PLAY Wallet renewal open. Official WEMIX site announcement:.
14 Nov 2023, 07:58
PLAY Wallet renewal open
Official WEMIX site announcement:
Following the transformative evolution of WEMIX PLAY, the PLAY Wallet has been enhanced to be more intuitive and secure.
We anticipate that users will experience the expanded services of the WEMIX platform through the renewed PLAY Wallet.
Please refer to the information below to learn more about the renewed PLAY Wallet.
[Update Notes]
1. Token list
• An option to display only desired tokens has been added, enhancing the convenience of token exploration.
2. Improved swap functionality
• When swapping tokens across chains, users can now track each chain's swap process, providing a comprehensive view of their asset exchange at a glance.
※ Cross-chain swaps may fail depending on the slippage rate you have set.
※ Service and gas fees may be incurred when swapping tokens across chains.
3. Biometric authentication
• PLAY Wallet will utilize device-registered biometric authentication data to simplify password entry.
• To use the biometric authentication feature in the wallet, your biometric authentication data must be registered on your device.
• The PLAY Wallet does not save your biometric authentication data. It only uses it for authentication purposes.
• The PLAY Wallet uses the saved biometric authentication data in your device, and please take extra caution when exchanging your device.
• You can register your biometric authentication data through the Settings > Biometrics On/Off toggle button.
[Biometrics Support]
• iOS: Face ID, Fingerprint
• AOS: Fingerprint
[Update Schedule]
• November 14th, 2023 at 16:30 (GMT+9)
[Update Platforms]
• Google Play Store: Download Link
• Apple App Store: Download Link
[Additional Notes]
• Users are encouraged to update the PLAY Wallet application to the latest version through the respective app stores.
• The timing of updates on the store may vary by country.
• If the store update does not proceed, clear the cache of the store app and try again.
Thank you.
Same news in other sources
14 Nov 2023, 08:46
🌟 Grab your tickets now for WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023!
Secure your exclusive ticket NFTs NOW through #NILE and experience the world's first blockchain-based sports extravaganza!
New to blockchain? Worry not! Online and on-site ticket sales via “THE MON SPORTS” are available! 🎟️…
Grab your tickets now for WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023.
🌟 Grab your tickets now for WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023!
Secure your exclusive ticket NFTs NOW through #NILE and experience the world's first blockchain-based sports extravaganza!
New to blockchain? Worry not! Online and on-site ticket sales via “THE MON SPORTS” are available! 🎟️…
14 Nov 2023, 08:19
위믹스 챔피언십 2023 티켓 NFT, 오프체인 판매 안내
위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문:
안녕하세요. NILE 팀입니다.
위메이드가 개최하는 세계 최초 블록체인 기반 스포츠 대회인 “위믹스 챔피언십 2023(WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023)”이 다가오는 토요일을 시작으로 양일간(11월 18일~19일) 개최됩니다.
위믹스 챔피언십 티켓은 현재 NILE을 통해 단독 판매되고 있으나, 블록체인이 익숙하지 않으신 분들을 위해 다양한 구매 방법을 제공해드리고자 오프체인 판매로 확장하여 진행합니다.
오프체인 판매는 대회 운영 대행사인 ‘더몬스포츠'를 통해 신용카드 또는 간편 결제, 현금으로 손쉽게 결제하실 수 있는 방식의 온라인 및 현장 판매로 진행됩니다.
이에 따라 금일 대행사를 통한 온라인 및 현장 판매를 위한 티켓 NFT의 재고 확보가 완료되어 NILE 마켓플레이스 내 모든 권종의 티켓이 판매 완료(Sold Out) 표기되었습니다.
이는 실제 판매 완료 상태가 아닌, 단순히 NILE 마켓플레이스 내 판매 재고가 소진되었음을 의미하며 NILE 팀이 확보한 티켓 NFT는 ‘더몬스포츠'를 통해 온라인 또는 현장에서 구매하실 수 있습니다.
