가처분 신청 기각에 따른 계획. 안녕하세요, 위믹스팀입니다.
07 Dec 2022, 12:57
가처분 신청 기각에 따른 계획
안녕하세요, 위믹스팀입니다.
모든 입장을 밝히기 전에 먼저, 위믹스의 유의종목 지정, 거래지원 종료, 그리고 오늘의 가처분 신청 기각까지 계속 믿음과 지지를 보내주고 있는 커뮤니티와 투자자분들께 실망감을 드리는 점 고개숙여 사과드립니다.
위믹스는 지난 10월 27일 한국 디지털자산거래소 공동협의체(이하, DAXA)로부터 유통 계획량과 실제 거래량이 차이가 있음을 이유로 투자유의 종목으로 지정됐으며, 팀은 이를 해제하고자 적극 소명하여 왔습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 지난 11월 24일 DAXA에 의해 위믹스에 대한 거래지원 종료결정이 내려졌습니다. 위믹스팀은 DAXA의 해당 결정에 대해 불복하고, 위믹스와 커뮤니티/투자자들을 위한 효력정지 가처분 신청을 법원에 제기하였습니다.
법원은 12월 7일 오늘 위믹스의 가처분 신청에 대해 기각하였습니다. 법원의 결정은 존중되어야 하기에 재단은 가처분 신청 기각에 대해 받아들이되, 위믹스의 신뢰회복과 정상화를 위해 계획된 일들이 차질없이 진행될 수 있도록 하겠습니다.
먼저, 12월 8일 15시를 기해 4개의 거래소에서 거래지원이 종료되는만큼 투자자들이 보유한 위믹스가 무사히 출금되어 WEMIX.Fi를 비롯한 탈중앙화거래소에서 안정적으로 거래될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 거래지원 종료는 내일입니다만, 보유하신 위믹스클래식에 대한 출금기한은 약 30일 이후이므로 해당 기간동안 다양한 출금 경로를 안내해 드리겠습니다.
또한, 이번에 거래지원을 종료하는 국내 4개 거래소 이외의 국내 거래소에서 위믹스 거래를 지원할 수 있도록 준비 중에 있으며, 동시에 새로운 해외 거래소의 상장을 추진 중에 있습니다. 더 많은 거래소에서 위믹스의 거래지원이 이루어질 수 있도록 속도를 내도록 하겠습니다.
더욱 중요한 사업의 전개와 에코시스템의 구축에 있어서는 좌절하지 않고 계획된대로 차질 없이 수행하겠습니다.
또한, 법적으로 대응할 수 있는 후속조치 및 국내 위믹스의 부정적 정서에 대해 지치지 않고 프로젝트의 투명성과 신뢰성을 알리기 위한 노력도 멈추지 않고 진행하겠습니다.
무엇보다 현재 가장 중요한 건, 투자자분들이 보유하신 위믹스와 위믹스클래식이 거래되고 안전하게 보관될 수 있는 다른 거래소와 탈중앙화금융 플랫폼을 안내하는게 우선인만큼 지금부터 준비되는대로 공지하도록 하겠습니다.
(향후 계획에 좀더 초점을 맞추기 위해서 수정해서 재업로드합니다.)
Same news in other sources
07 Dec 2022, 12:58
Plan of Action following the Injunction Rejection
Prior to asserting our official stance on the recent matter, we would like to extend our sincere apology for the disappointment felt by our community members and investors who have continued to support WEMIX through the turmoil from being flagged with “Investment Warning” to the termination of transaction support for WEMIX and the court’s decision today in injunction rejection.
WEMIX was flagged with an “Investment Warning” by the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) on October 27, 2022 based on the claim that there was a difference in expected circulating supply and the actual circulating supply of WEMIX. The WEMIX team has, since then, worked towards resolving the situation and removing the “Investment Warning” flag. Nevertheless, on November 24th, the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) unilaterally decided to terminate transaction support for WEMIX. In response, the WEMIX team has filed an injunction through the court to appeal against the unilateral decision made by DAXA.
The court rejected the injunction on December 7th. The court's decision should be respected, and therefore, the foundation will acknowledge the rejection of the injunction and we will make sure that all measures and policies planned for the restoration and normalization of our community’s trust toward WEMIX to be implemented and reinforced.
