Soul Seeker Knights's Global Launch Begins. Official WEMIX site announcement:.

30 Aug 2023, 05:05
Soul Seeker Knights’s Global Launch Begins! Official WEMIX site announcement: Soul Seeker Knight, a strategic RPG where you set a fantastic journey along with Soul Seeker Knights, is globally launched! Form a strongest team by strategically batching a legion of heroes from the multiverse and claim your victory! You can use various functions such as tag system, targeting, and drag movement and so on in the strategic RPG, Soul Seeker Knights. Join us and see the fate between heroes in the multiverse tied by a thread. For more information on the Soul Seeker Knights’s global service launch, please check the link below. [Opening Schedule] August 30th, 2023 at 14:00 (GMT+9) [Official WEMIX PLAY Page] [Supported Language and Country] Countries: All but South Korea / China / Singapore Languages: English / Korean / Chinese (simplified, traditional) / Vietnamese / German / Spanish / Portuguese. Please send your game-related inquiries to the email address below. We’ll get back to you. Send Inquiry Here: Once again, we’d like to thank you for your continued support for the “Soul Seeker Knights” and hope you stay tuned for the upcoming updates and news! Thank you.

Same news in other sources

30 Aug 2023, 06:33
#PudgEMIX Preview Opens!🐧💙 The sales of PudgEMIX, the latest NFT collection by @NILE_WM X @pudgypenguins , will officially begin on Aug 31st at 12PM! Auction Bidding Price: 700 #WEMIX$ or WCD Notice:
#PudgEMIX Preview Opens.
#PudgEMIX Preview Opens!🐧💙 The sales of PudgEMIX, the latest NFT collection by @NILE_WM X @pudgypenguins , will officially begin on Aug 31st at 12PM! • Auction Bidding Price: 700 #WEMIX$ or WCD Notice:
30 Aug 2023, 06:31
PudgEMIX 프리뷰 오픈 위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문: 안녕하세요, NILE팀입니다. 오는 8월 31일, NILE의 신규 NFT 컬렉션인 PudgEMIX의 판매가 시작됩니다. PudgEMIX는 글로벌 블루칩 PFP 프로젝트인 Pudgy Penguin 6종을 활용하여 각양각색의 매력을 가진 여섯 명의 작가(다다즈, 로칸킴, 박유나, 장승효, 둔보, 박재광)가 Pudgy Penguin을 자신만의 개성을 살려 재해석하고 각자의 해석 방식과 작품 스타일로 재창작한 작품들이 모인 신규 NFT 컬렉션입니다. Pudgy Penguin은 지난 2021년 7월 처음 생성된 NFT 컬렉션으로 사랑, 공감, 연민을 담아 세상 모든 사람들에게 긍정의 힘과 즐거운 분위기를 선사하기 위해 탄생된 Web3 브랜드입니다. 이러한 Pudgy Penguin의 탄생 철학에 기반하여 조금 흥미로운 도전을 해보고자 NILE팀은 여섯 명의 유명 작가들과 함께 펭귄들을 분석하고 재발견하는 모험을 시작하였습니다. NEITH Covenant를 포함하고 있는 PudgEMIX NFT는, 지정된 날짜(Covenant Date)가 지나면 구매한 NFT를 약속된 WEMIX (NEITH Covenant)로 선택적 교환이 가능합니다. PudgEMIX NFT를 통해 자산의 가치를 갖는 NILE만의 신개념 NFT를 직접 경험해 보세요. Pudgy Penguin 홀더들은 다양한 허들에 참여하여 활발한 커뮤니티 활동을 하고 있으며, 그중 한국 커뮤니티인 Pudgy Penguin Korea(PPK)는 굿즈 사업, 플레이리스트 구상, IRL 활동 등을 하고 있습니다. 다가오는 코리아 블록체인 위크(KBW) 기간 PPK에서 이벤트를 개최할 예정으로, PudgEMIX 홀더들은 PPK 커뮤니티의 준회원으로 참여하여 혜택을 누릴 있는 만큼 해당 이벤트에 참여가 가능하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 컬렉션 정보를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. [컬렉션 정보] 판매 일시 : 2023년 8월 31일 12:00PM (KST) 판매 수량 : 6개 옥션 비딩 시작가 : 700 WEMIX$ 또는 700 WCD NEITH Covenant : 2,000 WEMIX NEITH Covenant Date : 2024년 8월 31일 PudgEMIX 홀더들은 PAPYRUS를 통해 작품을 창작한 작가분들과 직접 소통하고 작가의 커뮤니티에 참여할 있습니다. Pudgy Penguin과 여섯 작가들의 손을 거쳐 창의적이고 새로운 모습으로 재탄생된 PudgEMIX NFT를 지금 바로 NILE에서 만나보세요!