티켓 NFT는 ‘더몬스포츠'를 통해 대회 당일까지 판매되며, 판매 완료 시 별도의 공지를 통해 안내해 드릴 예정입니다.
[티켓 NFT 판매 안내]
티켓 NFT 판매 가격은 위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
1. 온라인 판매
• 더몬스포츠 사이트에서 카드 결제 또는 간편 결제를 통해 티켓을 구매하실 수 있습니다.
• 티켓 NFT 구매 단계에서 위믹스 월렛 지갑 주소를 입력하시면 해당 지갑 주소로 티켓 NFT가 전송됩니다.
• 티켓 NFT 구매 페이지 :
2. 현장 판매
• 11월 18일(토)~11월 19일(일), 본 대회 당일 현장 매표소에서 지류 티켓 또는 티켓 NFT를 구매하실 수 있습니다.
※ 입장 당일 구매하신 티켓은 취소 및 환불이 불가합니다.
> 위믹스 챔피언십 :
> NILE :
위믹스 챔피언십 2023 티켓 NFT, 오프체인 판매 안내. 위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문:. 안녕하세요. NILE 팀입니다.
위믹스 챔피언십 2023 티켓 NFT, 오프체인 판매 안내
위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문:
안녕하세요. NILE 팀입니다.
위메이드가 개최하는 세계 최초 블록체인 기반 스포츠 대회인 “위믹스 챔피언십 2023(WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023)”이 다가오는 토요일을 시작으로 양일간(11월 18일~19일) 개최됩니다.
위믹스 챔피언십 티켓은 현재 NILE을 통해 단독 판매되고 있으나, 블록체인이 익숙하지 않으신 분들을 위해 다양한 구매 방법을 제공해드리고자 오프체인 판매로 확장하여 진행합니다.
오프체인 판매는 대회 운영 대행사인 ‘더몬스포츠'를 통해 신용카드 또는 간편 결제, 현금으로 손쉽게 결제하실 수 있는 방식의 온라인 및 현장 판매로 진행됩니다.
이에 따라 금일 대행사를 통한 온라인 및 현장 판매를 위한 티켓 NFT의 재고 확보가 완료되어 NILE 마켓플레이스 내 모든 권종의 티켓이 판매 완료(Sold Out) 표기되었습니다.
이는 실제 판매 완료 상태가 아닌, 단순히 NILE 마켓플레이스 내 판매 재고가 소진되었음을 의미하며 NILE 팀이 확보한 티켓 NFT는 ‘더몬스포츠'를 통해 온라인 또는 현장에서 구매하실 수 있습니다.
티켓 NFT는 ‘더몬스포츠'를 통해 대회 당일까지 판매되며, 판매 완료 시 별도의 공지를 통해 안내해 드릴 예정입니다.
[티켓 NFT 판매 안내]
티켓 NFT 판매 가격은 위믹스 오피셜 사이트 본문에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
1. 온라인 판매
• 더몬스포츠 사이트에서 카드 결제 또는 간편 결제를 통해 티켓을 구매하실 수 있습니다.
• 티켓 NFT 구매 단계에서 위믹스 월렛 지갑 주소를 입력하시면 해당 지갑 주소로 티켓 NFT가 전송됩니다.
• 티켓 NFT 구매 페이지 :
2. 현장 판매
• 11월 18일(토)~11월 19일(일), 본 대회 당일 현장 매표소에서 지류 티켓 또는 티켓 NFT를 구매하실 수 있습니다.
※ 입장 당일 구매하신 티켓은 취소 및 환불이 불가합니다.
> 위믹스 챔피언십 :
> NILE :
14 Nov 2023, 08:18
WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 Ticket NFT, off-chain sales
Official WEMIX site announcement:
The upcoming “WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023,” the world’s first blockchain-based sports competition hosted by WEMADE, will take place over two days, commencing this Saturday and culminating on Sunday (November 18th to 19th).