First of all, as transaction support for WEMIX is planned to be terminated at 15:00 on December 8, we will ensure that WEMIX held by investors can be safely withdrawn and traded on decentralized exchanges including our native platform; WEMIX.Fi. The termination of the transaction support is tomorrow, but the withdrawal deadline for WEMIX Classic will be available for approximately 30 days from the transaction support termination date. As such, we will guide you through various withdrawal routes during this period.
We are also preparing to list WEMIX onto exchanges aside from the four DAXA member exchanges in Korea, while also working towards listing WEMIX on global exchanges. We will focus our efforts in accelerating all necessary processes in order to expand the coverage of WEMIX transactions via exchanges.
In the development of more important businesses and the successful establishment of our ecosystem, we will not be disappointed and will continue to carry out as planned without being obstructed.
Furthermore, we will continue to make efforts to inform our community through improved transparency and reliability of the project and work towards facilitating follow-up legal measures even in the midst of negative affectivity and viewpoint toward WEMIX.
Above all else, provisions on secure management and trading of WEMIX as well as WEMIX Classic through both CEX(Centralized Exchange) and DEX(Decentralized Exchange) is our priority and we will prepare details in facilitating this need for our community and investors as promptly as we can through follow up announcements.
WEMIX team
(To focus more on future plans, we have updated the announcement and re-uploaded.)
Plan of Action following the Injunction Rejection.
Plan of Action following the Injunction Rejection
Prior to asserting our official stance on the recent matter, we would like to extend our sincere apology for the disappointment felt by our community members and investors who have continued to support WEMIX through the turmoil from being flagged with “Investment Warning” to the termination of transaction support for WEMIX and the court’s decision today in injunction rejection.
WEMIX was flagged with an “Investment Warning” by the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) on October 27, 2022 based on the claim that there was a difference in expected circulating supply and the actual circulating supply of WEMIX. The WEMIX team has, since then, worked towards resolving the situation and removing the “Investment Warning” flag. Nevertheless, on November 24th, the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) unilaterally decided to terminate transaction support for WEMIX. In response, the WEMIX team has filed an injunction through the court to appeal against the unilateral decision made by DAXA.
The court rejected the injunction on December 7th. The court's decision should be respected, and therefore, the foundation will acknowledge the rejection of the injunction and we will make sure that all measures and policies planned for the restoration and normalization of our community’s trust toward WEMIX to be implemented and reinforced.
First of all, as transaction support for WEMIX is planned to be terminated at 15:00 on December 8, we will ensure that WEMIX held by investors can be safely withdrawn and traded on decentralized exchanges including our native platform; WEMIX.Fi. The termination of the transaction support is tomorrow, but the withdrawal deadline for WEMIX Classic will be available for approximately 30 days from the transaction support termination date. As such, we will guide you through various withdrawal routes during this period.
We are also preparing to list WEMIX onto exchanges aside from the four DAXA member exchanges in Korea, while also working towards listing WEMIX on global exchanges. We will focus our efforts in accelerating all necessary processes in order to expand the coverage of WEMIX transactions via exchanges.
In the development of more important businesses and the successful establishment of our ecosystem, we will not be disappointed and will continue to carry out as planned without being obstructed.
Furthermore, we will continue to make efforts to inform our community through improved transparency and reliability of the project and work towards facilitating follow-up legal measures even in the midst of negative affectivity and viewpoint toward WEMIX.
Above all else, provisions on secure management and trading of WEMIX as well as WEMIX Classic through both CEX(Centralized Exchange) and DEX(Decentralized Exchange) is our priority and we will prepare details in facilitating this need for our community and investors as promptly as we can through follow up announcements.
WEMIX team
(To focus more on future plans, we have updated the announcement and re-uploaded.)
07 Dec 2022, 12:58
Plan of Action following the Injunction Rejection
Prior to asserting our official stance on the recent matter, we would like to extend our sincere apology for the disappointment felt by our community members and investors who have continued to support WEMIX through the turmoil from being flagged with “Investment Warning” to the termination of transaction support for WEMIX and the court’s decision today in injunction rejection.