PudgEMIX 프리뷰 오픈. 위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문:. 안녕하세요, NILE팀입니다. 오는 8월 31일, NILE의 신규 NFT 컬렉션인 PudgEMIX의 첫 판매가 시작됩니다.
PudgEMIX 프리뷰 오픈 위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문: 안녕하세요, NILE팀입니다.  오는 8월 31일, NILE의 신규 NFT 컬렉션인 PudgEMIX의 첫 판매가 시작됩니다.  PudgEMIX는 글로벌 블루칩 PFP 프로젝트인 Pudgy Penguin 6종을 활용하여 각양각색의 매력을 가진 여섯 명의 작가(다다즈, 로칸킴, 박유나, 장승효, 둔보, 박재광)가 Pudgy Penguin을 자신만의 개성을 살려 재해석하고 각자의 해석 방식과 작품 스타일로 재창작한 작품들이 모인 신규 NFT 컬렉션입니다. Pudgy Penguin은 지난 2021년 7월 처음 생성된 NFT 컬렉션으로 사랑, 공감, 연민을 담아 세상 모든 사람들에게 긍정의 힘과 즐거운 분위기를 선사하기 위해 탄생된 Web3 브랜드입니다. 이러한 Pudgy Penguin의 탄생 철학에 기반하여 조금 더 흥미로운 도전을 해보고자 NILE팀은 여섯 명의 유명 작가들과 함께 펭귄들을 분석하고 재발견하는 모험을 시작하였습니다.  NEITH Covenant를 포함하고 있는 PudgEMIX NFT는, 지정된 날짜(Covenant Date)가 지나면 구매한 NFT를 약속된 WEMIX (NEITH Covenant)로 선택적 교환이 가능합니다. PudgEMIX NFT를 통해 자산의 가치를 갖는 NILE만의 신개념 NFT를 직접 경험해 보세요. Pudgy Penguin 홀더들은 다양한 허들에 참여하여 활발한 커뮤니티 활동을 하고 있으며, 그중 한국 커뮤니티인 Pudgy Penguin Korea(PPK)는 굿즈 사업, 플레이리스트 구상, IRL 활동 등을 하고 있습니다. 다가오는 코리아 블록체인 위크(KBW) 기간 중 PPK에서 이벤트를 개최할 예정으로, PudgEMIX 홀더들은 PPK 커뮤니티의 준회원으로 참여하여 혜택을 누릴 수 있는 만큼 해당 이벤트에 참여가 가능하오니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.   자세한 내용은 아래 컬렉션 정보를 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. [컬렉션 정보]  • 판매 일시 : 2023년 8월 31일 12:00PM (KST)  • 판매 수량 : 6개 • 옥션 비딩 시작가 : 700 WEMIX$ 또는 700 WCD • NEITH Covenant : 2,000 WEMIX  • NEITH Covenant Date : 2024년 8월 31일  ※ PudgEMIX 홀더들은 PAPYRUS를 통해 작품을 창작한 작가분들과 직접 소통하고 각 작가의 커뮤니티에 참여할 수 있습니다. Pudgy Penguin과 여섯 작가들의 손을 거쳐 창의적이고 새로운 모습으로 재탄생된 PudgEMIX NFT를 지금 바로 NILE에서 만나보세요!
