PLAY Wallet's GameFi Menu Update Pre-Notice. WEMIX PLAY Medium:.
21 Feb 2023, 06:08
PLAY Wallet’s GameFi Menu Update Pre-Notice
PLAY wallet will be updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
Through this update, you will be able to use liquidiy pool, fusion/fission REFLECT token in the PLAY wallet as well.
Switch feature will be available in the input menu of the SWAP service to provide easier use.
Please be informed with the update details below.
[Update Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 22nd (GMT+9)
▶️ GameFi Menu Addition
- Pool and REFLECT menus will be added in the GameFi menu
* You will be transferred to the web when selecting Pool and REFLECT menu
▶️ GameFi Swap Service Enhancement
- Switching of From currency and To currency will be available in the input menu of Swap service.
[Update Markets]
- Google Play Store:
- Apple App Store:
Thank you.
Same news in other sources
25 Feb 2023, 08:18
WEMIX.Fi Issue Resolved
WEMIX Medium :
The WEMIX.Fi issue has been resolved and is now accessible.
There was WEMIX.Fi service access issue due to DDos attack. Issue has been resolved and you can access to the WEMIX.Fi with no problem.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi
- Issue : Unable to access the WEMIX.Fi website
- Cause : Access issue due to external DDoS attack
We apologize for the inconvenience.
WEMIX. Fi Issue Resolved. WEMIX Medium :. The WEMIX. Fi issue has been resolved and is now accessible. There was WEMIX.
WEMIX.Fi Issue Resolved
WEMIX Medium :
The WEMIX.Fi issue has been resolved and is now accessible.
There was WEMIX.Fi service access issue due to DDos attack. Issue has been resolved and you can access to the WEMIX.Fi with no problem.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi
- Issue : Unable to access the WEMIX.Fi website
- Cause : Access issue due to external DDoS attack
We apologize for the inconvenience.
25 Feb 2023, 06:42
WEMIX.Fi Connection Issue
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
It has come to our attention that currently there is a connection issue with the WEMIX.Fi homepage.
- Affected Services : WEMIX.Fi(
- Issue : Intermittent connection issue on WEMIX.Fi homepage
We will do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Connection Issue. WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
WEMIX.Fi Connection Issue
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
It has come to our attention that currently there is a connection issue with the WEMIX.Fi homepage.
- Affected Services : WEMIX.Fi(
- Issue : Intermittent connection issue on WEMIX.Fi homepage
We will do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Thank you.
24 Feb 2023, 14:36
WEMIX telegram news 24 February 2023 14:36
24 Feb 2023, 14:35
WEMIX.Fi 보안 솔루션 적용
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
위믹스 플랫폼 디파이의 핵심인 위믹스파이의 보다 안전한 서비스 환경 제공을 위하여 보안 솔루션이 적용되었습니다.
위믹스팀은 블록체인 기술 기반의 서비스를 제공하면서 항상 안전하고, 원활한 환경 제공을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
- 서비스 : 위믹스파이(
- 적용 솔루션 : 보안 솔루션 업그레이드 적용
WEMIX. Fi 보안 솔루션 적용. 위믹스 미디엄 공지 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다. 위믹스 플랫폼 디파이의 핵심인 위믹스파이의 보다 안전한 서비스 환경 제공을 위하여 보안 솔루션이 적용되었습니다.
WEMIX.Fi 보안 솔루션 적용
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
위믹스 플랫폼 디파이의 핵심인 위믹스파이의 보다 안전한 서비스 환경 제공을 위하여 보안 솔루션이 적용되었습니다.
위믹스팀은 블록체인 기술 기반의 서비스를 제공하면서 항상 안전하고, 원활한 환경 제공을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
- 서비스 : 위믹스파이(
- 적용 솔루션 : 보안 솔루션 업그레이드 적용
24 Feb 2023, 14:35
WEMIX.Fi Security solution upgrade
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We have upgraded the Security solution for the WEMIX Platform’s DeFi service, WEMIX.Fi.
WEMIX team will do our best to provide the stable service and the most secured blockchain based service afterall.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi(
- Solution : Security solution upgrade applied
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Security solution upgrade. WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
WEMIX.Fi Security solution upgrade
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We have upgraded the Security solution for the WEMIX Platform’s DeFi service, WEMIX.Fi.
WEMIX team will do our best to provide the stable service and the most secured blockchain based service afterall.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi(
- Solution : Security solution upgrade applied
Thank you.
24 Feb 2023, 14:35
WEMIX.Fi Security solution upgrade
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We have upgraded the Security solution for the WEMIX Platform’s DeFi service, WEMIX.Fi.
WEMIX team will do our best to provide the stable service and the most secured blockchain based service afterall.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi(
- Solution : Security solution upgrade applied
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Security solution upgrade. WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
WEMIX.Fi Security solution upgrade
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We have upgraded the Security solution for the WEMIX Platform’s DeFi service, WEMIX.Fi.
WEMIX team will do our best to provide the stable service and the most secured blockchain based service afterall.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi(
- Solution : Security solution upgrade applied
Thank you.
24 Feb 2023, 10:55
WEMIX.Fi Issue Resolved
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
The WEMIX.Fi issue has been resolved and is now accessible.
Parts of the web service were affected due to DDos attack. Please note that blockchain assets are being kept safely.
For better quality of service, we are upgrading the WEMIX Platform’s DeFi service, WEMIX.Fi. It will take a while to complete the upgrade and when it completes, we will make an official announcement.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi
- Issue : Unable to access the WEMIX.Fi website
- Cause : Access issue due to external DDoS attack
- Additional measure : Security solution upgrade for WEMIX.Fi
- Caution : During the security solution upgrade, service may be limited for about 5-10 minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
WEMIX. Fi Issue Resolved. WEMIX Medium Announcement:. The WEMIX. Fi issue has been resolved and is now accessible.
WEMIX.Fi Issue Resolved
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
The WEMIX.Fi issue has been resolved and is now accessible.
Parts of the web service were affected due to DDos attack. Please note that blockchain assets are being kept safely.
For better quality of service, we are upgrading the WEMIX Platform’s DeFi service, WEMIX.Fi. It will take a while to complete the upgrade and when it completes, we will make an official announcement.
- Service : WEMIX.Fi
- Issue : Unable to access the WEMIX.Fi website
- Cause : Access issue due to external DDoS attack
- Additional measure : Security solution upgrade for WEMIX.Fi
- Caution : During the security solution upgrade, service may be limited for about 5-10 minutes.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
24 Feb 2023, 07:53
WEMIX.Fi Connection Issue
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
It has come to our attention that currently there is a connection issue with the WEMIX.Fi homepage.
We will do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Connection Issue. WEMIX Medium Announcement:.
WEMIX.Fi Connection Issue
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
It has come to our attention that currently there is a connection issue with the WEMIX.Fi homepage.
We will do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Thank you.
24 Feb 2023, 03:07
#Wemade CEO Henry Chang #WEMIX 12th purchase to execute his pledges to contribute his compensation to the WEMIX ecosystem.
Medium :
▶ 12th Purchase Amount : 15,669.5152 WEMIX
The total number of WEMIX held by Henry Chang is [418,442.9052 WEMIX]
#Wemade CEO Henry Chang #WEMIX 12th purchase to execute his pledges to contribute his compensation to the WEMIX ecosystem.
#Wemade CEO Henry Chang #WEMIX 12th purchase to execute his pledges to contribute his compensation to the WEMIX ecosystem.
Medium :
▶ 12th Purchase Amount : 15,669.5152 WEMIX
The total number of WEMIX held by Henry Chang is [418,442.9052 WEMIX]
24 Feb 2023, 03:00
위메이드 장현국 대표 열두번째 위믹스 매입완료 공지
위믹스 미디엄 공지:
안녕하세요, 위메이드와 위믹스팀이 인사드립니다.
위메이드 장현국 대표가 금일 본인이 수령한 2023년 2월 급여로 15,669.5152 WEMIX를 매수하였음을 알려드립니다.
이는 장현국 대표의 12번째 WEMIX 매입으로, 지난 2022년 4월부터 위메이드 지분 배당금 및 급여로 WEMIX를 매입하고 있습니다. 이와 같이 장현국 대표는 WEMIX 생태계의 지속가능한 발전에 기여하겠다는 약속을 성실하게 이행하고 있습니다.
2023년 2월 16일(목) 코인원 거래소의 WEMIX 상장으로 원화 거래가 가능해짐에 따라, 금번 급여부터 코인원에서 WEMIX 매입을 진행하였습니다. 매입 과정에 있어 시장에 미칠 수 있는 영향을 최소화하기 위해, 알고리스의 Open API를 통한 분할 매수로 진행되었음을 알립니다.
다음은 장현국 대표가 2022년 4월부터 급여로 매입한 WEMIX 보유현황 관련입니다.
1. Coinone 거래소 지갑 WEMIX 보유내역: 228,362.9052 WEMIX
2022년 4월-11월 급여로 매입한 WEMIX 수량 중, 수수료를 제외한 212,693.39 WEMIX를 메타마스크에서 코인원 거래소 지갑으로 이동하였습니다.
따라서 Coinone 거래소 지갑에 보유하고 있는 WEMIX는 금년 2월 급여로 매입한 15,669.5152 WEMIX 포함, 총 228,362.9052 WEMIX입니다.
2. GDAC 거래소 지갑 WEMIX 보유내역: 190,080 WEMIX
2022년 12월-2023년 1월 급여로 매입한 WEMIX는 GDAC 거래소 지갑에 보유하고 있습니다.
이로써 현재까지 장현국 대표는 662,735,170원으로 총 418,442.9052 WEMIX를 매입하였습니다.
위믹스팀은 지속적으로 장현국 대표의 WEMIX 매입에 대해 공지하도록 하겠습니다.
위메이드 장현국 대표 열두번째 위믹스 매입완료 공지. 위믹스 미디엄 공지:. 안녕하세요, 위메이드와 위믹스팀이 인사드립니다. 위메이드 장현국 대표가 금일 본인이 수령한 2023년 2월 급여로 15,669.
위메이드 장현국 대표 열두번째 위믹스 매입완료 공지
위믹스 미디엄 공지:
안녕하세요, 위메이드와 위믹스팀이 인사드립니다.
위메이드 장현국 대표가 금일 본인이 수령한 2023년 2월 급여로 15,669.5152 WEMIX를 매수하였음을 알려드립니다.
이는 장현국 대표의 12번째 WEMIX 매입으로, 지난 2022년 4월부터 위메이드 지분 배당금 및 급여로 WEMIX를 매입하고 있습니다. 이와 같이 장현국 대표는 WEMIX 생태계의 지속가능한 발전에 기여하겠다는 약속을 성실하게 이행하고 있습니다.
2023년 2월 16일(목) 코인원 거래소의 WEMIX 상장으로 원화 거래가 가능해짐에 따라, 금번 급여부터 코인원에서 WEMIX 매입을 진행하였습니다. 매입 과정에 있어 시장에 미칠 수 있는 영향을 최소화하기 위해, 알고리스의 Open API를 통한 분할 매수로 진행되었음을 알립니다.
다음은 장현국 대표가 2022년 4월부터 급여로 매입한 WEMIX 보유현황 관련입니다.
1. Coinone 거래소 지갑 WEMIX 보유내역: 228,362.9052 WEMIX
2022년 4월-11월 급여로 매입한 WEMIX 수량 중, 수수료를 제외한 212,693.39 WEMIX를 메타마스크에서 코인원 거래소 지갑으로 이동하였습니다.
따라서 Coinone 거래소 지갑에 보유하고 있는 WEMIX는 금년 2월 급여로 매입한 15,669.5152 WEMIX 포함, 총 228,362.9052 WEMIX입니다.
2. GDAC 거래소 지갑 WEMIX 보유내역: 190,080 WEMIX
2022년 12월-2023년 1월 급여로 매입한 WEMIX는 GDAC 거래소 지갑에 보유하고 있습니다.
이로써 현재까지 장현국 대표는 662,735,170원으로 총 418,442.9052 WEMIX를 매입하였습니다.
위믹스팀은 지속적으로 장현국 대표의 WEMIX 매입에 대해 공지하도록 하겠습니다.
24 Feb 2023, 03:00
Henry Chang’s 12th WEMIX Purchase Announcement
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We announce that Henry Chang, CEO of Wemade, has purchased 15,669.5152 WEMIX with his salary received for February 2023.
Henry Chang has purchased WEMIX with his dividends received for his Wemade holdings and salaries since April of 2022, and this is his twelfth purchase of WEMIX. As such, Henry Chang has continuously executed his pledges to contribute his compensation to the sustainable development of the WEMIX ecosystem.
As WEMIX trading in Korean won has been enabled by the listing of WEMIX on Coinone Exchange on February 16, 2023, WEMIX was purchased through Coinone. Please note that split purchases were made using Algorith's Open API to minimize any potential impact on the market during the purchasing process.
* * *
The following details Henry Chang’s WEMIX holdings acquired since April 2022 with his salary.
1. WEMIX holdings in Coinone Exchange wallet: 228,362.9052 WEMIX
Of the WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from April to November 2022, 212,693.39 WEMIX (excluding fees) has been transferred from MetaMask to Coinone Exchange wallet. Therefore, including the 15,669.5152 WEMIX purchased with the 2023 February salary, the total amount of WEMIX held in the Coinone Exchange wallet is 228,362.9052 WEMIX.
2. WEMIX holdings in GDAC Exchange wallet: 190,080 WEMIX
WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from December 2022 to January 2023 is currently held in GDAC Exchange wallet.
In summary, CEO Henry Chang has thus far purchased a total of 418,442.9052 WEMIX for 662,735,170 KRW.
We will continue to keep you informed of Henry Chang’s WEMIX purchases through subsequent announcements.
Thank you.
Henry Chang's 12th WEMIX Purchase Announcement. WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
Henry Chang’s 12th WEMIX Purchase Announcement
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We announce that Henry Chang, CEO of Wemade, has purchased 15,669.5152 WEMIX with his salary received for February 2023.
Henry Chang has purchased WEMIX with his dividends received for his Wemade holdings and salaries since April of 2022, and this is his twelfth purchase of WEMIX. As such, Henry Chang has continuously executed his pledges to contribute his compensation to the sustainable development of the WEMIX ecosystem.
As WEMIX trading in Korean won has been enabled by the listing of WEMIX on Coinone Exchange on February 16, 2023, WEMIX was purchased through Coinone. Please note that split purchases were made using Algorith's Open API to minimize any potential impact on the market during the purchasing process.
* * *
The following details Henry Chang’s WEMIX holdings acquired since April 2022 with his salary.
1. WEMIX holdings in Coinone Exchange wallet: 228,362.9052 WEMIX
Of the WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from April to November 2022, 212,693.39 WEMIX (excluding fees) has been transferred from MetaMask to Coinone Exchange wallet. Therefore, including the 15,669.5152 WEMIX purchased with the 2023 February salary, the total amount of WEMIX held in the Coinone Exchange wallet is 228,362.9052 WEMIX.
2. WEMIX holdings in GDAC Exchange wallet: 190,080 WEMIX
WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from December 2022 to January 2023 is currently held in GDAC Exchange wallet.
In summary, CEO Henry Chang has thus far purchased a total of 418,442.9052 WEMIX for 662,735,170 KRW.
We will continue to keep you informed of Henry Chang’s WEMIX purchases through subsequent announcements.
Thank you.
24 Feb 2023, 03:00
WEMIX telegram news 24 February 2023 03:00
24 Feb 2023, 03:00
Henry Chang’s 12th WEMIX Purchase Announcement
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We announce that Henry Chang, CEO of Wemade, has purchased 15,669.5152 WEMIX with his salary received for February 2023.
Henry Chang has purchased WEMIX with his dividends received for his Wemade holdings and salaries since April of 2022, and this is his twelfth purchase of WEMIX. As such, Henry Chang has continuously executed his pledges to contribute his compensation to the sustainable development of the WEMIX ecosystem.
As WEMIX trading in Korean won has been enabled by the listing of WEMIX on Coinone Exchange on February 16, 2023, WEMIX was purchased through Coinone. Please note that split purchases were made using Algorith's Open API to minimize any potential impact on the market during the purchasing process.
* * *
The following details Henry Chang’s WEMIX holdings acquired since April 2022 with his salary.
1. WEMIX holdings in Coinone Exchange wallet: 228,362.9052 WEMIX
Of the WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from April to November 2022, 212,693.39 WEMIX (excluding fees) has been transferred from MetaMask to Coinone Exchange wallet. Therefore, including the 15,669.5152 WEMIX purchased with the 2023 February salary, the total amount of WEMIX held in the Coinone Exchange wallet is 228,362.9052 WEMIX.
