#Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for #WEMIX Coin Migration. Medium Announcement :. Bybit Announcement :.

17 Jan 2023, 06:29
#Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for #WEMIX Coin Migration Medium Announcement : Bybit Announcement : Deposit/Withdrawal suspended from : Jan. 16th, 2023, 11:00 (UTC) Stay tuned for further WEMIX migration updates!

Same news in other sources

18 Jan 2023, 05:00
#WEMIX Coin listing on #BitMart Exchange Medium Announcement : - Exchange : BitMart - Market : WEMIX/USDT - Coin : WEMIX - Trading available starting from Jan. 19th 2023, 03:00 (UTC)
#WEMIX Coin listing on #BitMart Exchange. Medium Announcement :. - Exchange : BitMart. - Market : WEMIX/USDT. - Coin : WEMIX.
#WEMIX Coin listing on #BitMart Exchange Medium Announcement : https://t.co/4DH9qyJ8Fp - Exchange : BitMart - Market : WEMIX/USDT - Coin : WEMIX - Trading available starting from Jan. 19th 2023, 03:00 (UTC)
17 Jan 2023, 06:29
Bybit 거래소의 위믹스 코인 마이그레이션 관련 입출금 일정을 공지합니다. 위믹스 미디엄 공지 : 안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다. 위믹스 투자자들과 커뮤니티에게 보다 원활한 위믹스 거래 환경을 제공하기 위해 위믹스 지원 거래소와 논의하여 위믹스3.0 마이그레이션 작업을 계속 이어나가고 있습니다. 금일 글로벌 가상화폐 거래소인 Bybit 거래소에서 위믹스 코인 마이그레이션 관련 입출금 일정을 안내 드립니다. 1. 거래소 : Bybit 2. 입출금 중지 일정 : 2023년 01월 16일 11:00 (UTC) 3. 대상 토큰 : WEMIX Classic 4. 공지 링크 : 이용자분들의 편의를 위해 거래소의 위믹스 마이그레이션 소식은 지속적으로 안내될 예정이오니 참고하여 주세요. 많은 변화와 새로운 비전이 펼쳐질 위믹스3.0 메인넷을 기대해주세요. 감사합니다.
Bybit 거래소의 위믹스 코인 마이그레이션 관련 입출금 일정을 공지합니다. 위믹스 미디엄 공지 :. 안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다.
Bybit 거래소의 위믹스 코인 마이그레이션 관련 입출금 일정을 공지합니다. 위믹스 미디엄 공지 : https://medium.com/wemix-communication/bybit-exchanges-deposit-withdrawal-schedule-for-wemix-coin-migration-d4fcb71157a4 안녕하세요. 위믹스 팀입니다.  위믹스 투자자들과 커뮤니티에게 보다 원활한 위믹스 거래 환경을 제공하기 위해 위믹스 지원 거래소와 논의하여 위믹스3.0 마이그레이션 작업을 계속 이어나가고 있습니다.   금일 글로벌 가상화폐 거래소인 Bybit 거래소에서 위믹스 코인 마이그레이션 관련 입출금 일정을 안내 드립니다. 1. 거래소 : Bybit 2. 입출금 중지 일정 :  2023년 01월 16일 11:00 (UTC) 3. 대상 토큰 : WEMIX Classic  4. 공지 링크 : https://announcements.bybit.com/article/bybit-to-support-wemix-migration-to-its-mainnet-bltaedc9cbc39bdca93/ 이용자분들의 편의를 위해 거래소의 위믹스 마이그레이션 소식은 지속적으로 안내될 예정이오니 참고하여 주세요.  많은 변화와 새로운 비전이 펼쳐질 위믹스3.0 메인넷을 기대해주세요. 감사합니다.
17 Jan 2023, 06:29
Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for WEMIX Coin Migration WEMIX Medium Announcement : To provide the WEMIX investors and the community an enhanced transaction environment, the WEMIX3.0 migration is currently in progress through active discussion with WEMIX-supporting exchanges. We would like to inform that Bybit Exchange has made the following announcement regarding the deposit/withdrawal schedule of WEMIX Coin migration: 1. Exchange : Bybit 2. Deposit/Withdrawal Suspension Schedule : Jan. 16th, 2023, 11:00 (UTC) 3. Token : WEMIX Classic 4. Announcement Link : The WEMIX Team will keep you updated on WEMIX migration at exchanges for user convenience. Various transitions and new visions of WEMIX3.0 Mainnet await you, so stay tuned! Thank you.
Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for WEMIX Coin Migration. WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for WEMIX Coin Migration WEMIX Medium Announcement :  https://medium.com/wemix-communication/bybit-exchanges-deposit-withdrawal-schedule-for-wemix-coin-migration-d4fcb71157a4 To provide the WEMIX investors and the community an enhanced transaction environment, the WEMIX3.0 migration is currently in progress through active discussion with WEMIX-supporting exchanges. We would like to inform that Bybit Exchange has made the following announcement regarding the deposit/withdrawal schedule of WEMIX Coin migration:  1. Exchange : Bybit 2. Deposit/Withdrawal Suspension Schedule : Jan. 16th, 2023, 11:00 (UTC) 3. Token : WEMIX Classic 4. Announcement Link : https://announcements.bybit.com/article/bybit-to-support-wemix-migration-to-its-mainnet-bltaedc9cbc39bdca93 The WEMIX Team will keep you updated on WEMIX migration at exchanges for user convenience.  Various transitions and new visions of WEMIX3.0 Mainnet await you, so stay tuned! Thank you.
17 Jan 2023, 06:29
Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for WEMIX Coin Migration WEMIX Medium Announcement : To provide the WEMIX investors and the community an enhanced transaction environment, the WEMIX3.0 migration is currently in progress through active discussion with WEMIX-supporting exchanges. We would like to inform that Bybit Exchange has made the following announcement regarding the deposit/withdrawal schedule of WEMIX Coin migration: 1. Exchange : Bybit 2. Deposit/Withdrawal Suspension Schedule : Jan. 16th, 2023, 11:00 (UTC) 3. Token : WEMIX Classic 4. Announcement Link : The WEMIX Team will keep you updated on WEMIX migration at exchanges for user convenience. Various transitions and new visions of WEMIX3.0 Mainnet await you, so stay tuned! Thank you.
Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for WEMIX Coin Migration. WEMIX Medium Announcement :.
Bybit Exchange's Deposit/Withdrawal Schedule for WEMIX Coin Migration WEMIX Medium Announcement :  https://medium.com/wemix-communication/bybit-exchanges-deposit-withdrawal-schedule-for-wemix-coin-migration-d4fcb71157a4 To provide the WEMIX investors and the community an enhanced transaction environment, the WEMIX3.0 migration is currently in progress through active discussion with WEMIX-supporting exchanges. We would like to inform that Bybit Exchange has made the following announcement regarding the deposit/withdrawal schedule of WEMIX Coin migration:  1. Exchange : Bybit 2. Deposit/Withdrawal Suspension Schedule : Jan. 16th, 2023, 11:00 (UTC) 3. Token : WEMIX Classic 4. Announcement Link : https://announcements.bybit.com/article/bybit-to-support-wemix-migration-to-its-mainnet-bltaedc9cbc39bdca93 The WEMIX Team will keep you updated on WEMIX migration at exchanges for user convenience.  Various transitions and new visions of WEMIX3.0 Mainnet await you, so stay tuned! Thank you.