30 Aug 2023, 06:31
PudgEMIX Preview Opens! Official WEMIX site announcement: Dear NILERs, We are thrilled to announce to you that the sales of PudgEMIX, the latest NFT collection of NILE, will officially begin on Aug. 31st! PudgEMIX is a new NFT collection consists of 6 different types of Pudgy Penguins, part of the global Blue Chip PFP project that have been reinvented by 6 talented artists (DADAZ, Rokan Kim, Yuna Park, Seung-Hyo Jang, Dunbo, Jae-Kwang Park) with their unique art styles and methods of interpretation. Pudgy Penguins is a type of Web3 brand and NFT collection first created in July 2021 to deliver the power of positivity and good vibes to people around the world while conveying the messages of love, empathy and compassion. Based on the birth philosophy of Pudgy Penguins, the NILE team wanted to begin an adventure of analyzing and rediscovering the penguins with 6 renowned artists. PudgEMIX NFT, which entails the NEITH Covenant, can be exchanged with the promised WEMIX after the Covenant Date. Experience the PudgEMIX NFT, a new type of NFT exclusive only at NILE! Pudgy Penguin NFT holders are actively engaged in community activities by participating in various kinds of huddles. In particular, Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK), the Korean community for Pudgy Penguin NFT holders, are carrying out various activities such as goods business, playlists planning, IPR activities and more. During the upcoming Korean Blockchain Week, the Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK) is planning to hold an event where PudgEMIX holders can participate as an associate member of the PPK community, so stay tuned for the event! Please check the information below regarding this new collection! [Collection Info.] Sales Date: Aug. 31st, 2023 at 12:00 (KST) Sales Amount: 6 NFTs Auction Bidding Price: 700 WEMIX$ or 700 WCD NEITH Covenant Amount: 2,000 WEMIX NEITH Covenant Date: Aug. 31st, 2024 PudgEMIX holders can communicate with PudgEMIX NFT artists through PAPYRUS app and participate in each artist’s communities. Come and meet our Pudgy Penguins and the PudgEMIX NFT which have been recreated through the magic touches of our 6 amazing artists!
PudgEMIX Preview Opens. Official WEMIX site announcement:. Dear NILERs,.
PudgEMIX Preview Opens! Official WEMIX site announcement: Dear NILERs,   We are thrilled to announce to you that the sales of PudgEMIX, the latest NFT collection of NILE, will officially begin on Aug. 31st!  PudgEMIX is a new NFT collection consists of 6 different types of Pudgy Penguins, part of the global Blue Chip PFP project that have been reinvented by 6 talented artists (DADAZ, Rokan Kim, Yuna Park, Seung-Hyo Jang, Dunbo, Jae-Kwang Park) with their unique art styles and methods of interpretation. Pudgy Penguins is a type of Web3 brand and NFT collection first created in July 2021 to deliver the power of positivity and good vibes to people around the world while conveying the messages of love, empathy and compassion. Based on the birth philosophy of Pudgy Penguins, the NILE team wanted to begin an adventure of analyzing and rediscovering the penguins with 6 renowned artists. PudgEMIX NFT, which entails the NEITH Covenant, can be exchanged with the promised WEMIX after the Covenant Date. Experience the PudgEMIX NFT, a new type of NFT exclusive only at NILE!   Pudgy Penguin NFT holders are actively engaged in community activities by participating in various kinds of huddles. In particular, Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK), the Korean community for Pudgy Penguin NFT holders, are carrying out various activities such as goods business, playlists planning, IPR activities and more. During the upcoming Korean Blockchain Week, the Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK) is planning to hold an event where PudgEMIX holders can participate as an associate member of the PPK community, so stay tuned for the event!  Please check the information below regarding this new collection! [Collection Info.]  • Sales Date: Aug. 31st, 2023 at 12:00 (KST)  • Sales Amount: 6 NFTs • Auction Bidding Price: 700 WEMIX$ or 700 WCD • NEITH Covenant Amount: 2,000 WEMIX  • NEITH Covenant Date: Aug. 31st, 2024  ※ PudgEMIX holders can communicate with PudgEMIX NFT artists through PAPYRUS app and participate in each artist’s communities. Come and meet our Pudgy Penguins and the PudgEMIX NFT which have been recreated through the magic touches of our 6 amazing artists!