2. WEMIX holdings in GDAC Exchange wallet: 190,080 WEMIX
WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from December 2022 to January 2023 is currently held in GDAC Exchange wallet.
In summary, CEO Henry Chang has thus far purchased a total of 418,442.9052 WEMIX for 662,735,170 KRW.
We will continue to keep you informed of Henry Chang’s WEMIX purchases through subsequent announcements.
Thank you.
Henry Chang's 12th WEMIX Purchase Announcement. WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
Henry Chang’s 12th WEMIX Purchase Announcement
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
We announce that Henry Chang, CEO of Wemade, has purchased 15,669.5152 WEMIX with his salary received for February 2023.
Henry Chang has purchased WEMIX with his dividends received for his Wemade holdings and salaries since April of 2022, and this is his twelfth purchase of WEMIX. As such, Henry Chang has continuously executed his pledges to contribute his compensation to the sustainable development of the WEMIX ecosystem.
As WEMIX trading in Korean won has been enabled by the listing of WEMIX on Coinone Exchange on February 16, 2023, WEMIX was purchased through Coinone. Please note that split purchases were made using Algorith's Open API to minimize any potential impact on the market during the purchasing process.
* * *
The following details Henry Chang’s WEMIX holdings acquired since April 2022 with his salary.
1. WEMIX holdings in Coinone Exchange wallet: 228,362.9052 WEMIX
Of the WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from April to November 2022, 212,693.39 WEMIX (excluding fees) has been transferred from MetaMask to Coinone Exchange wallet. Therefore, including the 15,669.5152 WEMIX purchased with the 2023 February salary, the total amount of WEMIX held in the Coinone Exchange wallet is 228,362.9052 WEMIX.
2. WEMIX holdings in GDAC Exchange wallet: 190,080 WEMIX
WEMIX purchased with Henry Chang’s salary from December 2022 to January 2023 is currently held in GDAC Exchange wallet.
In summary, CEO Henry Chang has thus far purchased a total of 418,442.9052 WEMIX for 662,735,170 KRW.
We will continue to keep you informed of Henry Chang’s WEMIX purchases through subsequent announcements.
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 11:19
SLOCO Token Listed
SLOCO(SLC), the game token used on SLOCO Casino is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 20:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : SLOCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the SLOCO Casino launches, SLOCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
SLOCO Token Listed. WEMIX PLAY Medium:. SLOCO(SLC), the game token used on SLOCO Casino is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
SLOCO Token Listed
SLOCO(SLC), the game token used on SLOCO Casino is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 20:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : SLOCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the SLOCO Casino launches, SLOCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
23 Feb 2023, 11:19
WEMIX telegram news 23 February 2023 11:19
23 Feb 2023, 11:19
SLOCO Token Listed
SLOCO(SLC), the game token used on SLOCO Casino is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 20:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : SLOCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the SLOCO Casino launches, SLOCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
SLOCO Token Listed. WEMIX PLAY Medium:. SLOCO(SLC), the game token used on SLOCO Casino is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
SLOCO Token Listed
SLOCO(SLC), the game token used on SLOCO Casino is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 20:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : SLOCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the SLOCO Casino launches, SLOCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
23 Feb 2023, 11:12
#SLOCO Token Listed
Medium Announcement:
#SLOCO Slot’s game token, SLC is now listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX!
Exchange your tokens now!
#SLOCO Token Listed. Medium Announcement:. #SLOCO Slot's game token, SLC is now listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
#SLOCO Token Listed
Medium Announcement:
#SLOCO Slot’s game token, SLC is now listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX!
Exchange your tokens now!
DypiusDYP #1398
23 Feb 2023, 11:05
🔊 Dypians, Genesis minting is OPEN!
Get your hands on one of these premium lots inside World of Dypians and enjoy all the benefits of our #Metaverse platform!
❗️ Minting is available ONLY for those whitelisted.
Dypians, Genesis minting is OPEN.
🔊 Dypians, Genesis minting is OPEN!
Get your hands on one of these premium lots inside World of Dypians and enjoy all the benefits of our #Metaverse platform!
❗️ Minting is available ONLY for those whitelisted.
23 Feb 2023, 10:50
SLOCO CASINO, Global Service Begins!
THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN CASINO!, SLOCO CASINO service is now launched globally thanks to your continued love and interest!
Select your own character and join the various casino games in SLOCO CASINO!
Please refer to the details below to learn more about SLOCO CASINO global launch.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 19:30 (GMT+9)
[Where to Play]
- Website:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Instragram:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country : All countries except restricted list(42 restricted countries are listed below)
- Language : English/Portuguese/Spanish/Thai
* Restricted Countries
United States, Netherland, Vietnam, China, Belize, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Antigua, Slovakia, Germany, Bosnia, Singapore, Barbuda, Israel, Curacao, Herzegovina, Malta, Georgia, France, Belgium, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Reunion, Romania, Malaysia, Saint Pierre, North Korea, Mayotte, Kenya, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Syria, New Caledonia, Nigeria, Russia, Comoros, Cuba, Venezuela, South Korea
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with SLOCO CASINO.
Thank you.
SLOCO CASINO, Global Service Begins!
THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN CASINO!, SLOCO CASINO service is now launched globally thanks to your continued love and interest!
Select your own character and join the various casino games in SLOCO CASINO!
Please refer to the details below to learn more about SLOCO CASINO global launch.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 19:30 (GMT+9)
[Where to Play]
- Website:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Instragram:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country : All countries except restricted list(42 restricted countries are listed below)
- Language : English/Portuguese/Spanish/Thai
* Restricted Countries
United States, Netherland, Vietnam, China, Belize, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Antigua, Slovakia, Germany, Bosnia, Singapore, Barbuda, Israel, Curacao, Herzegovina, Malta, Georgia, France, Belgium, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Reunion, Romania, Malaysia, Saint Pierre, North Korea, Mayotte, Kenya, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Syria, New Caledonia, Nigeria, Russia, Comoros, Cuba, Venezuela, South Korea
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with SLOCO CASINO.
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 10:50
WEMIX telegram news 23 February 2023 10:50
23 Feb 2023, 10:50
SLOCO CASINO, Global Service Begins!
THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN CASINO!, SLOCO CASINO service is now launched globally thanks to your continued love and interest!
Select your own character and join the various casino games in SLOCO CASINO!
Please refer to the details below to learn more about SLOCO CASINO global launch.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 19:30 (GMT+9)
[Where to Play]
- Website:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Instragram:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country : All countries except restricted list(42 restricted countries are listed below)
- Language : English/Portuguese/Spanish/Thai
* Restricted Countries
United States, Netherland, Vietnam, China, Belize, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Antigua, Slovakia, Germany, Bosnia, Singapore, Barbuda, Israel, Curacao, Herzegovina, Malta, Georgia, France, Belgium, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Reunion, Romania, Malaysia, Saint Pierre, North Korea, Mayotte, Kenya, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Syria, New Caledonia, Nigeria, Russia, Comoros, Cuba, Venezuela, South Korea
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with SLOCO CASINO.
Thank you.
SLOCO CASINO, Global Service Begins!
THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN CASINO!, SLOCO CASINO service is now launched globally thanks to your continued love and interest!
Select your own character and join the various casino games in SLOCO CASINO!
Please refer to the details below to learn more about SLOCO CASINO global launch.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 19:30 (GMT+9)
[Where to Play]
- Website:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Instragram:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country : All countries except restricted list(42 restricted countries are listed below)
- Language : English/Portuguese/Spanish/Thai
* Restricted Countries
United States, Netherland, Vietnam, China, Belize, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Antigua, Slovakia, Germany, Bosnia, Singapore, Barbuda, Israel, Curacao, Herzegovina, Malta, Georgia, France, Belgium, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Reunion, Romania, Malaysia, Saint Pierre, North Korea, Mayotte, Kenya, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Syria, New Caledonia, Nigeria, Russia, Comoros, Cuba, Venezuela, South Korea
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with SLOCO CASINO.
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 10:42
#WEMIX game, SLOCO is officially launched!
Medium Announcement:
THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN SLOT!, #SLOCO game is now launched globally.
Experience the best quality slots with the most amazing bonus features in WEMIX PLAY!
#WEMIX game, SLOCO is officially launched. Medium Announcement:. THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN SLOT.
#WEMIX game, SLOCO is officially launched!
Medium Announcement:
THE WORLD OF BLOCKCHAIN SLOT!, #SLOCO game is now launched globally.
Experience the best quality slots with the most amazing bonus features in WEMIX PLAY!
23 Feb 2023, 06:43
#WEMIX GAME, Rise of Stars (ROS) Silthereum Burn!
▶ Burn Schedule
- 2023, March 2nd
▶ Burn Details
- Burn of 8 billion undistributed volume among 10 billion issued Silthereum
#WEMIX GAME, Rise of Stars (ROS) Silthereum Burn. WEMIX PLAY Medium:. Burn Schedule. - 2023, March 2nd. Burn Details.
#WEMIX GAME, Rise of Stars (ROS) Silthereum Burn!
▶ Burn Schedule
- 2023, March 2nd
▶ Burn Details
- Burn of 8 billion undistributed volume among 10 billion issued Silthereum
23 Feb 2023, 06:14
Rise of Stars(ROS) 실더리움 소각 관련 안내
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
Rise of Stars(ROS)의 게임 토큰인 실더리움의 소각이 예정되어 안내하여 드립니다.
Rise of Stars(ROS) 는 Play & Earn 게임으로서 실더리움의 가치 상승 및 원활한 순환을 위하여 다양한 방향으로 노력을 하고 있습니다.
그 일환으로 미유통된 대규모의 실더리움을 소각하기로 결정, 출금이 불가능한 지정된 지갑에 전송하여 순환 공급에서 영원히 제거할 예정입니다.
이번 소각을 통해 실더리움 생태계와 3/9(목)에 시작 예정인 스테이킹 시즌 2에도 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
새롭게 진행될 스테이킹 시즌 2에도 많은 관심 부탁드리며, 소각 관련 자세한 내용은 아래 확인 부탁드립니다.
■ 소각 일정
- 2023년 3월 2일 (목)
* 완료 시 Rise of Stars(ROS) 홈페이지 내 안내 진행 예정
■ 소각 상세 내용
- 총 100억개 실더리움 발행량 중 미유통된 80억개 소각
[WEMIX PLAY 게임 정보]
[공식 커뮤니티]
- 홈페이지 :
- Twitter :
- Facebook :
- Discord :
※ 게임 관련 문의 사항은 아래 메일로 전달 주시면 확인 후 답변 드릴 수 있도록 하겠습니다.
- 문의 :
앞으로도 Rise of Star(ROS)와 P&E의 즐거움을 더욱 느끼실 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
Rise of Stars(ROS) 실더리움 소각 관련 안내. 위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다. Rise of Stars(ROS)의 게임 토큰인 실더리움의 소각이 예정되어 안내하여 드립니다.
Rise of Stars(ROS) 실더리움 소각 관련 안내
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
Rise of Stars(ROS)의 게임 토큰인 실더리움의 소각이 예정되어 안내하여 드립니다.
Rise of Stars(ROS) 는 Play & Earn 게임으로서 실더리움의 가치 상승 및 원활한 순환을 위하여 다양한 방향으로 노력을 하고 있습니다.
그 일환으로 미유통된 대규모의 실더리움을 소각하기로 결정, 출금이 불가능한 지정된 지갑에 전송하여 순환 공급에서 영원히 제거할 예정입니다.
이번 소각을 통해 실더리움 생태계와 3/9(목)에 시작 예정인 스테이킹 시즌 2에도 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.
새롭게 진행될 스테이킹 시즌 2에도 많은 관심 부탁드리며, 소각 관련 자세한 내용은 아래 확인 부탁드립니다.
■ 소각 일정
- 2023년 3월 2일 (목)
* 완료 시 Rise of Stars(ROS) 홈페이지 내 안내 진행 예정
■ 소각 상세 내용
- 총 100억개 실더리움 발행량 중 미유통된 80억개 소각
[WEMIX PLAY 게임 정보]
[공식 커뮤니티]
- 홈페이지 :
- Twitter :
- Facebook :
- Discord :
※ 게임 관련 문의 사항은 아래 메일로 전달 주시면 확인 후 답변 드릴 수 있도록 하겠습니다.
- 문의 :
앞으로도 Rise of Star(ROS)와 P&E의 즐거움을 더욱 느끼실 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
23 Feb 2023, 06:14
Rise of Stars(ROS) Silthereum Burn
We would like to announce that the burn of Silthereum, game token of Rise of Stars(ROS) is scheduled to take place.
The Rise of Stars(ROS), as a Play & Earn game, is striving in multiple aspects for value of the Silthereum and seamless circulation.
As one of its efforts, Rise of Stars(ROS) decided to burn massive volume of undistributed Silthereum by sending it to the untransferrable wallet and remove it from the circulation supply permanently.
This burn initiative is expected to bring positive impact to the Silthereum ecosystem and staking season 2, which is scheduled to start on March 9th.
We will inform you about staking season 2 later, so please give a lot of interest.
Please check below for detailed information about the burn.
■ Burn Schedule
- 2023, March 2nd
* Additional information will be provided in the Rise of Stars(ROS) homepage upon completion.
■ Burn Details
- Burn of 8 billion undistributed volume among 10 billion issued Silthereum.
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Homepage :
- Twitter :
- Facebook :
- Discord :
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with Rise of Star(ROS).
Thank you.
Rise of Stars(ROS) Silthereum Burn. WEMIX PLAY Medium:.
Rise of Stars(ROS) Silthereum Burn
We would like to announce that the burn of Silthereum, game token of Rise of Stars(ROS) is scheduled to take place.
The Rise of Stars(ROS), as a Play & Earn game, is striving in multiple aspects for value of the Silthereum and seamless circulation.
As one of its efforts, Rise of Stars(ROS) decided to burn massive volume of undistributed Silthereum by sending it to the untransferrable wallet and remove it from the circulation supply permanently.
This burn initiative is expected to bring positive impact to the Silthereum ecosystem and staking season 2, which is scheduled to start on March 9th.
We will inform you about staking season 2 later, so please give a lot of interest.
Please check below for detailed information about the burn.
■ Burn Schedule
- 2023, March 2nd
* Additional information will be provided in the Rise of Stars(ROS) homepage upon completion.
■ Burn Details
- Burn of 8 billion undistributed volume among 10 billion issued Silthereum.
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Homepage :
- Twitter :
- Facebook :
- Discord :
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with Rise of Star(ROS).
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 06:14
WEMIX telegram news 23 February 2023 06:14
23 Feb 2023, 06:14
Rise of Stars(ROS) Silthereum Burn
We would like to announce that the burn of Silthereum, game token of Rise of Stars(ROS) is scheduled to take place.
The Rise of Stars(ROS), as a Play & Earn game, is striving in multiple aspects for value of the Silthereum and seamless circulation.
As one of its efforts, Rise of Stars(ROS) decided to burn massive volume of undistributed Silthereum by sending it to the untransferrable wallet and remove it from the circulation supply permanently.
This burn initiative is expected to bring positive impact to the Silthereum ecosystem and staking season 2, which is scheduled to start on March 9th.
We will inform you about staking season 2 later, so please give a lot of interest.
Please check below for detailed information about the burn.
■ Burn Schedule
- 2023, March 2nd
* Additional information will be provided in the Rise of Stars(ROS) homepage upon completion.
■ Burn Details
- Burn of 8 billion undistributed volume among 10 billion issued Silthereum.
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Homepage :
- Twitter :
- Facebook :
- Discord :
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with Rise of Star(ROS).
Thank you.
Rise of Stars(ROS) Silthereum Burn. WEMIX PLAY Medium:.
Rise of Stars(ROS) Silthereum Burn
We would like to announce that the burn of Silthereum, game token of Rise of Stars(ROS) is scheduled to take place.
The Rise of Stars(ROS), as a Play & Earn game, is striving in multiple aspects for value of the Silthereum and seamless circulation.
As one of its efforts, Rise of Stars(ROS) decided to burn massive volume of undistributed Silthereum by sending it to the untransferrable wallet and remove it from the circulation supply permanently.
This burn initiative is expected to bring positive impact to the Silthereum ecosystem and staking season 2, which is scheduled to start on March 9th.
We will inform you about staking season 2 later, so please give a lot of interest.
Please check below for detailed information about the burn.
■ Burn Schedule
- 2023, March 2nd
* Additional information will be provided in the Rise of Stars(ROS) homepage upon completion.
■ Burn Details
- Burn of 8 billion undistributed volume among 10 billion issued Silthereum.
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Homepage :
- Twitter :
- Facebook :
- Discord :
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so with Rise of Star(ROS).
