMIX ● Purpose: WEMIX3.0 migration to support WEMIX activities on the Coinone Exchange ● Impact on Circulation: there is no change in circulating supply as WEMIX Classic burning took place before WEMIX was transferred from a foundation-owned wallet (in circulation) to an external wallet (in circulation). Thank you.