30 Aug 2023, 06:31
WEMIX telegram news 30 August 2023 06:31
30 Aug 2023, 06:31
PudgEMIX Preview Opens! Official WEMIX site announcement: Dear NILERs, We are thrilled to announce to you that the sales of PudgEMIX, the latest NFT collection of NILE, will officially begin on Aug. 31st! PudgEMIX is a new NFT collection consists of 6 different types of Pudgy Penguins, part of the global Blue Chip PFP project that have been reinvented by 6 talented artists (DADAZ, Rokan Kim, Yuna Park, Seung-Hyo Jang, Dunbo, Jae-Kwang Park) with their unique art styles and methods of interpretation. Pudgy Penguins is a type of Web3 brand and NFT collection first created in July 2021 to deliver the power of positivity and good vibes to people around the world while conveying the messages of love, empathy and compassion. Based on the birth philosophy of Pudgy Penguins, the NILE team wanted to begin an adventure of analyzing and rediscovering the penguins with 6 renowned artists. PudgEMIX NFT, which entails the NEITH Covenant, can be exchanged with the promised WEMIX after the Covenant Date. Experience the PudgEMIX NFT, a new type of NFT exclusive only at NILE! Pudgy Penguin NFT holders are actively engaged in community activities by participating in various kinds of huddles. In particular, Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK), the Korean community for Pudgy Penguin NFT holders, are carrying out various activities such as goods business, playlists planning, IPR activities and more. During the upcoming Korean Blockchain Week, the Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK) is planning to hold an event where PudgEMIX holders can participate as an associate member of the PPK community, so stay tuned for the event! Please check the information below regarding this new collection! [Collection Info.] Sales Date: Aug. 31st, 2023 at 12:00 (KST) Sales Amount: 6 NFTs Auction Bidding Price: 700 WEMIX$ or 700 WCD NEITH Covenant Amount: 2,000 WEMIX NEITH Covenant Date: Aug. 31st, 2024 PudgEMIX holders can communicate with PudgEMIX NFT artists through PAPYRUS app and participate in each artist’s communities. Come and meet our Pudgy Penguins and the PudgEMIX NFT which have been recreated through the magic touches of our 6 amazing artists!
PudgEMIX Preview Opens. Official WEMIX site announcement:. Dear NILERs,.
PudgEMIX Preview Opens! Official WEMIX site announcement: Dear NILERs,   We are thrilled to announce to you that the sales of PudgEMIX, the latest NFT collection of NILE, will officially begin on Aug. 31st!  PudgEMIX is a new NFT collection consists of 6 different types of Pudgy Penguins, part of the global Blue Chip PFP project that have been reinvented by 6 talented artists (DADAZ, Rokan Kim, Yuna Park, Seung-Hyo Jang, Dunbo, Jae-Kwang Park) with their unique art styles and methods of interpretation. Pudgy Penguins is a type of Web3 brand and NFT collection first created in July 2021 to deliver the power of positivity and good vibes to people around the world while conveying the messages of love, empathy and compassion. Based on the birth philosophy of Pudgy Penguins, the NILE team wanted to begin an adventure of analyzing and rediscovering the penguins with 6 renowned artists. PudgEMIX NFT, which entails the NEITH Covenant, can be exchanged with the promised WEMIX after the Covenant Date. Experience the PudgEMIX NFT, a new type of NFT exclusive only at NILE!   Pudgy Penguin NFT holders are actively engaged in community activities by participating in various kinds of huddles. In particular, Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK), the Korean community for Pudgy Penguin NFT holders, are carrying out various activities such as goods business, playlists planning, IPR activities and more. During the upcoming Korean Blockchain Week, the Pudgy Penguin Korea (PPK) is planning to hold an event where PudgEMIX holders can participate as an associate member of the PPK community, so stay tuned for the event!  Please check the information below regarding this new collection! [Collection Info.]  • Sales Date: Aug. 31st, 2023 at 12:00 (KST)  • Sales Amount: 6 NFTs • Auction Bidding Price: 700 WEMIX$ or 700 WCD • NEITH Covenant Amount: 2,000 WEMIX  • NEITH Covenant Date: Aug. 31st, 2024  ※ PudgEMIX holders can communicate with PudgEMIX NFT artists through PAPYRUS app and participate in each artist’s communities. Come and meet our Pudgy Penguins and the PudgEMIX NFT which have been recreated through the magic touches of our 6 amazing artists!