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 06:02
Medium :
#WEMIX Game token of #AbyssLegend, ABYCO(ABY) joined the REFLECT Alliance with the REFLECT IMO(Initial Membership Offering)!
FIMO of REFLECT (RFT) Alliance : ABYCO (ABY). Medium :.
Medium :
#WEMIX Game token of #AbyssLegend, ABYCO(ABY) joined the REFLECT Alliance with the REFLECT IMO(Initial Membership Offering)!
23 Feb 2023, 05:36
Wemade to publish #R1B, a blockchain baseball game, by Round 1 Studio
#WEMIX Medium:
- The 1st game of Round1 Metaverse, a token-based blockchain sports metaverse
- Distinctive & realistic graphics and sophisticated baseball engine features
Wemade to publish #R1B, a blockchain baseball game, by Round 1 Studio. #WEMIX Medium:. [Summary].
Wemade to publish #R1B, a blockchain baseball game, by Round 1 Studio
#WEMIX Medium:
- The 1st game of Round1 Metaverse, a token-based blockchain sports metaverse
- Distinctive & realistic graphics and sophisticated baseball engine features
23 Feb 2023, 05:27
REFLECT(RFT) 얼라이언스의 IMO, ABYCO가 편입 되었습니다.
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
REFLECT 얼라이언스에 Abyss Legend의 게임토큰인 ABYCO(ABY)가 IMO(Initial Membership Offering) 합류하였습니다.
ABYCO의 합류는 신규 온보딩 게임 중 게임성과 토크노믹스 설계 등이 우수한 경우 시행되는 FIMO(Featured Initial Membership Offering)입니다. FIMO로 먼저 합류한 게임들이 REFLECT를 통해 보여준 건강한 생태계 발전에 ABYCO 역시 더욱 건강한 생태계 형성에 기여할 수 있기에 많은 기대가 됩니다.
REFLECT 얼라이언스의 확장은 REFLECT 홀더와 Abyss Legend 게이머 여러분들이 함께 만들어갑니다. FIMO에 대한 자세한 정보는 REFLECT 플레이북에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. (
< Abyss Legend와 ABYCO >
'Abyss Legend'는 실시간 전투와 다양한 세계와 던전에 도전하는 특별한 경험을 가져다줄 새로운 판타지 모험으로, 'ABYCO'라는 게임 토큰을 통해 WEMIX 플랫폼에 온보딩하는 Fantasy Adventure MMORPG 게임 입니다.
ABYCO 토큰으로 교환 가능한 ‘Crystal’은 게임 내 다양한 던전과 커뮤니티 이벤트, 랭킹 등을 통해 획득할 수 있으며, 획득한 ‘Crystal’을 이용해 장비를 제작하고 업그레이드 하는 등 다양한 컨텐츠에 사용될 예정입니다.
스릴 넘치는 판타지 세계의 모험, 다양한 보스와 수많은 던전, 영웅적 모험이 펼쳐지는 Abyss Legend의 여행에 지금 참여 하세요.
1. 일정 : 2023년 2월 23일
2. 내용 : REFLECT에 ABYCO 게임 토큰이 추가됩니다.
- RFT Fusion에 ABYCO가 필요하게 됩니다.
- RFT를 Fission하면 ABYCO를 획득할 수 있습니다.
3. 참고사항
- REFLECT 얼라이언스의 IMO 정책은 플레이북을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.
- IMO 진행을 위해 Fusion Center Depot에 임시적으로 Lock-up이 적용됩니다.
- Lock-up 기간 동안 Fusion/Fission을 이용할 수 없으며, IMO 완료 시 정상화됩니다.
- 개인 Vault의 Deposit/Withdraw는 가능합니다.
- IMO Injection 수량은 Depot lock-up period 시작 시간 기준, Depot에 수량변동이 발생하지 않는 상황에서 RFT 총 유통물량 x Fusion Ratio입니다.
- ABY토큰 정보는 다음 백서를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
> ABY 백서 :
REFLECT(RFT) 얼라이언스의 IMO, ABYCO가 편입 되었습니다. 위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
REFLECT(RFT) 얼라이언스의 IMO, ABYCO가 편입 되었습니다.
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
REFLECT 얼라이언스에 Abyss Legend의 게임토큰인 ABYCO(ABY)가 IMO(Initial Membership Offering) 합류하였습니다.
ABYCO의 합류는 신규 온보딩 게임 중 게임성과 토크노믹스 설계 등이 우수한 경우 시행되는 FIMO(Featured Initial Membership Offering)입니다. FIMO로 먼저 합류한 게임들이 REFLECT를 통해 보여준 건강한 생태계 발전에 ABYCO 역시 더욱 건강한 생태계 형성에 기여할 수 있기에 많은 기대가 됩니다.
REFLECT 얼라이언스의 확장은 REFLECT 홀더와 Abyss Legend 게이머 여러분들이 함께 만들어갑니다. FIMO에 대한 자세한 정보는 REFLECT 플레이북에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. (
< Abyss Legend와 ABYCO >
'Abyss Legend'는 실시간 전투와 다양한 세계와 던전에 도전하는 특별한 경험을 가져다줄 새로운 판타지 모험으로, 'ABYCO'라는 게임 토큰을 통해 WEMIX 플랫폼에 온보딩하는 Fantasy Adventure MMORPG 게임 입니다.
ABYCO 토큰으로 교환 가능한 ‘Crystal’은 게임 내 다양한 던전과 커뮤니티 이벤트, 랭킹 등을 통해 획득할 수 있으며, 획득한 ‘Crystal’을 이용해 장비를 제작하고 업그레이드 하는 등 다양한 컨텐츠에 사용될 예정입니다.
스릴 넘치는 판타지 세계의 모험, 다양한 보스와 수많은 던전, 영웅적 모험이 펼쳐지는 Abyss Legend의 여행에 지금 참여 하세요.
1. 일정 : 2023년 2월 23일
2. 내용 : REFLECT에 ABYCO 게임 토큰이 추가됩니다.
- RFT Fusion에 ABYCO가 필요하게 됩니다.
- RFT를 Fission하면 ABYCO를 획득할 수 있습니다.
3. 참고사항
- REFLECT 얼라이언스의 IMO 정책은 플레이북을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.
- IMO 진행을 위해 Fusion Center Depot에 임시적으로 Lock-up이 적용됩니다.
- Lock-up 기간 동안 Fusion/Fission을 이용할 수 없으며, IMO 완료 시 정상화됩니다.
- 개인 Vault의 Deposit/Withdraw는 가능합니다.
- IMO Injection 수량은 Depot lock-up period 시작 시간 기준, Depot에 수량변동이 발생하지 않는 상황에서 RFT 총 유통물량 x Fusion Ratio입니다.
- ABY토큰 정보는 다음 백서를 통해 확인하실 수 있습니다.
> ABY 백서 :
23 Feb 2023, 05:27
WEMIX PLAY Medium Announcement :
We are excited to announce that the game token of Abyss Legend, ABYCO(ABY) has joined the REFLECT Alliance through the REFLECT IMO (Initial Membership Offering).
The ABYCO’s FIMO (Featured Initial Membership Offering) joining is offered only when the gameplay and tokenomics structure excels among the newly onboarding games, and it will largely contribute to the growth of the REFLECT’s ecosystem just as the previous FIMO joinings have proved.
The expansion of the REFLECT Alliance will only be realized through the support of REFLECT holders and Abyss Legend gamers.
You can find more about the FIMO in the REFLECT Playbook (
<Abyss Legend & ABYCO>
Abyss Legend offers a new fantasy journey which includes special experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons. It is a fantasy adventure MMORPG that onboards the WEMIX platform with its game token, “ABYCO.”
ABYCO can be exchanged with a material called “Crystal” which can be acquired from various in-game dungeons, community events, ranking, etc. and "Crystal" can be used for various contents such as crafting and upgrading equipment.
Join the journey of Abyss Legend that brings you thrilling fantasy world adventures, countless battles with bosses and dungeons, and heroic expeditions.
1. Date: February 23rd, 2023
2. Description:
The ABYCO game token has been added to REFLECT Alliance.
-ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens needed for RFT Fusion.
- ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens that will be redeemable as a result of RFT Fission.
3. Notes
- Please refer to the REFLECT PLAYBOOK for REFLECT Alliance's IMO policy.
- A temporary lock-up period will be applied to the Fusion Center Depot during the IMO process.
- Fusion/Fission will not be available during the lock-up period and will be available after the IMO is complete.
- However, the deposit/withdrawal functions in the Personal Vault will still be available.
- The amount of IMO Injection is the total circulating supply of RFT x Fusion Ratio, with no change in the amount stored in the Fusion Depot, based on the start of the Depot lock-up period.
- Information on the ABYCO token and the whitepaper is available in the following link:
> ABY Playbook:
Thank you.
The IMO of REFLECT (RFT) Alliance, ABYCO(ABY). WEMIX PLAY Medium Announcement :.
WEMIX PLAY Medium Announcement :
We are excited to announce that the game token of Abyss Legend, ABYCO(ABY) has joined the REFLECT Alliance through the REFLECT IMO (Initial Membership Offering).
The ABYCO’s FIMO (Featured Initial Membership Offering) joining is offered only when the gameplay and tokenomics structure excels among the newly onboarding games, and it will largely contribute to the growth of the REFLECT’s ecosystem just as the previous FIMO joinings have proved.
The expansion of the REFLECT Alliance will only be realized through the support of REFLECT holders and Abyss Legend gamers.
You can find more about the FIMO in the REFLECT Playbook (
Abyss Legend offers a new fantasy journey which includes special experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons. It is a fantasy adventure MMORPG that onboards the WEMIX platform with its game token, “ABYCO.”
ABYCO can be exchanged with a material called “Crystal” which can be acquired from various in-game dungeons, community events, ranking, etc. and "Crystal" can be used for various contents such as crafting and upgrading equipment.
Join the journey of Abyss Legend that brings you thrilling fantasy world adventures, countless battles with bosses and dungeons, and heroic expeditions.
1. Date: February 23rd, 2023
2. Description:
The ABYCO game token has been added to REFLECT Alliance.
-ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens needed for RFT Fusion.
- ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens that will be redeemable as a result of RFT Fission.
3. Notes
- Please refer to the REFLECT PLAYBOOK for REFLECT Alliance's IMO policy.
- A temporary lock-up period will be applied to the Fusion Center Depot during the IMO process.
- Fusion/Fission will not be available during the lock-up period and will be available after the IMO is complete.
- However, the deposit/withdrawal functions in the Personal Vault will still be available.
- The amount of IMO Injection is the total circulating supply of RFT x Fusion Ratio, with no change in the amount stored in the Fusion Depot, based on the start of the Depot lock-up period.
- Information on the ABYCO token and the whitepaper is available in the following link:
> ABY Playbook:
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 05:27
WEMIX telegram news 23 February 2023 05:27
23 Feb 2023, 05:27
WEMIX PLAY Medium Announcement :
We are excited to announce that the game token of Abyss Legend, ABYCO(ABY) has joined the REFLECT Alliance through the REFLECT IMO (Initial Membership Offering).
The ABYCO’s FIMO (Featured Initial Membership Offering) joining is offered only when the gameplay and tokenomics structure excels among the newly onboarding games, and it will largely contribute to the growth of the REFLECT’s ecosystem just as the previous FIMO joinings have proved.
The expansion of the REFLECT Alliance will only be realized through the support of REFLECT holders and Abyss Legend gamers.
You can find more about the FIMO in the REFLECT Playbook (
<Abyss Legend & ABYCO>
Abyss Legend offers a new fantasy journey which includes special experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons. It is a fantasy adventure MMORPG that onboards the WEMIX platform with its game token, “ABYCO.”
ABYCO can be exchanged with a material called “Crystal” which can be acquired from various in-game dungeons, community events, ranking, etc. and "Crystal" can be used for various contents such as crafting and upgrading equipment.
Join the journey of Abyss Legend that brings you thrilling fantasy world adventures, countless battles with bosses and dungeons, and heroic expeditions.
1. Date: February 23rd, 2023
2. Description:
The ABYCO game token has been added to REFLECT Alliance.
-ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens needed for RFT Fusion.
- ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens that will be redeemable as a result of RFT Fission.
3. Notes
- Please refer to the REFLECT PLAYBOOK for REFLECT Alliance's IMO policy.
- A temporary lock-up period will be applied to the Fusion Center Depot during the IMO process.
- Fusion/Fission will not be available during the lock-up period and will be available after the IMO is complete.
- However, the deposit/withdrawal functions in the Personal Vault will still be available.
- The amount of IMO Injection is the total circulating supply of RFT x Fusion Ratio, with no change in the amount stored in the Fusion Depot, based on the start of the Depot lock-up period.
- Information on the ABYCO token and the whitepaper is available in the following link:
> ABY Playbook:
Thank you.
The IMO of REFLECT (RFT) Alliance, ABYCO(ABY). WEMIX PLAY Medium Announcement :.
WEMIX PLAY Medium Announcement :
We are excited to announce that the game token of Abyss Legend, ABYCO(ABY) has joined the REFLECT Alliance through the REFLECT IMO (Initial Membership Offering).
The ABYCO’s FIMO (Featured Initial Membership Offering) joining is offered only when the gameplay and tokenomics structure excels among the newly onboarding games, and it will largely contribute to the growth of the REFLECT’s ecosystem just as the previous FIMO joinings have proved.
The expansion of the REFLECT Alliance will only be realized through the support of REFLECT holders and Abyss Legend gamers.
You can find more about the FIMO in the REFLECT Playbook (
Abyss Legend offers a new fantasy journey which includes special experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons. It is a fantasy adventure MMORPG that onboards the WEMIX platform with its game token, “ABYCO.”
ABYCO can be exchanged with a material called “Crystal” which can be acquired from various in-game dungeons, community events, ranking, etc. and "Crystal" can be used for various contents such as crafting and upgrading equipment.
Join the journey of Abyss Legend that brings you thrilling fantasy world adventures, countless battles with bosses and dungeons, and heroic expeditions.
1. Date: February 23rd, 2023
2. Description:
The ABYCO game token has been added to REFLECT Alliance.
-ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens needed for RFT Fusion.
- ABYCO has been added to the list of game tokens that will be redeemable as a result of RFT Fission.
3. Notes
- Please refer to the REFLECT PLAYBOOK for REFLECT Alliance's IMO policy.
- A temporary lock-up period will be applied to the Fusion Center Depot during the IMO process.
- Fusion/Fission will not be available during the lock-up period and will be available after the IMO is complete.
- However, the deposit/withdrawal functions in the Personal Vault will still be available.
- The amount of IMO Injection is the total circulating supply of RFT x Fusion Ratio, with no change in the amount stored in the Fusion Depot, based on the start of the Depot lock-up period.
- Information on the ABYCO token and the whitepaper is available in the following link:
> ABY Playbook:
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 05:13
ABYCO 토큰 리스팅 안내
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
Abyss Legend에 사용되는 ABYCO(ABY) 토큰이 위믹스플레이 게임파이 및 플레이월렛 내 리스팅 되었습니다.
리스팅되는 자세한 서비스 및 내용은 아래를 참고 부탁드립니다.
- 토큰 리스팅 일정 : 2023년 2월 23일(화) 14:00 (GMT+9)
- 토큰 추가 항목:
[위믹스 플레이]
1. 위믹스플레이 토큰 목록
2. 게임파이 유동성 풀
3. 게임파이 스왑
1. 플레이월렛 DEX 토큰 거래 목록
*참고사항 : ABYCO는 플레이월렛 간 전송을 지원합니다.
Abyss Legend 오픈과 함께 DEX 거래 및 게임파이 서비스를 통해 교환하실 수 있으니 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.
ABYCO 토큰 리스팅 안내. 위믹스 미디엄 공지 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다. Abyss Legend에 사용되는 ABYCO(ABY) 토큰이 위믹스플레이 게임파이 및 플레이월렛 내 리스팅 되었습니다.
ABYCO 토큰 리스팅 안내
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
Abyss Legend에 사용되는 ABYCO(ABY) 토큰이 위믹스플레이 게임파이 및 플레이월렛 내 리스팅 되었습니다.
리스팅되는 자세한 서비스 및 내용은 아래를 참고 부탁드립니다.
- 토큰 리스팅 일정 : 2023년 2월 23일(화) 14:00 (GMT+9)
- 토큰 추가 항목:
[위믹스 플레이]
1. 위믹스플레이 토큰 목록
2. 게임파이 유동성 풀
3. 게임파이 스왑
1. 플레이월렛 DEX 토큰 거래 목록
*참고사항 : ABYCO는 플레이월렛 간 전송을 지원합니다.