WEMIX was flagged with an “Investment Warning” by the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) on October 27, 2022 based on the claim that there was a difference in expected circulating supply and the actual circulating supply of WEMIX. The WEMIX team has, since then, worked towards resolving the situation and removing the “Investment Warning” flag. Nevertheless, on November 24th, the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) unilaterally decided to terminate transaction support for WEMIX. In response, the WEMIX team has filed an injunction through the court to appeal against the unilateral decision made by DAXA.
The court rejected the injunction on December 7th. The court's decision should be respected, and therefore, the foundation will acknowledge the rejection of the injunction and we will make sure that all measures and policies planned for the restoration and normalization of our community’s trust toward WEMIX to be implemented and reinforced.
First of all, as transaction support for WEMIX is planned to be terminated at 15:00 on December 8, we will ensure that WEMIX held by investors can be safely withdrawn and traded on decentralized exchanges including our native platform; WEMIX.Fi. The termination of the transaction support is tomorrow, but the withdrawal deadline for WEMIX Classic will be available for approximately 30 days from the transaction support termination date. As such, we will guide you through various withdrawal routes during this period.
We are also preparing to list WEMIX onto exchanges aside from the four DAXA member exchanges in Korea, while also working towards listing WEMIX on global exchanges. We will focus our efforts in accelerating all necessary processes in order to expand the coverage of WEMIX transactions via exchanges.
In the development of more important businesses and the successful establishment of our ecosystem, we will not be disappointed and will continue to carry out as planned without being obstructed.
Furthermore, we will continue to make efforts to inform our community through improved transparency and reliability of the project and work towards facilitating follow-up legal measures even in the midst of negative affectivity and viewpoint toward WEMIX.
Above all else, provisions on secure management and trading of WEMIX as well as WEMIX Classic through both CEX(Centralized Exchange) and DEX(Decentralized Exchange) is our priority and we will prepare details in facilitating this need for our community and investors as promptly as we can through follow up announcements.
WEMIX team
(To focus more on future plans, we have updated the announcement and re-uploaded.)
Plan of Action following the Injunction Rejection.
Plan of Action following the Injunction Rejection
Prior to asserting our official stance on the recent matter, we would like to extend our sincere apology for the disappointment felt by our community members and investors who have continued to support WEMIX through the turmoil from being flagged with “Investment Warning” to the termination of transaction support for WEMIX and the court’s decision today in injunction rejection.
WEMIX was flagged with an “Investment Warning” by the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) on October 27, 2022 based on the claim that there was a difference in expected circulating supply and the actual circulating supply of WEMIX. The WEMIX team has, since then, worked towards resolving the situation and removing the “Investment Warning” flag. Nevertheless, on November 24th, the Digital Asset eXchange Alliance(DAXA) unilaterally decided to terminate transaction support for WEMIX. In response, the WEMIX team has filed an injunction through the court to appeal against the unilateral decision made by DAXA.
The court rejected the injunction on December 7th. The court's decision should be respected, and therefore, the foundation will acknowledge the rejection of the injunction and we will make sure that all measures and policies planned for the restoration and normalization of our community’s trust toward WEMIX to be implemented and reinforced.
First of all, as transaction support for WEMIX is planned to be terminated at 15:00 on December 8, we will ensure that WEMIX held by investors can be safely withdrawn and traded on decentralized exchanges including our native platform; WEMIX.Fi. The termination of the transaction support is tomorrow, but the withdrawal deadline for WEMIX Classic will be available for approximately 30 days from the transaction support termination date. As such, we will guide you through various withdrawal routes during this period.
We are also preparing to list WEMIX onto exchanges aside from the four DAXA member exchanges in Korea, while also working towards listing WEMIX on global exchanges. We will focus our efforts in accelerating all necessary processes in order to expand the coverage of WEMIX transactions via exchanges.
In the development of more important businesses and the successful establishment of our ecosystem, we will not be disappointed and will continue to carry out as planned without being obstructed.
Furthermore, we will continue to make efforts to inform our community through improved transparency and reliability of the project and work towards facilitating follow-up legal measures even in the midst of negative affectivity and viewpoint toward WEMIX.
Above all else, provisions on secure management and trading of WEMIX as well as WEMIX Classic through both CEX(Centralized Exchange) and DEX(Decentralized Exchange) is our priority and we will prepare details in facilitating this need for our community and investors as promptly as we can through follow up announcements.
WEMIX team
(To focus more on future plans, we have updated the announcement and re-uploaded.)