While the event tickets are currently exclusively sold through NILE, we understand that blockchain may be unfamiliar to some individuals. After much deliberation on alternative purchasing options, we have expanded ticket sales off-chain to accommodate everyone.
Off-chain sales will be facilitated through the event management agency, “THE MON SPORTS,” allowing for easy online and on-site payment via credit card, simple payment method, or cash.
In light of this, as of today, the procurement of ticket NFTs for both online and on-site sales through the agency has been completed. All ticket categories are now denoted as “Sold Out” within the NILE Marketplace.
Notably, this designation pertains solely to the depletion of available stock within the NILE Marketplace and doesn’t signify the actual sold-out status. The ticket NFTs secured by the NILE team can still be purchased online or on-site via “THE MON SPORTS.”
Ticket NFTs will be sold until the event through “THE MON SPORTS.” Upon depletion of the available inventory, we will provide further guidance through a separate announcement.
[Ticket NFT Sales Details]
Please take a look at the official WEMIX site announcement for the ticket NFT sales details.
1. Online sales
• Purchase tickets on THE MON SPORTS website via credit card or simple payments.
• Enter your WEMIX Wallet address during the ticket NFT purchase process, and the NFT will be transferred to the respective wallet address.
• Ticket NFT purchase page:
※ The above site is Korean only. No other languages are supported at this moment.
2. On-site sales
• You can purchase paper tickets or ticket NFTs at the on-site ticket booth from Nov. 18th to Nov. 19th.
※ Please note that tickets bought on the day of entry are non-refundable and non-cancelable.
Thank you.
WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 Ticket NFT, off-chain sales. Official WEMIX site announcement:.
WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 Ticket NFT, off-chain sales
Official WEMIX site announcement:
The upcoming “WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023,” the world’s first blockchain-based sports competition hosted by WEMADE, will take place over two days, commencing this Saturday and culminating on Sunday (November 18th to 19th).
While the event tickets are currently exclusively sold through NILE, we understand that blockchain may be unfamiliar to some individuals. After much deliberation on alternative purchasing options, we have expanded ticket sales off-chain to accommodate everyone.
Off-chain sales will be facilitated through the event management agency, “THE MON SPORTS,” allowing for easy online and on-site payment via credit card, simple payment method, or cash.
In light of this, as of today, the procurement of ticket NFTs for both online and on-site sales through the agency has been completed. All ticket categories are now denoted as “Sold Out” within the NILE Marketplace.
Notably, this designation pertains solely to the depletion of available stock within the NILE Marketplace and doesn’t signify the actual sold-out status. The ticket NFTs secured by the NILE team can still be purchased online or on-site via “THE MON SPORTS.”
Ticket NFTs will be sold until the event through “THE MON SPORTS.” Upon depletion of the available inventory, we will provide further guidance through a separate announcement.
[Ticket NFT Sales Details]
Please take a look at the official WEMIX site announcement for the ticket NFT sales details.
1. Online sales
• Purchase tickets on THE MON SPORTS website via credit card or simple payments.
• Enter your WEMIX Wallet address during the ticket NFT purchase process, and the NFT will be transferred to the respective wallet address.
• Ticket NFT purchase page:
※ The above site is Korean only. No other languages are supported at this moment.
2. On-site sales
• You can purchase paper tickets or ticket NFTs at the on-site ticket booth from Nov. 18th to Nov. 19th.
※ Please note that tickets bought on the day of entry are non-refundable and non-cancelable.
Thank you.
14 Nov 2023, 08:18
telegram news 14 November 2023 08:18
14 Nov 2023, 08:18
WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 Ticket NFT, off-chain sales
Official WEMIX site announcement:
The upcoming “WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023,” the world’s first blockchain-based sports competition hosted by WEMADE, will take place over two days, commencing this Saturday and culminating on Sunday (November 18th to 19th).
While the event tickets are currently exclusively sold through NILE, we understand that blockchain may be unfamiliar to some individuals. After much deliberation on alternative purchasing options, we have expanded ticket sales off-chain to accommodate everyone.
Off-chain sales will be facilitated through the event management agency, “THE MON SPORTS,” allowing for easy online and on-site payment via credit card, simple payment method, or cash.
In light of this, as of today, the procurement of ticket NFTs for both online and on-site sales through the agency has been completed. All ticket categories are now denoted as “Sold Out” within the NILE Marketplace.
Notably, this designation pertains solely to the depletion of available stock within the NILE Marketplace and doesn’t signify the actual sold-out status. The ticket NFTs secured by the NILE team can still be purchased online or on-site via “THE MON SPORTS.”
Ticket NFTs will be sold until the event through “THE MON SPORTS.” Upon depletion of the available inventory, we will provide further guidance through a separate announcement.
[Ticket NFT Sales Details]
Please take a look at the official WEMIX site announcement for the ticket NFT sales details.
1. Online sales
• Purchase tickets on THE MON SPORTS website via credit card or simple payments.
• Enter your WEMIX Wallet address during the ticket NFT purchase process, and the NFT will be transferred to the respective wallet address.
• Ticket NFT purchase page:
※ The above site is Korean only. No other languages are supported at this moment.
2. On-site sales
• You can purchase paper tickets or ticket NFTs at the on-site ticket booth from Nov. 18th to Nov. 19th.
※ Please note that tickets bought on the day of entry are non-refundable and non-cancelable.
Thank you.
WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 Ticket NFT, off-chain sales. Official WEMIX site announcement:.
WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023 Ticket NFT, off-chain sales
Official WEMIX site announcement:
The upcoming “WEMIX CHAMPIONSHIP 2023,” the world’s first blockchain-based sports competition hosted by WEMADE, will take place over two days, commencing this Saturday and culminating on Sunday (November 18th to 19th).
While the event tickets are currently exclusively sold through NILE, we understand that blockchain may be unfamiliar to some individuals. After much deliberation on alternative purchasing options, we have expanded ticket sales off-chain to accommodate everyone.
Off-chain sales will be facilitated through the event management agency, “THE MON SPORTS,” allowing for easy online and on-site payment via credit card, simple payment method, or cash.
In light of this, as of today, the procurement of ticket NFTs for both online and on-site sales through the agency has been completed. All ticket categories are now denoted as “Sold Out” within the NILE Marketplace.
Notably, this designation pertains solely to the depletion of available stock within the NILE Marketplace and doesn’t signify the actual sold-out status. The ticket NFTs secured by the NILE team can still be purchased online or on-site via “THE MON SPORTS.”
Ticket NFTs will be sold until the event through “THE MON SPORTS.” Upon depletion of the available inventory, we will provide further guidance through a separate announcement.
[Ticket NFT Sales Details]
Please take a look at the official WEMIX site announcement for the ticket NFT sales details.
1. Online sales
• Purchase tickets on THE MON SPORTS website via credit card or simple payments.
• Enter your WEMIX Wallet address during the ticket NFT purchase process, and the NFT will be transferred to the respective wallet address.
• Ticket NFT purchase page:
※ The above site is Korean only. No other languages are supported at this moment.
2. On-site sales
• You can purchase paper tickets or ticket NFTs at the on-site ticket booth from Nov. 18th to Nov. 19th.
※ Please note that tickets bought on the day of entry are non-refundable and non-cancelable.
Thank you.
14 Nov 2023, 08:13
🚀 Exciting News! 🌐 Introducing the revamped PLAY Wallet!
A seamless blend of intuition and security amplifies your #WEMIXPLAY experience. Explore tokens with convenience, track cross-chain swaps, and enjoy simplified password signing with biometric authentication. Update your…
Exciting News. Introducing the revamped PLAY Wallet.
🚀 Exciting News! 🌐 Introducing the revamped PLAY Wallet!
A seamless blend of intuition and security amplifies your #WEMIXPLAY experience. Explore tokens with convenience, track cross-chain swaps, and enjoy simplified password signing with biometric authentication. Update your…