Abyss Legend 오픈과 함께 DEX 거래 및 게임파이 서비스를 통해 교환하실 수 있으니 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.
23 Feb 2023, 05:12
ABYCO Token Listed
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
ABYCO(ABY), the game token used on Abyss Legend is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 14:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : ABYCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the Abyss Legend launches, ABYCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
Thank you.
ABYCO Token Listed. WEMIX Medium Announcement:.
ABYCO Token Listed
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
ABYCO(ABY), the game token used on Abyss Legend is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 14:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : ABYCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the Abyss Legend launches, ABYCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 05:12
WEMIX telegram news 23 February 2023 05:12
23 Feb 2023, 05:12
ABYCO Token Listed
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
ABYCO(ABY), the game token used on Abyss Legend is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 14:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : ABYCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the Abyss Legend launches, ABYCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
Thank you.
ABYCO Token Listed. WEMIX Medium Announcement:.
ABYCO Token Listed
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
ABYCO(ABY), the game token used on Abyss Legend is listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
Please refer to the details below.
- Listing Schedule: 2023, Feb. 23rd 14:00 (GMT+9)
- Added Categories:
1. WEMIX PLAY Token List
2. GameFi Swap
3. GameFi Liquidity Pool
1. PLAY wallet’s DEX trading list
*Notes : ABYCO supports PLAY wallet transfer.
As the Abyss Legend launches, ABYCO will be available to exchange in the GameFi and PLAY DEX service.
Hope you enjoy the service!
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 05:11
#ABYCO Token Listed
Medium Announcement :
#AbyssLegend game token, ABYCO(ABY) is now listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX!
Exchange your tokens now!
#ABYCO Token Listed. Medium Announcement :. #AbyssLegend game token, ABYCO(ABY) is now listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX.
#ABYCO Token Listed
Medium Announcement :
#AbyssLegend game token, ABYCO(ABY) is now listed in the GameFi and PLAY DEX!
Exchange your tokens now!
23 Feb 2023, 03:48
Abyss Legend is officially launched!
Medium Announcement :
#AbyssLegend is now open globally!
Join the thrilling fantasy adventure now and experience the latest #WEMIX game!
Abyss Legend is officially launched. Medium Announcement :. #AbyssLegend is now open globally.
Abyss Legend is officially launched!
Medium Announcement :
#AbyssLegend is now open globally!
Join the thrilling fantasy adventure now and experience the latest #WEMIX game!
23 Feb 2023, 03:42
Abyss Legend, 글로벌 서비스가 시작되었습니다!
안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다.
실시간 전투와 다양한 세계, 던전에 도전하는 특별한 경험을 가져다줄 새로운 판타지, Abyss Legend의 글로벌 서비스가 드디어 오픈 되었습니다.
Abyss Legend 글로벌 오픈까지 보내주신 많은 관심과 사랑에 감사드립니다.
Abyss Legend 속 스릴 넘치는 판타지 세계에서 다양한 보스, 수많은 던전, 영웅적 서사가 펼쳐지는 모험에 지금 함께 참여 하세요!
Abyss Legend의 글로벌 오픈 관련 자세한 사항은 아래를 참고하여 주시기를 바랍니다.
[오픈 일정 안내]
- 2023년 2월 23일 03:30 (GMT)
[다운로드 안내]
- 구글 다운로드 링크:
- 애플 다운로드 링크:
[WEMIX PLAY 게임 정보]
[공식 커뮤니티]
- Facebook:
- Discord:
[서비스 언어 및 국가 안내]
- 국가 : 한국, 싱가포르, 중국을 제외한 전체 국가
- 언어 : 영어, 중국어 번체
※ 게임 관련 문의 사항은 아래 메일로 전달 주시면 확인 후 답변 드릴 수 있도록 하겠습니다.
- 문의 :
다시 한번 보내주신 관심에 감사 인사 전해 드리며 Abyss Legend에 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
Abyss Legend, 글로벌 서비스가 시작되었습니다. WEMIX PLAY 미디엄 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다.
Abyss Legend, 글로벌 서비스가 시작되었습니다!
안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다.
실시간 전투와 다양한 세계, 던전에 도전하는 특별한 경험을 가져다줄 새로운 판타지, Abyss Legend의 글로벌 서비스가 드디어 오픈 되었습니다.
Abyss Legend 글로벌 오픈까지 보내주신 많은 관심과 사랑에 감사드립니다.
Abyss Legend 속 스릴 넘치는 판타지 세계에서 다양한 보스, 수많은 던전, 영웅적 서사가 펼쳐지는 모험에 지금 함께 참여 하세요!
Abyss Legend의 글로벌 오픈 관련 자세한 사항은 아래를 참고하여 주시기를 바랍니다.
[오픈 일정 안내]
- 2023년 2월 23일 03:30 (GMT)
[다운로드 안내]
- 구글 다운로드 링크:
- 애플 다운로드 링크:
[WEMIX PLAY 게임 정보]
[공식 커뮤니티]
- Facebook:
- Discord:
[서비스 언어 및 국가 안내]
- 국가 : 한국, 싱가포르, 중국을 제외한 전체 국가
- 언어 : 영어, 중국어 번체
※ 게임 관련 문의 사항은 아래 메일로 전달 주시면 확인 후 답변 드릴 수 있도록 하겠습니다.
- 문의 :
다시 한번 보내주신 관심에 감사 인사 전해 드리며 Abyss Legend에 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
23 Feb 2023, 03:42
Abyss Legend, Global Launch Begins!
We are pleased to announce the global launching of Abyss Legend, a new fantasy game filled with extraordinary experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons.
We’d like to thank you for the love and support you have shown until the global launch of the Abyss Legend.
Please join in the journey of Abyss Legend that will present you with thrilling fantasy world adventures alongside countless battles filled with numerous bosses, dungeons, and heroic expeditions!
Please check out the details about the global launch below.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 03:30 (GMT)
- Google Link:
- Apple Link:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Facebook:
- Discord:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country: All countries except for South Korea, Singapore, and China
- Language: English, Traditional Chinese
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so withAbyss Legend.
Thank you.
Abyss Legend, Global Launch Begins. WEMIX PLAY Medium:.
Abyss Legend, Global Launch Begins!
We are pleased to announce the global launching of Abyss Legend, a new fantasy game filled with extraordinary experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons.
We’d like to thank you for the love and support you have shown until the global launch of the Abyss Legend.
Please join in the journey of Abyss Legend that will present you with thrilling fantasy world adventures alongside countless battles filled with numerous bosses, dungeons, and heroic expeditions!
Please check out the details about the global launch below.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 03:30 (GMT)
- Google Link:
- Apple Link:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Facebook:
- Discord:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country: All countries except for South Korea, Singapore, and China
- Language: English, Traditional Chinese
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so withAbyss Legend.
Thank you.
23 Feb 2023, 03:42
WEMIX telegram news 23 February 2023 03:42
23 Feb 2023, 03:42
Abyss Legend, Global Launch Begins!
We are pleased to announce the global launching of Abyss Legend, a new fantasy game filled with extraordinary experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons.
We’d like to thank you for the love and support you have shown until the global launch of the Abyss Legend.
Please join in the journey of Abyss Legend that will present you with thrilling fantasy world adventures alongside countless battles filled with numerous bosses, dungeons, and heroic expeditions!
Please check out the details about the global launch below.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 03:30 (GMT)
- Google Link:
- Apple Link:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Facebook:
- Discord:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country: All countries except for South Korea, Singapore, and China
- Language: English, Traditional Chinese
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so withAbyss Legend.
Thank you.
Abyss Legend, Global Launch Begins. WEMIX PLAY Medium:.
Abyss Legend, Global Launch Begins!
We are pleased to announce the global launching of Abyss Legend, a new fantasy game filled with extraordinary experiences of real-time battles and challenges of the world and dungeons.
We’d like to thank you for the love and support you have shown until the global launch of the Abyss Legend.
Please join in the journey of Abyss Legend that will present you with thrilling fantasy world adventures alongside countless battles filled with numerous bosses, dungeons, and heroic expeditions!
Please check out the details about the global launch below.
[Opening Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 23rd 03:30 (GMT)
- Google Link:
- Apple Link:
[WEMIX PLAY Game Info]
[Official Communities]
- Facebook:
- Discord:
[Supported Languages and Countries]
- Country: All countries except for South Korea, Singapore, and China
- Language: English, Traditional Chinese
※ For inquiries related to the game, please send emails to the following address.
Thank you again for the love and support you’ve shown and we hope that you will continue to do so withAbyss Legend.
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 13:54
Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event🎉
Event to celebrate the addition of 3 new assets, USDC, USDT, wRFT, of Lend & Borrow!
- Period: Feb. 23rd - Mar. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Total Reward: 2,000 #WEMIX
Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event. Medium:. Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event🎉
Event to celebrate the addition of 3 new assets, USDC, USDT, wRFT, of Lend & Borrow!
- Period: Feb. 23rd - Mar. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Total Reward: 2,000 #WEMIX
22 Feb 2023, 13:49
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 신규 자산 추가 기념 이벤트
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다.
지난 2월 15일에 위믹스3.0 메인넷 기반 디파이 서비스인 위믹스파이의 예치 및 대출 (Lend & Borrow) 서비스가 성공적으로 런칭되었습니다. 위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 런칭 이후 신규 자산 3종(USDC, USDT, wRFT)이 추가될 예정이며 이를 기념하기 위해 이벤트가 진행될 예정입니다.
이벤트를 위해 총 2,000 WEMIX 보상이 준비되어있으니 많은 참여 바랍니다. 이벤트 관련 자세한 내용은 아래 참고 부탁 드립니다.
> 신규 자산 추가 기념 이벤트
- 이벤트 내용 : 신규 지원 자산 3종(USDC, USDT, wRFT) 중 조건을 충족하는 대상을 무작위로 추첨하여 100명에게 20 위믹스 지급
- 이벤트 기간 : 2023년 2월 23일 서비스 오픈 후 ~ 3월 23일 (UTC+9) - 총 4주
- 당첨자 발표 : 2023년 3월 28일 (UTC+9)
- 참여방법 및 당첨자 선정 기준
1) 신규 지원 자산 3종 (USDC, USDT, wRFT) 중 하나 이상의 자산을 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow에 $100 가치 이상 예치하기
2) 이벤트 기간 4주동안 무작위로 3회 스냅샷을 통해 당첨자 선정
- 참여보상 : 총 2,000 위믹스 (1인당 20 위믹스 / 100명 지급)
주의사항 :
- 이벤트 기간동안 총 3회 랜덤으로 스냅샷을 찍게 되며, 3회 모두 최소 예치 금액을 충족하여야 이벤트 참여 대상이 됩니다.
- USDC, USDT, wRFT 각 당첨자 대상을 추출하여 무작위 추첨을 진행하게 되므로, 자산을 각각 예치하고 있는 경우 당첨확률이 올라갈 수 있습니다.
- 어뷰징 행위 시 별도 안내없이 당첨 명단에서 제외될 수 있습니다.
- 당첨 보상은 당첨자 발표 이후 지급 일정에 이벤트 참여 월렛으로 지급됩니다.
신규 자산 3종 (USDC, USDT, wRFT) 추가됨에 따라 Lend & Borrow 서비스가 더욱 활성화될 것으로 기대합니다. 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow 서비스에 많은 관심과 이용 바랍니다.
Lend & Borrow 서비스 :
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 신규 자산 추가 기념 이벤트. 위믹스 미디엄 공지 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다. 지난 2월 15일에 위믹스3.
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 신규 자산 추가 기념 이벤트
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다.
지난 2월 15일에 위믹스3.0 메인넷 기반 디파이 서비스인 위믹스파이의 예치 및 대출 (Lend & Borrow) 서비스가 성공적으로 런칭되었습니다. 위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 런칭 이후 신규 자산 3종(USDC, USDT, wRFT)이 추가될 예정이며 이를 기념하기 위해 이벤트가 진행될 예정입니다.
이벤트를 위해 총 2,000 WEMIX 보상이 준비되어있으니 많은 참여 바랍니다. 이벤트 관련 자세한 내용은 아래 참고 부탁 드립니다.
> 신규 자산 추가 기념 이벤트
- 이벤트 내용 : 신규 지원 자산 3종(USDC, USDT, wRFT) 중 조건을 충족하는 대상을 무작위로 추첨하여 100명에게 20 위믹스 지급
- 이벤트 기간 : 2023년 2월 23일 서비스 오픈 후 ~ 3월 23일 (UTC+9) - 총 4주
- 당첨자 발표 : 2023년 3월 28일 (UTC+9)
- 참여방법 및 당첨자 선정 기준
1) 신규 지원 자산 3종 (USDC, USDT, wRFT) 중 하나 이상의 자산을 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow에 $100 가치 이상 예치하기
2) 이벤트 기간 4주동안 무작위로 3회 스냅샷을 통해 당첨자 선정
- 참여보상 : 총 2,000 위믹스 (1인당 20 위믹스 / 100명 지급)
주의사항 :
- 이벤트 기간동안 총 3회 랜덤으로 스냅샷을 찍게 되며, 3회 모두 최소 예치 금액을 충족하여야 이벤트 참여 대상이 됩니다.
- USDC, USDT, wRFT 각 당첨자 대상을 추출하여 무작위 추첨을 진행하게 되므로, 자산을 각각 예치하고 있는 경우 당첨확률이 올라갈 수 있습니다.
- 어뷰징 행위 시 별도 안내없이 당첨 명단에서 제외될 수 있습니다.
- 당첨 보상은 당첨자 발표 이후 지급 일정에 이벤트 참여 월렛으로 지급됩니다.
신규 자산 3종 (USDC, USDT, wRFT) 추가됨에 따라 Lend & Borrow 서비스가 더욱 활성화될 것으로 기대합니다. 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow 서비스에 많은 관심과 이용 바랍니다.
Lend & Borrow 서비스 :
22 Feb 2023, 13:49
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX.Fi, a WEMIX3.0 Mainnet-based DeFi service, was successfully launched on Feb. 15th. After the WEMIX.Fi’s Lend & Borrow’s launch, 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) are scheduled to be added to the service. In celebration of the new addition, we have prepared an event for you!
A total of 2,000 WEMIX is prepared for the event’s rewards. For more information, please check the details below.
> New Asset Adding Event
- Event Details: 20 WEMIX are rewarded to 100 randomly selected users who meet the requirements regarding the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT)
- Event Period: After the service launch on 2023, Feb. 23rd until Mar. 23rd (UTC+9) (4 weeks in total)
- Winners Announcement: 2023, Mar. 28th (UTC+9)
- How to Participate & Winners Criteria
1) Deposit over $100 worth of asset using at least 1 of the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) on the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service
2) Winners are selected by 3 random snapshots over the 4-week event period
- Participation Reward: A total of 2,000 WEMIX (20 WEMIX per user/ for 100 users)
- Three random snapshots will be taken during the event. To participate, users must meet the minimum deposit amount at all 3 times.
- Winners will be randomly selected from each of the USDC, USDT, and wRFT pools, so depositing an asset on each pool can increase the chance of winning.
- Any user who is regarded as abusing the event may be excluded from winning the event without prior notice.
- The event reward will be sent to the participating wallets according to the distribution schedule after the winners announcement.
We expect the Lend & Borrow service will further flourish with the addition of 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT). We look forward to seeing your active participation and interest in the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow service:
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event. WEMIX Medium Announcement :. Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX. Fi, a WEMIX3.
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX.Fi, a WEMIX3.0 Mainnet-based DeFi service, was successfully launched on Feb. 15th. After the WEMIX.Fi’s Lend & Borrow’s launch, 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) are scheduled to be added to the service. In celebration of the new addition, we have prepared an event for you!
A total of 2,000 WEMIX is prepared for the event’s rewards. For more information, please check the details below.
> New Asset Adding Event
- Event Details: 20 WEMIX are rewarded to 100 randomly selected users who meet the requirements regarding the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT)
- Event Period: After the service launch on 2023, Feb. 23rd until Mar. 23rd (UTC+9) (4 weeks in total)
- Winners Announcement: 2023, Mar. 28th (UTC+9)
- How to Participate & Winners Criteria
1) Deposit over $100 worth of asset using at least 1 of the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) on the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service
2) Winners are selected by 3 random snapshots over the 4-week event period
- Participation Reward: A total of 2,000 WEMIX (20 WEMIX per user/ for 100 users)
- Three random snapshots will be taken during the event. To participate, users must meet the minimum deposit amount at all 3 times.
- Winners will be randomly selected from each of the USDC, USDT, and wRFT pools, so depositing an asset on each pool can increase the chance of winning.
- Any user who is regarded as abusing the event may be excluded from winning the event without prior notice.
- The event reward will be sent to the participating wallets according to the distribution schedule after the winners announcement.
We expect the Lend & Borrow service will further flourish with the addition of 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT). We look forward to seeing your active participation and interest in the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow service:
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 13:49
WEMIX telegram news 22 February 2023 13:49
22 Feb 2023, 13:49
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX.Fi, a WEMIX3.0 Mainnet-based DeFi service, was successfully launched on Feb. 15th. After the WEMIX.Fi’s Lend & Borrow’s launch, 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) are scheduled to be added to the service. In celebration of the new addition, we have prepared an event for you!
A total of 2,000 WEMIX is prepared for the event’s rewards. For more information, please check the details below.
> New Asset Adding Event
- Event Details: 20 WEMIX are rewarded to 100 randomly selected users who meet the requirements regarding the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT)
- Event Period: After the service launch on 2023, Feb. 23rd until Mar. 23rd (UTC+9) (4 weeks in total)
- Winners Announcement: 2023, Mar. 28th (UTC+9)
- How to Participate & Winners Criteria
1) Deposit over $100 worth of asset using at least 1 of the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) on the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service
2) Winners are selected by 3 random snapshots over the 4-week event period
- Participation Reward: A total of 2,000 WEMIX (20 WEMIX per user/ for 100 users)
- Three random snapshots will be taken during the event. To participate, users must meet the minimum deposit amount at all 3 times.
- Winners will be randomly selected from each of the USDC, USDT, and wRFT pools, so depositing an asset on each pool can increase the chance of winning.
- Any user who is regarded as abusing the event may be excluded from winning the event without prior notice.
- The event reward will be sent to the participating wallets according to the distribution schedule after the winners announcement.
We expect the Lend & Borrow service will further flourish with the addition of 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT). We look forward to seeing your active participation and interest in the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow service:
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event. WEMIX Medium Announcement :. Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX. Fi, a WEMIX3.
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow New Asset Adding Event
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX.Fi, a WEMIX3.0 Mainnet-based DeFi service, was successfully launched on Feb. 15th. After the WEMIX.Fi’s Lend & Borrow’s launch, 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) are scheduled to be added to the service. In celebration of the new addition, we have prepared an event for you!
A total of 2,000 WEMIX is prepared for the event’s rewards. For more information, please check the details below.
> New Asset Adding Event
- Event Details: 20 WEMIX are rewarded to 100 randomly selected users who meet the requirements regarding the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT)
- Event Period: After the service launch on 2023, Feb. 23rd until Mar. 23rd (UTC+9) (4 weeks in total)
- Winners Announcement: 2023, Mar. 28th (UTC+9)
- How to Participate & Winners Criteria
1) Deposit over $100 worth of asset using at least 1 of the 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) on the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service
2) Winners are selected by 3 random snapshots over the 4-week event period
- Participation Reward: A total of 2,000 WEMIX (20 WEMIX per user/ for 100 users)
- Three random snapshots will be taken during the event. To participate, users must meet the minimum deposit amount at all 3 times.
- Winners will be randomly selected from each of the USDC, USDT, and wRFT pools, so depositing an asset on each pool can increase the chance of winning.
- Any user who is regarded as abusing the event may be excluded from winning the event without prior notice.
- The event reward will be sent to the participating wallets according to the distribution schedule after the winners announcement.
We expect the Lend & Borrow service will further flourish with the addition of 3 new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT). We look forward to seeing your active participation and interest in the WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow service:
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 12:03
3 New Assets To Be Added on Lend & Borrow
#WEMIX Medium:
USDC, USDT, wRFT, will be added to Lend & Borrow, a service that contributes to the growth and expansion of WEMIX Fi
- Deposit: Feb. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Loan: Feb. 24th (UTC+9)
3 New Assets To Be Added on Lend & Borrow. #WEMIX Medium:.
3 New Assets To Be Added on Lend & Borrow
#WEMIX Medium:
USDC, USDT, wRFT, will be added to Lend & Borrow, a service that contributes to the growth and expansion of WEMIX Fi
- Deposit: Feb. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Loan: Feb. 24th (UTC+9)
22 Feb 2023, 11:41
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 신규 자산 3종 추가
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
위믹스파이의 성장과 확장에 기여하는 Lend & Borrow에 신규 자산 3종(USDC, USDT, wRFT)이 추가됩니다.
신규 자산의 추가로 더욱 확장되는 위믹스파이의 예치와 대출을 통해 자산을 운용해보세요.
> 신규 자산 3종
- wRFT
> Lend & Borrow 서비스별 추가 일정
- 예치 : 2023년 2월 23일 (UTC+9)
- 대출 : 2023년 2월 24일 (UTC+9)
> 안내사항
1. 추가되는 신규 자산을 보유하고 있지 않다면 위믹스파이의 Pool을 통해 Swap하여 자산을 획득할 수 있습니다.
2. 위믹스파이의 이용자는 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow를 통해 보유한 자산을 예치하여 유동성을 제공한 대가로 수익을 얻거나, 예치한 자산을 담보로 다른 종류의 자산을 대출할 수 있는 과담보 대출 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다.
3. 자산을 대출할 경우 반드시 담보 자산의 가치가 대출 자산의 가치보다 커야하며, 상환 시 프로토콜에 따라 계산된 이자를 함께 상환해야 합니다.
4. 위믹스파이에서는 높은 비율로 대출하여 청산의 위험에 노출되는 것을 방지하고자 대출 가능 금액을 별도로 설정하고 있습니다. 담보 등 상세 정보는 WEMIX.Fi Docs에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
안전한 담보 관리를 위한 실시간 모니터링 서비스(Status Monitor)를 제공하고, 이용자의 현재 담보 상태와 대출 상태를 확인할 수 있는 편리함까지 겸비한 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow를 이용해보세요.
위믹스팀은 앞으로도 다양한 자산을 추가하여 위믹스파이에서 블록체인 자산을 사용자가 원하는대로 운용하고, 전문적이고 체계적인 탈중앙화 금융서비스를 제공하도록 노력하겠습니다.
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 서비스에 새롭게 추가되는 자산 3종 및 앞으로도 추가될 다양한 자산에 많은 관심과 성원 부탁드립니다.
Lend & Borrow 서비스 :
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 신규 자산 3종 추가. 위믹스 미디엄 공지 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 신규 자산 3종 추가
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
위믹스파이의 성장과 확장에 기여하는 Lend & Borrow에 신규 자산 3종(USDC, USDT, wRFT)이 추가됩니다.
신규 자산의 추가로 더욱 확장되는 위믹스파이의 예치와 대출을 통해 자산을 운용해보세요.
> 신규 자산 3종
- wRFT
> Lend & Borrow 서비스별 추가 일정
- 예치 : 2023년 2월 23일 (UTC+9)
- 대출 : 2023년 2월 24일 (UTC+9)
> 안내사항
1. 추가되는 신규 자산을 보유하고 있지 않다면 위믹스파이의 Pool을 통해 Swap하여 자산을 획득할 수 있습니다.
2. 위믹스파이의 이용자는 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow를 통해 보유한 자산을 예치하여 유동성을 제공한 대가로 수익을 얻거나, 예치한 자산을 담보로 다른 종류의 자산을 대출할 수 있는 과담보 대출 서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다.
3. 자산을 대출할 경우 반드시 담보 자산의 가치가 대출 자산의 가치보다 커야하며, 상환 시 프로토콜에 따라 계산된 이자를 함께 상환해야 합니다.
4. 위믹스파이에서는 높은 비율로 대출하여 청산의 위험에 노출되는 것을 방지하고자 대출 가능 금액을 별도로 설정하고 있습니다. 담보 등 상세 정보는 WEMIX.Fi Docs에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
안전한 담보 관리를 위한 실시간 모니터링 서비스(Status Monitor)를 제공하고, 이용자의 현재 담보 상태와 대출 상태를 확인할 수 있는 편리함까지 겸비한 위믹스파이의 Lend & Borrow를 이용해보세요.
위믹스팀은 앞으로도 다양한 자산을 추가하여 위믹스파이에서 블록체인 자산을 사용자가 원하는대로 운용하고, 전문적이고 체계적인 탈중앙화 금융서비스를 제공하도록 노력하겠습니다.
위믹스파이 Lend & Borrow 서비스에 새롭게 추가되는 자산 3종 및 앞으로도 추가될 다양한 자산에 많은 관심과 성원 부탁드립니다.
Lend & Borrow 서비스 :
22 Feb 2023, 11:41
WEMIX telegram news 22 February 2023 11:41
22 Feb 2023, 11:41
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow - 3 New Assets To Be Added
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
Three new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) will be added to Lend & Borrow, a service that contributes to the growth and expansion of WEMIX.Fi. Manage your assets with WEMIX.Fi’s deposit and loan services, now expanding with the addition of new assets.
> 3 New Assets
- wRFT
> Lend & Borrow Schedule by Service
- Deposit: 2023, Feb. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Loan: 2023, Feb. 24th (UTC+9)
> Note
1. If you don’t have the new assets already, you can use WEMIX.Fi Pool and acquire the new assets through Swap.
2. WEMIX.Fi users can deposit owned assets through WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service and earn profit for providing liquidity, or use the deposited asset as a collateral to loan a different kind of asset through our loan service.
3. When loaning an asset, the value of collateral must be greater than the value of the loaned asset, and when making a repayment, interest must be paid together with it based on the protocol.
4. To prevent the risk of settlement from a high interest rate when taking out a loan, WEMIX.Fi limits the amount of loans. For more details on collateral and other information, please refer to WEMIX.Fi Docs.
Experience WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service, where status monitoring ensures a safe collateral management while offering the convenience of checking the current collateral and loan status.
The WEMIX team will continue to offer a professional and systematic DeFi service by adding various assets, so that users can manage their blockchain assets on WEMIX.Fi with greater convenience.
We look forward to seeing active participation and interest in the 3 new assets–and more to come–being added to WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow Service:
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Lend & Borrow - 3 New Assets To Be Added. WEMIX Medium Announcement:.
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow - 3 New Assets To Be Added
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
Three new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) will be added to Lend & Borrow, a service that contributes to the growth and expansion of WEMIX.Fi. Manage your assets with WEMIX.Fi’s deposit and loan services, now expanding with the addition of new assets.
> 3 New Assets
- wRFT
> Lend & Borrow Schedule by Service
- Deposit: 2023, Feb. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Loan: 2023, Feb. 24th (UTC+9)
> Note
1. If you don’t have the new assets already, you can use WEMIX.Fi Pool and acquire the new assets through Swap.
2. WEMIX.Fi users can deposit owned assets through WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service and earn profit for providing liquidity, or use the deposited asset as a collateral to loan a different kind of asset through our loan service.
3. When loaning an asset, the value of collateral must be greater than the value of the loaned asset, and when making a repayment, interest must be paid together with it based on the protocol.
4. To prevent the risk of settlement from a high interest rate when taking out a loan, WEMIX.Fi limits the amount of loans. For more details on collateral and other information, please refer to WEMIX.Fi Docs.
Experience WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service, where status monitoring ensures a safe collateral management while offering the convenience of checking the current collateral and loan status.
The WEMIX team will continue to offer a professional and systematic DeFi service by adding various assets, so that users can manage their blockchain assets on WEMIX.Fi with greater convenience.
We look forward to seeing active participation and interest in the 3 new assets–and more to come–being added to WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow Service:
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 11:40
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow - 3 New Assets To Be Added
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
Three new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) will be added to Lend & Borrow, a service that contributes to the growth and expansion of WEMIX.Fi. Manage your assets with WEMIX.Fi’s deposit and loan services, now expanding with the addition of new assets.
> 3 New Assets
- wRFT
> Lend & Borrow Schedule by Service
- Deposit: 2023, Feb. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Loan: 2023, Feb. 24th (UTC+9)
> Note
1. If you don’t have the new assets already, you can use WEMIX.Fi Pool and acquire the new assets through Swap.
2. WEMIX.Fi users can deposit owned assets through WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service and earn profit for providing liquidity, or use the deposited asset as a collateral to loan a different kind of asset through our loan service.
3. When loaning an asset, the value of collateral must be greater than the value of the loaned asset, and when making a repayment, interest must be paid together with it based on the protocol.
4. To prevent the risk of settlement from a high interest rate when taking out a loan, WEMIX.Fi limits the amount of loans. For more details on collateral and other information, please refer to WEMIX.Fi Docs.
Experience WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service, where status monitoring ensures a safe collateral management while offering the convenience of checking the current collateral and loan status.
The WEMIX team will continue to offer a professional and systematic DeFi service by adding various assets, so that users can manage their blockchain assets on WEMIX.Fi with greater convenience.
We look forward to seeing active participation and interest in the 3 new assets–and more to come–being added to WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow Service:
Thank you.
WEMIX. Fi Lend & Borrow - 3 New Assets To Be Added. WEMIX Medium Announcement:.
WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow - 3 New Assets To Be Added
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
Three new assets (USDC, USDT, wRFT) will be added to Lend & Borrow, a service that contributes to the growth and expansion of WEMIX.Fi. Manage your assets with WEMIX.Fi’s deposit and loan services, now expanding with the addition of new assets.
> 3 New Assets
- wRFT
> Lend & Borrow Schedule by Service
- Deposit: 2023, Feb. 23rd (UTC+9)
- Loan: 2023, Feb. 24th (UTC+9)
> Note
1. If you don’t have the new assets already, you can use WEMIX.Fi Pool and acquire the new assets through Swap.
2. WEMIX.Fi users can deposit owned assets through WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service and earn profit for providing liquidity, or use the deposited asset as a collateral to loan a different kind of asset through our loan service.
3. When loaning an asset, the value of collateral must be greater than the value of the loaned asset, and when making a repayment, interest must be paid together with it based on the protocol.
4. To prevent the risk of settlement from a high interest rate when taking out a loan, WEMIX.Fi limits the amount of loans. For more details on collateral and other information, please refer to WEMIX.Fi Docs.
Experience WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service, where status monitoring ensures a safe collateral management while offering the convenience of checking the current collateral and loan status.
The WEMIX team will continue to offer a professional and systematic DeFi service by adding various assets, so that users can manage their blockchain assets on WEMIX.Fi with greater convenience.
We look forward to seeing active participation and interest in the 3 new assets–and more to come–being added to WEMIX.Fi Lend & Borrow service.
Lend & Borrow Service:
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 09:49
WEMIX telegram news 22 February 2023 09:49
22 Feb 2023, 09:48
WAIT(Wemix Approves Investment Transparently)
40 WONDERS의 위믹스 투자 승인 프로그램
안녕하세요, 위믹스 재단입니다.
위믹스는 그동안 투명한 유통량 관리와 재단과 위메이드의 보유 위믹스에 대한 재락업 이후 선형 균등 공급 계획의 발표, 모든 위믹스 출금에 대한 공지 의무화 등을 통해, 성장에 수반되는 위믹스 시장에의 영향을 최소화하기 위해 노력해 왔습니다.
이러한 위믹스의 양적 공급에 대한 관리와 함께, 위믹스 재단이 생태계의 성장을 위한 투자에 대한 질적 평가와 함께 타당성을 검증하고, 승인을 통한 집행을 위해 WAIT 프로토콜을 신설하였습니다.
WAIT 프로토콜은
• 위믹스의 투자를 위한 출금이 재단과 실무그룹의 투자제안 이후,
• 3인으로 구성된 투자위원회(Investment Committee)의 과반수 찬성을 기준으로 하는 심의,
• 이후 위믹스 성장의 동반자인 NCP, 40 WONDERS의 WAIT 거버넌스의 과반수 찬성을 통해 집행이 승인되는 순서로 진행됩니다.
이처럼 WAIT는,
• 투자가 제안(investment proposition)→심의(investment review)→확정(governance approval)의 세 단계를 통해 다양한 시각에서의 위믹스 생태계에 미치는 영향을 평가하고 의견을 수렴하며, 심의와 확정단계에서 승인을 받지 못하면 해당 투자는 중단되며, 이후 보강하여 재기안 하거나 취소됩니다.
• 위믹스 백서에 명시된 에코시스템을 위한 분배 중 투자와 파트너십을 위한 WEMIX의 집행이 거버넌스의 대상입니다.
• 마케팅, 마이그레이션 등 재단과 위믹스 생태계를 위한 경상지출은 지금과 마찬가지로 진행되며 커뮤니티/투자자 공지로 투명하게 공개됩니다.
• 재단의 투자위원회는 위메이드의 대표이사와 위믹스 커뮤니티에 대한 객관적 시각을 지니는 외부 인사 2인, 총 3인으로 구성됩니다.
• WAIT는 기존의 40 WONDERS의 네트워크 거버넌스와 분리하여 WAIT governance program을 신설하며, 재단을 제외한 WONDERS 투표수의 과반수 획득시 승인됩니다. 예를 들어 오늘 현재, 재단을 제외하면 15 WONDERS이고 이 중 8 WONDERS의 찬성 시 해당 투자는 승인됩니다.
• WAIT 거버넌스는 3일(72시간)동안 진행되며, 매직넘버인 당시 Real WONDERS의 과반수 획득시 확정 후 조기 종료됩니다.
• 커뮤니티로 구성되는 WONDER DAO는 당연히 거버넌스에 참여할 수 있습니다.
• 각 WAIT 거버넌스의 제안내용과 투표결과는 40 WONDERS 웹사이트에 공지됩니다.
• 신중하고 안전한 투자금 집행을 위해, 스마트컨트랙트가 아닌 위믹스 재단의 위믹스 전송 프로세스에 의해 테스트 전송 후 본 전송이 실행됩니다.
탈중앙화된 의사결정을 통해 객관적이고 실질적으로 도움이 되는 투자를 결정하는 위믹스의 WAIT 프로토콜은 제반 준비를 마친 후 실행될 예정입니다..
위믹스 재단은 어떠한 상황에서도 커뮤니티와 투자자들이 보내준 지지와 성원, 그에 부응하려는 팀의 실질적인 성장을 위한 노력으로 지금까지 왔다고 생각하며 다시 한번 감사드립니다.
앞으로 위믹스 재단은 위믹스의 양적 투명성과 함께 질적 투명성까지 겸비하여 글로벌 최대의 블록체인 생태계를 완성하는 그날까지 멈추지 않겠습니다.
투자파트너분들은 기다려주세요, 위믹스는 투자의 승인도 투명하게 진행합니다.
Wait, WEMIX Approves Investment Transparently.
부록: WAIT 거버넌스 판단기준의 예시
• 본 투자가 위믹스 생태계의 확장과 성장에 기여할 것이라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스 생태계의 TVL의 성장에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스 생태계의 기술 혁신에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스3.0(사이드 체인 포함)의 어드레스 증가에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스3.0(사이드 체인 포함)의 거래수 증가에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스의 가치 상승에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스의 브랜드 제고에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스 커뮤니티와 투자자에게 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
WAIT(Wemix Approves Investment Transparently). 40 WONDERS의 위믹스 투자 승인 프로그램. 안녕하세요, 위믹스 재단입니다.
WAIT(Wemix Approves Investment Transparently)
40 WONDERS의 위믹스 투자 승인 프로그램
안녕하세요, 위믹스 재단입니다.
위믹스는 그동안 투명한 유통량 관리와 재단과 위메이드의 보유 위믹스에 대한 재락업 이후 선형 균등 공급 계획의 발표, 모든 위믹스 출금에 대한 공지 의무화 등을 통해, 성장에 수반되는 위믹스 시장에의 영향을 최소화하기 위해 노력해 왔습니다.
이러한 위믹스의 양적 공급에 대한 관리와 함께, 위믹스 재단이 생태계의 성장을 위한 투자에 대한 질적 평가와 함께 타당성을 검증하고, 승인을 통한 집행을 위해 WAIT 프로토콜을 신설하였습니다.
WAIT 프로토콜은
• 위믹스의 투자를 위한 출금이 재단과 실무그룹의 투자제안 이후,
• 3인으로 구성된 투자위원회(Investment Committee)의 과반수 찬성을 기준으로 하는 심의,
• 이후 위믹스 성장의 동반자인 NCP, 40 WONDERS의 WAIT 거버넌스의 과반수 찬성을 통해 집행이 승인되는 순서로 진행됩니다.
이처럼 WAIT는,
• 투자가 제안(investment proposition)→심의(investment review)→확정(governance approval)의 세 단계를 통해 다양한 시각에서의 위믹스 생태계에 미치는 영향을 평가하고 의견을 수렴하며, 심의와 확정단계에서 승인을 받지 못하면 해당 투자는 중단되며, 이후 보강하여 재기안 하거나 취소됩니다.
• 위믹스 백서에 명시된 에코시스템을 위한 분배 중 투자와 파트너십을 위한 WEMIX의 집행이 거버넌스의 대상입니다.
• 마케팅, 마이그레이션 등 재단과 위믹스 생태계를 위한 경상지출은 지금과 마찬가지로 진행되며 커뮤니티/투자자 공지로 투명하게 공개됩니다.
• 재단의 투자위원회는 위메이드의 대표이사와 위믹스 커뮤니티에 대한 객관적 시각을 지니는 외부 인사 2인, 총 3인으로 구성됩니다.
• WAIT는 기존의 40 WONDERS의 네트워크 거버넌스와 분리하여 WAIT governance program을 신설하며, 재단을 제외한 WONDERS 투표수의 과반수 획득시 승인됩니다. 예를 들어 오늘 현재, 재단을 제외하면 15 WONDERS이고 이 중 8 WONDERS의 찬성 시 해당 투자는 승인됩니다.
• WAIT 거버넌스는 3일(72시간)동안 진행되며, 매직넘버인 당시 Real WONDERS의 과반수 획득시 확정 후 조기 종료됩니다.
• 커뮤니티로 구성되는 WONDER DAO는 당연히 거버넌스에 참여할 수 있습니다.
• 각 WAIT 거버넌스의 제안내용과 투표결과는 40 WONDERS 웹사이트에 공지됩니다.
• 신중하고 안전한 투자금 집행을 위해, 스마트컨트랙트가 아닌 위믹스 재단의 위믹스 전송 프로세스에 의해 테스트 전송 후 본 전송이 실행됩니다.
탈중앙화된 의사결정을 통해 객관적이고 실질적으로 도움이 되는 투자를 결정하는 위믹스의 WAIT 프로토콜은 제반 준비를 마친 후 실행될 예정입니다..
위믹스 재단은 어떠한 상황에서도 커뮤니티와 투자자들이 보내준 지지와 성원, 그에 부응하려는 팀의 실질적인 성장을 위한 노력으로 지금까지 왔다고 생각하며 다시 한번 감사드립니다.
앞으로 위믹스 재단은 위믹스의 양적 투명성과 함께 질적 투명성까지 겸비하여 글로벌 최대의 블록체인 생태계를 완성하는 그날까지 멈추지 않겠습니다.
투자파트너분들은 기다려주세요, 위믹스는 투자의 승인도 투명하게 진행합니다.
Wait, WEMIX Approves Investment Transparently.
부록: WAIT 거버넌스 판단기준의 예시
• 본 투자가 위믹스 생태계의 확장과 성장에 기여할 것이라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스 생태계의 TVL의 성장에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스 생태계의 기술 혁신에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스3.0(사이드 체인 포함)의 어드레스 증가에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스3.0(사이드 체인 포함)의 거래수 증가에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스의 가치 상승에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스의 브랜드 제고에 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
• 본 투자가 위믹스 커뮤니티와 투자자에게 도움이 될 거라 생각하십니까?
위믹스 미디엄 공지 :
22 Feb 2023, 09:47
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently
Dear community and investors,
In order to effectively minimize the impact on the market, WEMIX has implemented a clear circulating supply management, monthly linear vesting plan of WEMIX foundation holdings subject to re-lockup, and transparent disclosure of all WEMIX transfers.
In addition to the QUANTITATIVE supply management of WEMIX, the WEMIX Foundation has established the WAIT Protocol for QUALITATIVE assessment of investment for growth of the ecosystem, validation of feasibility, and execution upon approval.
WAIT Protocol will be executed in the following order,
• investment proposition by the Foundation and investment team regarding the withdrawal of WEMIX for investment purposes,
• evaluation by the three-member Investment Committee based on a majority(two of three), and
• enforcement through the majority approval by WAIT governance of NCP, 40 WONDERS who contribute towards the growth and development of WEMIX.
WAIT implementation will encompass,
• Evaluation of the investment on the WEMIX ecosystem will be discussed and evaluated through the following stages: investment proposition → investment review→ governance approval. If approval is not obtained during the final stages, the investment will be suspended or subject to resubmission upon modification.
• Use of WEMIX for investment and partnerships among the WEMIX distribution specified in the WEMIX White Paper will be subject to governance.
• Expenditures related to the Foundation and the WEMIX ecosystem, such as marketing and migration, will be transparently disclosed via announcements to our community/investors.
• The Investment Committee will consist of three people, including the CEO of WEMADE and two outside personnel with an objective perspective of the WEMIX community.
• The WAIT governance program will be established separate from the existing 40 WONDERS governance network , and will be approved upon a majority vote excluding the Foundation. For example, as of the date of publication, an investment will be carried out with the approval of 8 WONDERS out of the current 15 WONDERS excluding the Foundation.
• WAIT governance will be held for three days(72h), and will be subject to early termination once reaching the magic number.
• The community-based WONDER DAO can, of course, participate in governance.
• Proposals and voting results of each WAIT governance will be announced on the 40 WONDERS website.
• To carry out a careful and secure investment, the transaction will not be processed via smart contract, but will proceed after a test transfer of WEMIX from the WEMIX Foundation.
The WAIT Protocol of WEMIX will allow execution of objective and beneficial investments through decentralized decision-making, and will be implemented after all preparations have been made.
We would like to express our gratitude towards all our community and investors for their unwavering support and encouragement under any circumstances, which has led WEMIX to come this far.
The WEMIX Foundation will continue to build the world’s largest blockchain ecosystem by pursuing both quantitative and qualitative transparency of WEMIX.
WEMIX makes transparent investment decisions, every second of the wait will be worth it for our investment partners.
Wait, WEMIX Approves Investment Transparently.
Thank you.
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently. by 40 WONDERS. Dear community and investors,.
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently
Dear community and investors,
In order to effectively minimize the impact on the market, WEMIX has implemented a clear circulating supply management, monthly linear vesting plan of WEMIX foundation holdings subject to re-lockup, and transparent disclosure of all WEMIX transfers.
In addition to the QUANTITATIVE supply management of WEMIX, the WEMIX Foundation has established the WAIT Protocol for QUALITATIVE assessment of investment for growth of the ecosystem, validation of feasibility, and execution upon approval.
WAIT Protocol will be executed in the following order,
• investment proposition by the Foundation and investment team regarding the withdrawal of WEMIX for investment purposes,
• evaluation by the three-member Investment Committee based on a majority(two of three), and
• enforcement through the majority approval by WAIT governance of NCP, 40 WONDERS who contribute towards the growth and development of WEMIX.
WAIT implementation will encompass,
• Evaluation of the investment on the WEMIX ecosystem will be discussed and evaluated through the following stages: investment proposition → investment review→ governance approval. If approval is not obtained during the final stages, the investment will be suspended or subject to resubmission upon modification.
• Use of WEMIX for investment and partnerships among the WEMIX distribution specified in the WEMIX White Paper will be subject to governance.
• Expenditures related to the Foundation and the WEMIX ecosystem, such as marketing and migration, will be transparently disclosed via announcements to our community/investors.
• The Investment Committee will consist of three people, including the CEO of WEMADE and two outside personnel with an objective perspective of the WEMIX community.
• The WAIT governance program will be established separate from the existing 40 WONDERS governance network , and will be approved upon a majority vote excluding the Foundation. For example, as of the date of publication, an investment will be carried out with the approval of 8 WONDERS out of the current 15 WONDERS excluding the Foundation.
• WAIT governance will be held for three days(72h), and will be subject to early termination once reaching the magic number.
• The community-based WONDER DAO can, of course, participate in governance.
• Proposals and voting results of each WAIT governance will be announced on the 40 WONDERS website.
• To carry out a careful and secure investment, the transaction will not be processed via smart contract, but will proceed after a test transfer of WEMIX from the WEMIX Foundation.
The WAIT Protocol of WEMIX will allow execution of objective and beneficial investments through decentralized decision-making, and will be implemented after all preparations have been made.
We would like to express our gratitude towards all our community and investors for their unwavering support and encouragement under any circumstances, which has led WEMIX to come this far.
The WEMIX Foundation will continue to build the world’s largest blockchain ecosystem by pursuing both quantitative and qualitative transparency of WEMIX.
WEMIX makes transparent investment decisions, every second of the wait will be worth it for our investment partners.
Wait, WEMIX Approves Investment Transparently.
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 09:47
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently
Dear community and investors,
In order to effectively minimize the impact on the market, WEMIX has implemented a clear circulating supply management, monthly linear vesting plan of WEMIX foundation holdings subject to re-lockup, and transparent disclosure of all WEMIX transfers.
In addition to the QUANTITATIVE supply management of WEMIX, the WEMIX Foundation has established the WAIT Protocol for QUALITATIVE assessment of investment for growth of the ecosystem, validation of feasibility, and execution upon approval.
WAIT Protocol will be executed in the following order,
• investment proposition by the Foundation and investment team regarding the withdrawal of WEMIX for investment purposes,
• evaluation by the three-member Investment Committee based on a majority(two of three), and
• enforcement through the majority approval by WAIT governance of NCP, 40 WONDERS who contribute towards the growth and development of WEMIX.
WAIT implementation will encompass,
• Evaluation of the investment on the WEMIX ecosystem will be discussed and evaluated through the following stages: investment proposition → investment review→ governance approval. If approval is not obtained during the final stages, the investment will be suspended or subject to resubmission upon modification.
• Use of WEMIX for investment and partnerships among the WEMIX distribution specified in the WEMIX White Paper will be subject to governance.
• Expenditures related to the Foundation and the WEMIX ecosystem, such as marketing and migration, will be transparently disclosed via announcements to our community/investors.
• The Investment Committee will consist of three people, including the CEO of WEMADE and two outside personnel with an objective perspective of the WEMIX community.
• The WAIT governance program will be established separate from the existing 40 WONDERS governance network , and will be approved upon a majority vote excluding the Foundation. For example, as of the date of publication, an investment will be carried out with the approval of 8 WONDERS out of the current 15 WONDERS excluding the Foundation.
• WAIT governance will be held for three days(72h), and will be subject to early termination once reaching the magic number.
• The community-based WONDER DAO can, of course, participate in governance.
• Proposals and voting results of each WAIT governance will be announced on the 40 WONDERS website.
• To carry out a careful and secure investment, the transaction will not be processed via smart contract, but will proceed after a test transfer of WEMIX from the WEMIX Foundation.
The WAIT Protocol of WEMIX will allow execution of objective and beneficial investments through decentralized decision-making, and will be implemented after all preparations have been made.
We would like to express our gratitude towards all our community and investors for their unwavering support and encouragement under any circumstances, which has led WEMIX to come this far.
The WEMIX Foundation will continue to build the world’s largest blockchain ecosystem by pursuing both quantitative and qualitative transparency of WEMIX.
WEMIX makes transparent investment decisions, every second of the wait will be worth it for our investment partners.
Wait, WEMIX Approves Investment Transparently.
Thank you.
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently. by 40 WONDERS. Dear community and investors,.
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently
Dear community and investors,
In order to effectively minimize the impact on the market, WEMIX has implemented a clear circulating supply management, monthly linear vesting plan of WEMIX foundation holdings subject to re-lockup, and transparent disclosure of all WEMIX transfers.
In addition to the QUANTITATIVE supply management of WEMIX, the WEMIX Foundation has established the WAIT Protocol for QUALITATIVE assessment of investment for growth of the ecosystem, validation of feasibility, and execution upon approval.
WAIT Protocol will be executed in the following order,
• investment proposition by the Foundation and investment team regarding the withdrawal of WEMIX for investment purposes,
• evaluation by the three-member Investment Committee based on a majority(two of three), and
• enforcement through the majority approval by WAIT governance of NCP, 40 WONDERS who contribute towards the growth and development of WEMIX.
WAIT implementation will encompass,
• Evaluation of the investment on the WEMIX ecosystem will be discussed and evaluated through the following stages: investment proposition → investment review→ governance approval. If approval is not obtained during the final stages, the investment will be suspended or subject to resubmission upon modification.
• Use of WEMIX for investment and partnerships among the WEMIX distribution specified in the WEMIX White Paper will be subject to governance.
• Expenditures related to the Foundation and the WEMIX ecosystem, such as marketing and migration, will be transparently disclosed via announcements to our community/investors.
• The Investment Committee will consist of three people, including the CEO of WEMADE and two outside personnel with an objective perspective of the WEMIX community.
• The WAIT governance program will be established separate from the existing 40 WONDERS governance network , and will be approved upon a majority vote excluding the Foundation. For example, as of the date of publication, an investment will be carried out with the approval of 8 WONDERS out of the current 15 WONDERS excluding the Foundation.
• WAIT governance will be held for three days(72h), and will be subject to early termination once reaching the magic number.
• The community-based WONDER DAO can, of course, participate in governance.
• Proposals and voting results of each WAIT governance will be announced on the 40 WONDERS website.
• To carry out a careful and secure investment, the transaction will not be processed via smart contract, but will proceed after a test transfer of WEMIX from the WEMIX Foundation.
The WAIT Protocol of WEMIX will allow execution of objective and beneficial investments through decentralized decision-making, and will be implemented after all preparations have been made.
We would like to express our gratitude towards all our community and investors for their unwavering support and encouragement under any circumstances, which has led WEMIX to come this far.
The WEMIX Foundation will continue to build the world’s largest blockchain ecosystem by pursuing both quantitative and qualitative transparency of WEMIX.
WEMIX makes transparent investment decisions, every second of the wait will be worth it for our investment partners.
Wait, WEMIX Approves Investment Transparently.
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 09:47
Appendix: Examples of WAIT Governance Evaluation Criteria
• Will the investment contribute towards the expansion and growth of the WEMIX ecosystem?
• Will the investment contribute to the TVL growth of the WEMIX ecosystem?
• Will the investment help with the technological innovation of the WEMIX ecosystem?
• Will the investment increase the number of wallet users of WEMIX3.0 (including sidechain)?
• Will the investment increase the number of transactions in WEMIX3.0 (including sidechain)?
• Will the investment increase the value of WEMIX?
• Will the investment improve the brand of WEMIX as a whole?
• Will the investment benefit the WEMIX community and investors?
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
Appendix: Examples of WAIT Governance Evaluation Criteria.
Appendix: Examples of WAIT Governance Evaluation Criteria
• Will the investment contribute towards the expansion and growth of the WEMIX ecosystem?
• Will the investment contribute to the TVL growth of the WEMIX ecosystem?
• Will the investment help with the technological innovation of the WEMIX ecosystem?
• Will the investment increase the number of wallet users of WEMIX3.0 (including sidechain)?
• Will the investment increase the number of transactions in WEMIX3.0 (including sidechain)?
• Will the investment increase the value of WEMIX?
• Will the investment improve the brand of WEMIX as a whole?
• Will the investment benefit the WEMIX community and investors?
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
22 Feb 2023, 09:41
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently by 40 WONDERS
Medium :
The #WEMIX Foundation has established the WAIT Protocol for QUALITATIVE assessment of investment for growth of the ecosystem, validation of feasibility, & execution upon approval.
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently by 40 WONDERS. Medium :.
WAIT, Wemix Approves Investment Transparently by 40 WONDERS
Medium :
The #WEMIX Foundation has established the WAIT Protocol for QUALITATIVE assessment of investment for growth of the ecosystem, validation of feasibility, & execution upon approval.
22 Feb 2023, 05:05
Transfer Disclosure (10,000,000 #WEMIX)
Medium Announcement :
- Amount : 10,000,000 WEMIX
- Purpose : To provide WEMIX3.0 migration for a stable operation of WEMIX transactions on #Coinone Exchange
Transfer Disclosure (10,000,000 #WEMIX). Medium Announcement :. - Amount : 10,000,000 WEMIX. - Purpose : To provide WEMIX3.
Transfer Disclosure (10,000,000 #WEMIX)
Medium Announcement :
- Amount : 10,000,000 WEMIX
- Purpose : To provide WEMIX3.0 migration for a stable operation of WEMIX transactions on #Coinone Exchange
22 Feb 2023, 05:04
Transfer Disclosure (10,000,000 WEMIX)
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
With the recent listing of Coinone, deposits of WEMIX Classic have increased significantly. For smooth and stable WEMIX trading for investors, additional WEMIX transfers for WEMIX3.0 migration were made accordingly. As for the burn process, the WEMIX Classic held by the exchange was transferred to the Klaytn Dead Wallet address in the same way as last time.
> WEMIX Transfer Details
#1 [WEMIX Transfer] Bridge wallet (0xb572…b5A9) ▷ Coinone WEMIX3.0 wallet (0xD2Aa…a2d5)
● Amount : 10,000,000 WEMIX
● TX Hash: 0xe17e102a7fb004c7c278c1538bf577863c9a47e5b56af4c824b2b5cd0130e34b
#2 [Test Transfer] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) ▷Dead wallet (0x0000…dead)
● Amount : 1 WEMIX Classic
● TX Hash: 0x5801690508f0fb3e9429246090932d0e2639bfb10ef2729c414dbc32febf15ca
#3 [Burning of WEMIX Classic] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) ▷Dead wallet (0x0000…dead)
● Amount : 9,999,999 WEMIX Classic
● TX Hash: 0x5d33126a4b7f084acc7dd35cce548545f50ffe1c58a6ab400aafa809bc636ac7
> Summary on WEMIX Transfer
● Amount: 10,000,000 WEMIX
● Purpose: To provide WEMIX3.0 migration for a stable operation of WEMIX transactions on Coinone Exchange
● Impact on Circulation: The Circulating Supply is not affected as WEMIX was transferred from the Foundation-owned bridge wallet (in circulation) to an external wallet (in circulation).
Thank you.
Transfer Disclosure (10,000,000 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
Transfer Disclosure (10,000,000 WEMIX)
WEMIX Medium Announcement :
With the recent listing of Coinone, deposits of WEMIX Classic have increased significantly. For smooth and stable WEMIX trading for investors, additional WEMIX transfers for WEMIX3.0 migration were made accordingly. As for the burn process, the WEMIX Classic held by the exchange was transferred to the Klaytn Dead Wallet address in the same way as last time.
> WEMIX Transfer Details
#1 [WEMIX Transfer] Bridge wallet (0xb572…b5A9) ▷ Coinone WEMIX3.0 wallet (0xD2Aa…a2d5)
● Amount : 10,000,000 WEMIX
● TX Hash: 0xe17e102a7fb004c7c278c1538bf577863c9a47e5b56af4c824b2b5cd0130e34b
#2 [Test Transfer] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) ▷Dead wallet (0x0000…dead)
● Amount : 1 WEMIX Classic
● TX Hash: 0x5801690508f0fb3e9429246090932d0e2639bfb10ef2729c414dbc32febf15ca
#3 [Burning of WEMIX Classic] Coinone Klaytn wallet (0x2968…e5a8) ▷Dead wallet (0x0000…dead)
● Amount : 9,999,999 WEMIX Classic
● TX Hash: 0x5d33126a4b7f084acc7dd35cce548545f50ffe1c58a6ab400aafa809bc636ac7
> Summary on WEMIX Transfer
● Amount: 10,000,000 WEMIX
● Purpose: To provide WEMIX3.0 migration for a stable operation of WEMIX transactions on Coinone Exchange
● Impact on Circulation: The Circulating Supply is not affected as WEMIX was transferred from the Foundation-owned bridge wallet (in circulation) to an external wallet (in circulation).
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 02:28
WEMIX telegram news 22 February 2023 02:28
22 Feb 2023, 02:27
플레이월렛 게임파이 메뉴 추가 및 개선 완료 안내
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
플레이월렛 내 게임파이 서비스의 편의성 증대을 위한 업데이트가 진행되었습니다.
이번 업데이트를 통해 플레이월렛에서도 유동성 풀 이용 및 REFLECT 퓨전, 피전 운용이 가능해졌으며 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴에서 입력 토큰 전환 기능이 추가 되어 서비스 이용이 더욱 편리해집니다.
자세한 업데이트 내용은 아래를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.
[업데이트 일정]
- 2023년 2월 22일 11:00 (GMT+9)
[업데이트 상세 내용]
▶ 게임파이 메뉴 추가
- 게임파이 메뉴 내 Pool과 REFLECT 메뉴 추가
* Pool 및 REFLECT 메뉴 선택 시 웹으로 이동됩니다.
▶ 게임파이 토큰 교환 메뉴 서비스 개선
- 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴 내 From 통화와 To 통화의 전환(스위치) 기능 추가
[업데이트 마켓]
- 구글 플레이 스토어 :
- 애플 앱 스토어 :
[추가 안내사항]
- PLAY Wallet 어플리케이션 신규버전은 스토어로 이동하셔서 업데이트 하시길 바랍니다.
- 국가별로 스토어에 업데이트 되는 시간이 달라질 수 있습니다.
- 스토어 업데이트가 진행되지 않을 시, 스토어 앱의 캐시를 지우고 다시 시도하여 주세요.
플레이월렛 게임파이 메뉴 추가 및 개선 완료 안내. 위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다. 플레이월렛 내 게임파이 서비스의 편의성 증대을 위한 업데이트가 진행되었습니다.
플레이월렛 게임파이 메뉴 추가 및 개선 완료 안내
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
플레이월렛 내 게임파이 서비스의 편의성 증대을 위한 업데이트가 진행되었습니다.
이번 업데이트를 통해 플레이월렛에서도 유동성 풀 이용 및 REFLECT 퓨전, 피전 운용이 가능해졌으며 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴에서 입력 토큰 전환 기능이 추가 되어 서비스 이용이 더욱 편리해집니다.
자세한 업데이트 내용은 아래를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.
[업데이트 일정]
- 2023년 2월 22일 11:00 (GMT+9)
[업데이트 상세 내용]
▶ 게임파이 메뉴 추가
- 게임파이 메뉴 내 Pool과 REFLECT 메뉴 추가
* Pool 및 REFLECT 메뉴 선택 시 웹으로 이동됩니다.
▶ 게임파이 토큰 교환 메뉴 서비스 개선
- 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴 내 From 통화와 To 통화의 전환(스위치) 기능 추가
[업데이트 마켓]
- 구글 플레이 스토어 :
- 애플 앱 스토어 :
[추가 안내사항]
- PLAY Wallet 어플리케이션 신규버전은 스토어로 이동하셔서 업데이트 하시길 바랍니다.
- 국가별로 스토어에 업데이트 되는 시간이 달라질 수 있습니다.
- 스토어 업데이트가 진행되지 않을 시, 스토어 앱의 캐시를 지우고 다시 시도하여 주세요.
22 Feb 2023, 02:26
PLAY Wallet’s GameFi Menu Updated
PLAY wallet has been updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
Through this update, you are able to use liquidiy pool, fusion/fission REFLECT token in the PLAY wallet as well.
Switch feature is now available in the input menu of the SWAP service to provide easier use.
Please be informed with the update details below.
[Update Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 22nd 11:00 (GMT+9)
▶GameFi Menu Addition
- Pool and REFLECT menus have been added in the GameFi menu
* You will be transferred to the web when selecting the Pool and REFLECT menu.
▶ GameFi Swap Service Enhancement
- Switching of From currency and To currency is available in the input menu of Swap service.
[Update Markets]
- Google Play Store:
- Apple App Store:
[Other Notices]
- PLAY Wallet App's new version can be updated at the Store.
- Update time for the Store may vary by country.
- If the store update does not proceed, please delete the Store app's cache and try again
Thank you.
PLAY Wallet's GameFi Menu Updated. WEMIX PLAY Medium:. PLAY wallet has been updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
PLAY Wallet’s GameFi Menu Updated
PLAY wallet has been updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
Through this update, you are able to use liquidiy pool, fusion/fission REFLECT token in the PLAY wallet as well.
Switch feature is now available in the input menu of the SWAP service to provide easier use.
Please be informed with the update details below.
[Update Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 22nd 11:00 (GMT+9)
▶GameFi Menu Addition
- Pool and REFLECT menus have been added in the GameFi menu
* You will be transferred to the web when selecting the Pool and REFLECT menu.
▶ GameFi Swap Service Enhancement
- Switching of From currency and To currency is available in the input menu of Swap service.
[Update Markets]
- Google Play Store:
- Apple App Store:
[Other Notices]
- PLAY Wallet App's new version can be updated at the Store.
- Update time for the Store may vary by country.
- If the store update does not proceed, please delete the Store app's cache and try again
Thank you.
22 Feb 2023, 02:26
PLAY Wallet’s GameFi Menu Updated
PLAY wallet has been updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
Through this update, you are able to use liquidiy pool, fusion/fission REFLECT token in the PLAY wallet as well.
Switch feature is now available in the input menu of the SWAP service to provide easier use.
Please be informed with the update details below.
[Update Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 22nd 11:00 (GMT+9)
▶GameFi Menu Addition
- Pool and REFLECT menus have been added in the GameFi menu
* You will be transferred to the web when selecting the Pool and REFLECT menu.
▶ GameFi Swap Service Enhancement
- Switching of From currency and To currency is available in the input menu of Swap service.
[Update Markets]
- Google Play Store:
- Apple App Store:
[Other Notices]
- PLAY Wallet App's new version can be updated at the Store.
- Update time for the Store may vary by country.
- If the store update does not proceed, please delete the Store app's cache and try again
Thank you.
PLAY Wallet's GameFi Menu Updated. WEMIX PLAY Medium:. PLAY wallet has been updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
PLAY Wallet’s GameFi Menu Updated
PLAY wallet has been updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
Through this update, you are able to use liquidiy pool, fusion/fission REFLECT token in the PLAY wallet as well.
Switch feature is now available in the input menu of the SWAP service to provide easier use.
Please be informed with the update details below.
[Update Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 22nd 11:00 (GMT+9)
▶GameFi Menu Addition
- Pool and REFLECT menus have been added in the GameFi menu
* You will be transferred to the web when selecting the Pool and REFLECT menu.
▶ GameFi Swap Service Enhancement
- Switching of From currency and To currency is available in the input menu of Swap service.
[Update Markets]
- Google Play Store:
- Apple App Store:
[Other Notices]
- PLAY Wallet App's new version can be updated at the Store.
- Update time for the Store may vary by country.
- If the store update does not proceed, please delete the Store app's cache and try again
Thank you.
21 Feb 2023, 14:49
Our native stablecoin WEMIX$ has surpassed 10M by organic demand. With MirM global conrcurrent users over 150k, expect more WEMIX$ to be in circulation. True gaming economy powered by WEMIX$
$WEMIX #WemixDollar #MirM $DRONE $DOGMA
Our native stablecoin WEMIX$ has surpassed 10M by organic demand.
Our native stablecoin WEMIX$ has surpassed 10M by organic demand. With MirM global conrcurrent users over 150k, expect more WEMIX$ to be in circulation. True gaming economy powered by WEMIX$
$WEMIX #WemixDollar #MirM $DRONE $DOGMA
21 Feb 2023, 09:40
WEMADE partners with #Nine66, a Savvy Games Group
Medium :
- To drive the long-term growth & development of the games & esports sectors in Saudi Arabia
- Expansion of #WEMIX based game services in MENA
WEMADE partners with #Nine66, a Savvy Games Group. Medium :.
WEMADE partners with #Nine66, a Savvy Games Group
Medium :
- To drive the long-term growth & development of the games & esports sectors in Saudi Arabia
- Expansion of #WEMIX based game services in MENA
21 Feb 2023, 09:31
위메이드, 사우디 아라비아 게임사 'Nine66'와 전략적 파트너십 체결
미디엄 원본 자료 :
안녕하세요 위믹스 팀입니다.
위믹스의 최신 보도자료 소식을 전달드립니다.
“위메이드, 사우디 아라비아 게임사 'Nine66'와 전략적 파트너십 체결”
- 위믹스 기반 게임 MENA 지역 서비스 추진 등 생태계 확장 노력
- 블록체인 게임을 비롯한 위믹스 관련 사업 한층 탄력 받을 것으로 기대
위메이드, 사우디 아라비아 게임사 'Nine66'와 전략적 파트너십 체결. 미디엄 원본 자료 :. 안녕하세요 위믹스 팀입니다. 위믹스의 최신 보도자료 소식을 전달드립니다.
위메이드, 사우디 아라비아 게임사 'Nine66'와 전략적 파트너십 체결
미디엄 원본 자료 :
안녕하세요 위믹스 팀입니다.
위믹스의 최신 보도자료 소식을 전달드립니다.
“위메이드, 사우디 아라비아 게임사 'Nine66'와 전략적 파트너십 체결”
- 위믹스 기반 게임 MENA 지역 서비스 추진 등 생태계 확장 노력
- 블록체인 게임을 비롯한 위믹스 관련 사업 한층 탄력 받을 것으로 기대
21 Feb 2023, 09:31
WEMADE partners with Nine66 to further its footprint in Saudi Arabia
Medium article link :
WEMADE, the South Korean game developer, announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Nine66, a Savvy Games Group (“Savvy”) company, to drive the development of the gaming industry in Saudi Arabia.
Savvy’s long-term objective is to drive the long-term growth and development of the games and esports sectors in Saudi Arabia. The group consists of five independent entities covering areas such as game development, esports, investments and more.