30 Aug 2023, 06:27
SOU Token Listed Soul (SOU), the game token used on 'Soul Seeker Knights’ is listed in the #WEMIX PLAY GameFi and PNIX DEX! Listing Schedule: 🗓 Aug. 30th, 2023 at 14:00 (GMT+9) Notice:
SOU Token Listed. Soul (SOU), the game token used on 'Soul Seeker Knights' is listed in the #WEMIX PLAY GameFi and PNIX DEX.
SOU Token Listed Soul (SOU), the game token used on 'Soul Seeker Knights’ is listed in the #WEMIX PLAY GameFi and PNIX DEX! Listing Schedule: 🗓 Aug. 30th, 2023 at 14:00 (GMT+9) Notice:
30 Aug 2023, 05:28
SOU Token Listed Official WEMIX site announcement: Soul(SOU), the game token used on 'Soul Seeker Knights’ is listed in the GameFi and PNIX DEX. Please refer to the details below. [Listing Schedule] August 30th, 2023 at 14:00 (GMT+9) [Added Categories] WEMIX PLAY WEMIX PLAY Token List GameFi Swap GameFi Liquidity Pool PNIX DEX trading list PLAY WALLET PNIX DEX trading list Note: SOU supports PLAY Wallet transfer. As the 'Soul Seeker Knights’ launches, Soul token will be exchangeable in the GameFi and PNIX DEX service. Hope you enjoy the service!
SOU Token Listed. Official WEMIX site announcement:.
SOU Token Listed Official WEMIX site announcement: Soul(SOU), the game token used on 'Soul Seeker Knights’ is listed in the GameFi and PNIX DEX.  Please refer to the details below. [Listing Schedule] • August 30th, 2023 at 14:00 (GMT+9) [Added Categories] ▶ WEMIX PLAY  • WEMIX PLAY Token List  • GameFi Swap • GameFi Liquidity Pool • PNIX DEX trading list ▶ PLAY WALLET  • PNIX DEX trading list ※ Note: SOU supports PLAY Wallet transfer. As the 'Soul Seeker Knights’ launches, Soul token will be exchangeable in the GameFi and PNIX DEX service.  Hope you enjoy the service!
30 Aug 2023, 05:11
Soul Seeker Knights’s Global Launch Begins! Join the fantastic journey along with Soul Seeker Knights! Claim your victory with legion of heroes from the multiverse. Game Info : Schedule: Aug 30th, 2023 at 14:00 (GMT+9) #WEMIX notice:
Soul Seeker Knights's Global Launch Begins. Join the fantastic journey along with Soul Seeker Knights.
Soul Seeker Knights’s Global Launch Begins! Join the fantastic journey along with Soul Seeker Knights! Claim your victory with legion of heroes from the multiverse. Game Info : Schedule: Aug 30th, 2023 at 14:00 (GMT+9) #WEMIX notice: