Navy Crypto Field's Global Service Now Opens. Official WEMIX site announcement:.

29 Jun 2023, 09:56
Navy Crypto Field’s Global Service Now Opens! Official WEMIX site announcement: We are thrilled to announce that the global launch of Navy Crypto Field has officially begun! Return of the legendary warships! From the historical war to the online PvP, Navy Crypto Field has everything it takes to surprise our players with the global launch! Pick your own warship among the warships from World War 2 and fight against the force of evil with your clan to claim victory in various battles. You can also customize your own design of warships. For more information about the Navy Crypto Field Global Service, please check the following links below. [Opening Schedule] June 29th, 2023 at 18:30 (GMT+9) [WEMIX PLAY Official Page] [Supported Languages and Countries] Countries: All but South Korea/China/Singapore Language: English/Chinese (simplified, traditional)/Korean/Japanese/Indonesian/Vietnamese/German/Spanish/Portuguese/Russian Please send your game related inquiries to the email address below. Inquiry: Once again, we’d like to thank you for your support for the “Navy Crypto Field” and hope you stay tuned for upcoming updates and news.