Nine66 is committed to building and investing in the thriving gaming ecosystem in Saudi Arabia. Nine66 is driving growth and success in the region’s gaming industry through a range of initiatives and partnerships, such as publishing, incubator and accelerator programs, training and events, as well as supporting virtual and real-life game development communities.
Nine66 provides entrepreneurs and innovators in the games industry with everything they need to accelerate their work; everything they need to drive their business forward; and everything they need to deliver a real impact, that benefits everyone in the games community.
Saudi Arabia is already a leader in the Middle East’s gaming market, with over 80% of its 36 million population identifying as gamers. Recent government-led strategic initiatives are expected to have a positive impact on the Saudi gaming industry in the years to come.
WEMADE is one of the most well established South Korean gaming companies of over 22 years of history. The publicly traded company behind MMORPG “The Legend of Mir” series accumulated millions of users globally and has a growing userbase in the Middle East.
Through this partnership, WEMADE has committed to supporting the local gaming ecosystem by providing training and educational content, as well as collaborating with Saudi game developers.
Additionally, the partnership will explore various programs aimed at knowledge transfer, sponsorship of regional events, and expanding networks in the region to help grow the Saudi gaming industry and create new opportunities for developers and gamers alike.
The announcement comes as a follow up from official meetings during the LEAP Tech Conference that took place between February 6 to 9 in Riyadh. Over 170,000 participants and hundreds of speakers came together from multiple countries to the capital of Saudi Arabia, which saw leading tech companies partner with Saudi authorities to drive regional development on multiple fronts.
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 strategy has set in motion a set of initiatives as a national effort to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy. As part of its mandate, Savvy is also set to invest USD 37.8 billion in the games industry.
WEMADE recently launched its new flagship game MIR M Global on January 31, which currently tops the ranks of video games in RPG category in multiple Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia. The partnership with Nine66 is one of the company’s latest moves in the region. In January, WEMADE announced the establishment of a subsidiary in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and plans to open another branch in MENA region and work with local projects and companies.
Thank you.
WEMADE partners with Nine66 to further its footprint in Saudi Arabia. Medium article link :.
WEMADE partners with Nine66 to further its footprint in Saudi Arabia
Medium article link :
WEMADE, the South Korean game developer, announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Nine66, a Savvy Games Group (“Savvy”) company, to drive the development of the gaming industry in Saudi Arabia.
Savvy’s long-term objective is to drive the long-term growth and development of the games and esports sectors in Saudi Arabia. The group consists of five independent entities covering areas such as game development, esports, investments and more.
Nine66 is committed to building and investing in the thriving gaming ecosystem in Saudi Arabia. Nine66 is driving growth and success in the region’s gaming industry through a range of initiatives and partnerships, such as publishing, incubator and accelerator programs, training and events, as well as supporting virtual and real-life game development communities.
Nine66 provides entrepreneurs and innovators in the games industry with everything they need to accelerate their work; everything they need to drive their business forward; and everything they need to deliver a real impact, that benefits everyone in the games community.
Saudi Arabia is already a leader in the Middle East’s gaming market, with over 80% of its 36 million population identifying as gamers. Recent government-led strategic initiatives are expected to have a positive impact on the Saudi gaming industry in the years to come.
WEMADE is one of the most well established South Korean gaming companies of over 22 years of history. The publicly traded company behind MMORPG “The Legend of Mir” series accumulated millions of users globally and has a growing userbase in the Middle East.
Through this partnership, WEMADE has committed to supporting the local gaming ecosystem by providing training and educational content, as well as collaborating with Saudi game developers.
Additionally, the partnership will explore various programs aimed at knowledge transfer, sponsorship of regional events, and expanding networks in the region to help grow the Saudi gaming industry and create new opportunities for developers and gamers alike.
The announcement comes as a follow up from official meetings during the LEAP Tech Conference that took place between February 6 to 9 in Riyadh. Over 170,000 participants and hundreds of speakers came together from multiple countries to the capital of Saudi Arabia, which saw leading tech companies partner with Saudi authorities to drive regional development on multiple fronts.
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 strategy has set in motion a set of initiatives as a national effort to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy. As part of its mandate, Savvy is also set to invest USD 37.8 billion in the games industry.
WEMADE recently launched its new flagship game MIR M Global on January 31, which currently tops the ranks of video games in RPG category in multiple Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia. The partnership with Nine66 is one of the company’s latest moves in the region. In January, WEMADE announced the establishment of a subsidiary in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and plans to open another branch in MENA region and work with local projects and companies.
Thank you.
21 Feb 2023, 09:31
WEMIX telegram news 21 February 2023 09:31
21 Feb 2023, 09:31
WEMADE partners with Nine66 to further its footprint in Saudi Arabia
Medium article link :
WEMADE, the South Korean game developer, announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Nine66, a Savvy Games Group (“Savvy”) company, to drive the development of the gaming industry in Saudi Arabia.
Savvy’s long-term objective is to drive the long-term growth and development of the games and esports sectors in Saudi Arabia. The group consists of five independent entities covering areas such as game development, esports, investments and more.
Nine66 is committed to building and investing in the thriving gaming ecosystem in Saudi Arabia. Nine66 is driving growth and success in the region’s gaming industry through a range of initiatives and partnerships, such as publishing, incubator and accelerator programs, training and events, as well as supporting virtual and real-life game development communities.
Nine66 provides entrepreneurs and innovators in the games industry with everything they need to accelerate their work; everything they need to drive their business forward; and everything they need to deliver a real impact, that benefits everyone in the games community.
Saudi Arabia is already a leader in the Middle East’s gaming market, with over 80% of its 36 million population identifying as gamers. Recent government-led strategic initiatives are expected to have a positive impact on the Saudi gaming industry in the years to come.
WEMADE is one of the most well established South Korean gaming companies of over 22 years of history. The publicly traded company behind MMORPG “The Legend of Mir” series accumulated millions of users globally and has a growing userbase in the Middle East.
Through this partnership, WEMADE has committed to supporting the local gaming ecosystem by providing training and educational content, as well as collaborating with Saudi game developers.
Additionally, the partnership will explore various programs aimed at knowledge transfer, sponsorship of regional events, and expanding networks in the region to help grow the Saudi gaming industry and create new opportunities for developers and gamers alike.
The announcement comes as a follow up from official meetings during the LEAP Tech Conference that took place between February 6 to 9 in Riyadh. Over 170,000 participants and hundreds of speakers came together from multiple countries to the capital of Saudi Arabia, which saw leading tech companies partner with Saudi authorities to drive regional development on multiple fronts.
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 strategy has set in motion a set of initiatives as a national effort to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy. As part of its mandate, Savvy is also set to invest USD 37.8 billion in the games industry.
WEMADE recently launched its new flagship game MIR M Global on January 31, which currently tops the ranks of video games in RPG category in multiple Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia. The partnership with Nine66 is one of the company’s latest moves in the region. In January, WEMADE announced the establishment of a subsidiary in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and plans to open another branch in MENA region and work with local projects and companies.
Thank you.
WEMADE partners with Nine66 to further its footprint in Saudi Arabia. Medium article link :.
WEMADE partners with Nine66 to further its footprint in Saudi Arabia
Medium article link :
WEMADE, the South Korean game developer, announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Nine66, a Savvy Games Group (“Savvy”) company, to drive the development of the gaming industry in Saudi Arabia.
Savvy’s long-term objective is to drive the long-term growth and development of the games and esports sectors in Saudi Arabia. The group consists of five independent entities covering areas such as game development, esports, investments and more.
Nine66 is committed to building and investing in the thriving gaming ecosystem in Saudi Arabia. Nine66 is driving growth and success in the region’s gaming industry through a range of initiatives and partnerships, such as publishing, incubator and accelerator programs, training and events, as well as supporting virtual and real-life game development communities.
Nine66 provides entrepreneurs and innovators in the games industry with everything they need to accelerate their work; everything they need to drive their business forward; and everything they need to deliver a real impact, that benefits everyone in the games community.
Saudi Arabia is already a leader in the Middle East’s gaming market, with over 80% of its 36 million population identifying as gamers. Recent government-led strategic initiatives are expected to have a positive impact on the Saudi gaming industry in the years to come.
WEMADE is one of the most well established South Korean gaming companies of over 22 years of history. The publicly traded company behind MMORPG “The Legend of Mir” series accumulated millions of users globally and has a growing userbase in the Middle East.
Through this partnership, WEMADE has committed to supporting the local gaming ecosystem by providing training and educational content, as well as collaborating with Saudi game developers.
Additionally, the partnership will explore various programs aimed at knowledge transfer, sponsorship of regional events, and expanding networks in the region to help grow the Saudi gaming industry and create new opportunities for developers and gamers alike.
The announcement comes as a follow up from official meetings during the LEAP Tech Conference that took place between February 6 to 9 in Riyadh. Over 170,000 participants and hundreds of speakers came together from multiple countries to the capital of Saudi Arabia, which saw leading tech companies partner with Saudi authorities to drive regional development on multiple fronts.
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 strategy has set in motion a set of initiatives as a national effort to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy. As part of its mandate, Savvy is also set to invest USD 37.8 billion in the games industry.
WEMADE recently launched its new flagship game MIR M Global on January 31, which currently tops the ranks of video games in RPG category in multiple Middle Eastern countries including Saudi Arabia. The partnership with Nine66 is one of the company’s latest moves in the region. In January, WEMADE announced the establishment of a subsidiary in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates and plans to open another branch in MENA region and work with local projects and companies.
Thank you.
21 Feb 2023, 08:26
Transfer Disclosure (10,000 #WEMIX)
Medium Announcement :
- Amount : 10,000 WEMIX
- Purpose : Reward distribution of WEMIX for the's Lend & Borrow launch event
Transfer Disclosure (10,000 #WEMIX). Medium Announcement :. - Amount : 10,000 WEMIX.
Transfer Disclosure (10,000 #WEMIX)
Medium Announcement :
- Amount : 10,000 WEMIX
- Purpose : Reward distribution of WEMIX for the's Lend & Borrow launch event
21 Feb 2023, 08:22
Transfer Disclosure (10,000 WEMIX)
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
To celebrate the opening of Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX.Fi, First-come-first-serve commission fee support event was held last February 15th. The following WEMIX was sent to reward the winners of the event.
> WEMIX Transfer Stages
#1 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷ Event wallet (0x3c49…8e9b)
- Amount: 10,000 WEMIX
- TX Hash: 0x7426acfc751f5eef85875b8426d04f7120d6b90be8b3953140ed2f3e7747db89
#2 [Reward Distribution] Event Wallet (0x3c49…8e9b) ▷ Winners (Link)
- Amount: 10,000 WEMIX (1,000 winners X 10 WEMIX)
- TX Hash: Link
> WEMIX Transfer Details
- Amount: 10,000 WEMIX
- Purpose: Reward distribution of WEMIX for the WEMIX.Fi's Lend & Borrow launch event.
- Impact on Circulation: No changes in the circulation as the transfer is from the foundation wallet (in circulation) to event winners’ wallets (in circulation) for reward distribution.
We appreciate all who showed interest and have participated in the event. Please look forward to more services and events of WEMIX.Fi
Thank you.
Transfer Disclosure (10,000 WEMIX). WEMIX Medium Announcement:. To celebrate the opening of Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX.
Transfer Disclosure (10,000 WEMIX)
WEMIX Medium Announcement:
To celebrate the opening of Lend & Borrow service of WEMIX.Fi, First-come-first-serve commission fee support event was held last February 15th. The following WEMIX was sent to reward the winners of the event.
> WEMIX Transfer Stages
#1 [WEMIX Transfer] Circulation wallet (0x116c…8aAe) ▷ Event wallet (0x3c49…8e9b)
- Amount: 10,000 WEMIX
- TX Hash: 0x7426acfc751f5eef85875b8426d04f7120d6b90be8b3953140ed2f3e7747db89
#2 [Reward Distribution] Event Wallet (0x3c49…8e9b) ▷ Winners (Link)
- Amount: 10,000 WEMIX (1,000 winners X 10 WEMIX)
- TX Hash: Link
> WEMIX Transfer Details
- Amount: 10,000 WEMIX
- Purpose: Reward distribution of WEMIX for the WEMIX.Fi's Lend & Borrow launch event.
- Impact on Circulation: No changes in the circulation as the transfer is from the foundation wallet (in circulation) to event winners’ wallets (in circulation) for reward distribution.
We appreciate all who showed interest and have participated in the event. Please look forward to more services and events of WEMIX.Fi
Thank you.
21 Feb 2023, 06:08
플레이월렛 게임파이 메뉴 추가 및 개선 사전 안내
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
플레이월렛 내 게임파이 서비스의 편의성 증대을 위한 업데이트가 진행됩니다.
이번 업데이트를 통해 플레이월렛에서도 유동성 풀 이용 및 REFLECT 퓨전, 피전 운용이 가능해지며 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴에서 입력 토큰 전환 기능이 추가 되어 서비스 이용이 더욱 편리해집니다.
자세한 업데이트 내용은 아래를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.
[업데이트 일정]
- 2023년 2월 22일 (GMT+9)
[업데이트 상세 내용]
▶️ 게임파이 메뉴 추가
- 게임파이 메뉴 내 Pool과 REFLECT 메뉴 추가
* Pool 및 REFLECT 메뉴 선택 시 웹으로 이동됩니다.
▶️ 게임파이 토큰 교환 메뉴 서비스 개선
- 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴 내 From 통화와 To 통화의 전환(스위치) 기능 추가
[업데이트 마켓]
- 구글 플레이 스토어 :
- 애플 앱 스토어 :
플레이월렛 게임파이 메뉴 추가 및 개선 사전 안내. 위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다. 플레이월렛 내 게임파이 서비스의 편의성 증대을 위한 업데이트가 진행됩니다.
플레이월렛 게임파이 메뉴 추가 및 개선 사전 안내
위믹스 플레이 미디엄 :
안녕하세요. 위믹스팀입니다.
플레이월렛 내 게임파이 서비스의 편의성 증대을 위한 업데이트가 진행됩니다.
이번 업데이트를 통해 플레이월렛에서도 유동성 풀 이용 및 REFLECT 퓨전, 피전 운용이 가능해지며 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴에서 입력 토큰 전환 기능이 추가 되어 서비스 이용이 더욱 편리해집니다.
자세한 업데이트 내용은 아래를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.
[업데이트 일정]
- 2023년 2월 22일 (GMT+9)
[업데이트 상세 내용]
▶️ 게임파이 메뉴 추가
- 게임파이 메뉴 내 Pool과 REFLECT 메뉴 추가
* Pool 및 REFLECT 메뉴 선택 시 웹으로 이동됩니다.
▶️ 게임파이 토큰 교환 메뉴 서비스 개선
- 토큰 교환 수량 입력 메뉴 내 From 통화와 To 통화의 전환(스위치) 기능 추가
[업데이트 마켓]
- 구글 플레이 스토어 :
- 애플 앱 스토어 :
21 Feb 2023, 06:08
PLAY Wallet’s GameFi Menu Update Pre-Notice
PLAY wallet will be updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
Through this update, you will be able to use liquidiy pool, fusion/fission REFLECT token in the PLAY wallet as well.
Switch feature will be available in the input menu of the SWAP service to provide easier use.
Please be informed with the update details below.
[Update Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 22nd (GMT+9)
▶️ GameFi Menu Addition
- Pool and REFLECT menus will be added in the GameFi menu
* You will be transferred to the web when selecting Pool and REFLECT menu
▶️ GameFi Swap Service Enhancement
- Switching of From currency and To currency will be available in the input menu of Swap service.
[Update Markets]
- Google Play Store:
- Apple App Store:
Thank you.
PLAY Wallet's GameFi Menu Update Pre-Notice. WEMIX PLAY Medium:.
PLAY Wallet’s GameFi Menu Update Pre-Notice
PLAY wallet will be updated to expand its GameFi service convenience.
Through this update, you will be able to use liquidiy pool, fusion/fission REFLECT token in the PLAY wallet as well.
Switch feature will be available in the input menu of the SWAP service to provide easier use.
Please be informed with the update details below.
[Update Schedule]
- 2023, Feb. 22nd (GMT+9)
▶️ GameFi Menu Addition
- Pool and REFLECT menus will be added in the GameFi menu
* You will be transferred to the web when selecting Pool and REFLECT menu
▶️ GameFi Swap Service Enhancement
- Switching of From currency and To currency will be available in the input menu of Swap service.
[Update Markets]
- Google Play Store:
- Apple App Store:
Thank you.
21 Feb 2023, 06:08
WEMIX telegram news 21 February 2023 06:08